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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:74 题号:19645282

Born in Beijing in 1981, Qi Haonan graduated from the capital’s North China University of Technology in 2004, majoring in mechanical automation. Qi said that when he heard there was a job opening at the Palace Museum, he decided to apply, adding that visiting the museum’s gallery of clocks built up his decision. “These timepieces opened my mind to clocks. They are mechanical wonders combining technology and art,” he said.

In 2005, he joined the cultural relics restoration department at the Palace Museum, becoming a student of Wang, the museum’s third generation watchmaker. “In the beginning, everything in the palace was fresh to me. It made me excited to even think about repairing old-fashioned clocks,” Qi said. But reality soon dampened his passion. There is ad rule for apprentices: For the first year, you can look, but don’t touch.

From 8 am to 5 pm every day for that first year, Qi checked and took apart watches and clocks collected from friends to practice finding problems. It took him a year of this repetitive routine before he could finally get his hands on the small French clock in the museum. “It is ad job that requires extreme patience, because clock restoration is a very long and careful process,” he said, adding that it is clear evidence of the old saying “haste makes waste” and, in this case, haste can do a great deal of damage.

Although the old clock repairing techniques at the Palace Museum were listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2014, it was a little-known skill and in short supply of career practitioners before 2016, when three-part TV documentary, Masters in the Forbidden City, made the profession known to the nation. Qi didn’t expect that the documentary would make that profession cause a stir. As a result, in 2017, Qi got two apprentices and Wang got three.

1. What eventually made Qi decide to apply for the job?
A.The clock’s unique design.
B.His desire to broaden his eyes.
C.The combination between technology and art.
D.His paying a visit to the clocks’ gallery in the museum.
2. Which can best replace the underlined word “dampened” in paragraph 2?
3. What can we learn from paragraph 3?
A.Repairing clocks is a demanding job.B.Qi had no access to any clock in 2005.
C.Qi often repaired clocks with his friends.D.Damages never happen during repairing.
4. How did Qi feel about the documentary?
【知识点】 文化保护 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I have never forgotten the firm belief I had in the arrival through the chimney (烟囱) of the little Santa Claus (圣诞老人), the kind, white-bearded old man who at midnight left in my tiny shoe a present I found the next morning.

Midnight! It’s the perfect hour children don’t know. What great efforts I made not to go to sleep before the little old man appeared!

I had both a great desire and great fear of seeing him, but could never stay awake until then, and the next day my first look was for my shoe. He never failed to carefully wrap (包装) every present for me. I would run barefoot to get my treasure. It never was a very expensive present, for we were not rich. It was a cookie, an orange, or very simply a fine red apple. But it felt so precious that I barely dared to eat it. What a great role imagination plays in a child’s life!

I do not at all agree with the idea that the lies about Santa Claus should be stopped. Doubts and truth come all too soon on their own. I very well remember the first year, when I was five or six, I doubted that it was not Santa Claus who put the cookie in my shoe. Since then, it has never tasted as good as the first few years of my life.

I noted that my son believed in him longer; boys are more naïve (天真的) than little girls. Like me, he made great efforts to stay awake until midnight. Like me, he loved the cookie baked in Heaven’s kitchens. And like me, the first year of his doubts was the last year of the visit of the good old man.

1. As a little girl, the author loved the gifts on Christmas Day because ________.
A.they usually cost a lot of money
B.she always got the very gifts she asked for
C.they were beautifully wrapped
D.she believed they were from Santa Claus
2. According to the article, what role does imagination play in a child’s life?
A.It adds value to the common Christmas gifts.
B.It makes a child curious about everything.
C.It encourages him to climb the chimney.
D.It makes him doubt whether Santa Claus really exists.
3. By saying “Doubts and truth come all too soon on their own” in Paragraph 4, the author feels ________.
A.unsatisfied with being cheated
B.sorry for realizing that Santa Claus doesn’t exist
C.happy at finding out the facts of Santa Claus
D.angry about parents’ lying to children about Santa Claus
2017-08-04更新 | 66次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】William Lindesay has been interested in the Great Wall of China since seeing it in a school atlas(地图册) as a child in England. He can vividly recall seeing in the “Oxford School Atlas” the Great Wall with its battlement symbol. From that moment, he had in his mind that when he grew up he’d go to China and walk along the Great Wall from end to end.

Lindesay’s about 3, 000 km solo run along the Great Wall began in 1987. Running the length of the wall was a brave expedition(探险), venturing(敢于去) into sparsely populated regions where there was little chance of help if the runner had an accident. During another trip, Lindesay and his team ventured deep into the Gobi Desert. The explorers almost died from dehydration(脱水). In total, Lindesay estimated in an interview that he had spent about 1, 600 days of his life on the great Wall in all seasons.

Lindesay and his wife, Wu Qi, whom he got to know and fell in love with during his trips in China, had a farmhouse at the foot of the wall. During his exploration, he noticed some sections of the wall were badly damaged and covered with litter. Modernization and development were making the situation even worse. “Some people say it will take generations to change; I say we don’t have generations of time. It’s got to be much quicker,” he said. Lindesay always carries a garbage bag with him in the wilderness, picking up litter along the way. Lindesay uses a garbage bag as his calling card. The cloth bag bears a set of nine simple guidelines in Chinese, which calls on people to obey while traveling or camping outdoors: “Take your own garbage home”“ Pick up litter left by others”“Don’ t damage plants or flowers, or pick fruit” and lots more.

1. What inspired William Lindesay's dream of exploring the Great Wall?
A.Seeing a movie about the Great Wall.
B.Experiencing a war for the Great Wall.
C.Surfing a website about the Great Wall.
D.Admiring the Great Wall in the school atlas.
2. What does the underlined word “sparsely” mean?
3. What worsened the situation of the Great wall?
A.The destroyed ecosystems.
B.Waste caused by farms
C.The increasing tourists.
D.Modernization and development.
4. What sort of man is William Lindesay?
A.Adventurous and caring about the environment.
B.Determined and grateful to his wife.
C.Warm-hearted and polite to his teammates.
D.Considerate and optimistic about the life.
2021-05-25更新 | 116次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Easter Island’s large and mysterious stone statues(雕像) have made it world famous. These statues, whose likenesses look like humans with huge stone cylinders(柱状物) balancing on their heads like hats, have tourists coming from all over the world. The tourists come to see these works of ancient art carved by the early inhabitants of the island. They come to see the mystery that has puzzled historians for decades.

Easter Island is located in a remote part of the South Pacific Ocean about 2,300 miles west of Chile. Easter Island covers just 45 square miles and its Polynesian name is Rapa Nui.

On Easter Sunday 1722, a Dutch explorer named Jacob Roggeveen was the first European to see Easter Island. The early Polynesians carved the statues within the holes of the volcano using only stone tools. Then they moved these huge statues to various destinations throughout the island. These 600 statues range in height from 10 to 40 feet. Some of them weigh as much as 50 tons. How could the early Polynesians lift hundreds of heavy statues out of the volcano? How did they move them across the island to their various locations? All of these questions, as well as many others, remain unanswered.

The early islanders probably worshiped(崇拜) these eyeless giants until sometime around 1670. In 1680, a war broke out between two groups of islanders. The victors of the war and ancestors of the present inhabitants, broke down many of the statues. In most cases, they broke the necks of the statues.

Now 15 of the statues on Easter Island have been repaired to their original positions on their stone platforms. Even today, using modern tools and machinery, putting up such large statues and balancing cylinders on top of their heads presents a challenging task.

1. What do we know about Easter Island?
A.It is a big island of Chile.
B.It is located in North Pacific Ocean
C.It was named after a Dutch explorer
D.Its early inhabitants were Polynesians
2. Scientists are still uncertain about ______
A.why people built the statues
B.where people made the statues
C.how people transported the statues
D.how many statues there are on the island
3. What happened in 1680?
A.Many statues were damaged
B.Another 15 statues were put up
C.People began to worship the statues
D.The islanders started a war against outsiders
4. The purpose of the text is to ______
2017-11-08更新 | 157次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般