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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:92 题号:19761605

While dogs openly demonstrate joy or displeasure through wide smiles and grimaces (怪相), recognizing a cat’s emotions from its face is often hard, even for its owner. Now researchers from Canada’s University of Guelph claim that stoic (高冷的) as they may appear, cats also express emotions on their faces.

For their study, Professors Lee Niel and Georgia Mason found 6,300 people from 85 countries. The participants were asked a few questions and then watched 20 short cat videos. Each video highlighted just the cat’s face, its eyes, nose and mouth, and gave no clues (提示) to its surroundings. The viewers did not have to determine the cat’s exact emotions, but just decided whether it was in a positive or negative state.

The researchers found that only 13 percent, or 819 participants, were able to read the cats’ emotions accurately over 75 percent of the time. Further research showed that the so-called “cat whisperers” were mainly women and animal doctors. Younger adults also seemed to be able to read the expressions better than older individuals.

“The fact that women generally scored better than men is in line with previous research that has shown that women appear to be better at interpreting nonverbal expressions of emotion, both in humans and dogs,” said Mason. Being a cat owner did not help study participants, indicating that a strong attachment to the animal did not necessarily mean better understanding of its emotions.

Fortunately, all is not lost for cat owners who are unable to tell their pets’ emotions. The researchers believe the skills are not innate (天生的) but learned over time, which explains why animal doctors scored high in the study. “It is important to be able to do so because it could help strengthen the ties between cats and their owners,” said Niel.

1. What’s the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The research tool.B.The research method.
C.The research process.D.The research subject.
2. What do “cat whisperers” probably refer to?
A.Those behaving like cats.
B.Those loving cats very much.
C.Those speaking softly to cats.
D.Those good at telling cats’ emotions.
3. What can we learn from the study?
A.Older people are more experienced in taking care of pets.
B.Women are better at sensing emotions than men.
C.Pet owners understand cats’ emotions more than others.
D.Young people scored lower than the old.
4. Why does Niel think it’s important to identify cats’ emotions?
A.It helps cat owners train the cats.
B.It makes it easier to care for cats.
C.It is good for the cat-human relationship.
D.It contributes to developing cats’ potential.
【知识点】 人与动植物 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Hundreds of millions of birds die every year from hitting windows, one of the biggest sources of human-caused bird deaths—far greater than airplane strikes. In a bid to help birds see the glass before it’s too late, people may stick films (膜) on their windows—often on the indoor side. But a recent study in PeerJ Life & Environment shows that such films work only on a window’s outside surface.

“Putting these window films on the inside really is not giving you the benefit that you would want for protecting the birds,” says John P. Swaddle, a biologist at the College of William and Mary and lead author of the new study.

To test the films’ effectiveness, Swaddle and his colleagues applied one of two commercially available films to either indoor or outdoor window surfaces. One film reflected shorter light wavelengths that humans cannot see, and the other reflected longer wavelengths (many birds can see both). Both films helped to prevent bird smashes by more than 35 percent when put on the outside surface, the study found—but films on the inside had no benefit at all.

“It’s some creative work about the differences of what can and can’t work in terms of preventing window strikes from birds,” says George Mason University biologist David Luther, who studies the evolution of birds in cities and was not involved in the study.

People usually find it much easier to put films on the indoor side of a window, says Natalia Ocampo-Peñuela, a conservation ecologist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who was also not involved in the study. For taller buildings, to apply something to the outside, you need scaffolding (脚手架)... you need to clean the windows extra well for them to apply correctly, and they don’t last as long.

Swaddle assumed that films placed on the inside don’t effectively stop the reflection and scatter (散射) of light outside. In future studies, the researchers will continue exploring how birds see and experience the world, which could further help bird lovers, architects and factories prevent bird deaths.

1. Which window film works better in protecting birds in Swaddle’s experiment?
A.Film applied to outdoor window surface.
B.Film applied to indoor window surface.
C.Film reflecting shorter light wavelengths.
D.Film reflecting longer light wavelengths.
2. What does the underlined word “smashes” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. What will researches on this topic focus on in the future?
A.Exploring how birds feel the world.
B.Exploring the effectiveness of window films.
C.Exploring the laws of light reflection and scatter.
D.Exploring how to prevent bird deaths in factories.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Why do birds often hit windows?
B.How to take care of our windows?
C.What are the functions of window films?
D.How to use window films to protect birds?
2023-07-15更新 | 55次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A survey by the Kennel Club has found almost one in five would rather have a dog than be in a relationship.

The research, which asked 2,612 dog owners for their thoughts on romance, found just under a quarter agreed that having a dog would make them feel less concerned about not being in love.

Perhaps the findings are unsurprising, as celebrities have long used dogs as their plus-ones. Hollywood legend Glenn Close took her Havanese dog Pip to the Oscars last year, describing her pet as “the best date a girl can have”. Jennifer Aniston has credited her dogs and female friends with making her happy, stating: “I’ve had more fun post-40 than I can remember.”

Bill Lambert, a spokesman for the Kennel Club, said: “There certainly seems to be a growing number of dog-lovers who would rather share their lives with a four-legged friend instead of a human partner. This could be due to the many benefits that come with dog ownership — from the psychological to the physical. Dogs help their owners relax, whether that’s with a daily walk in fresh air, or with a cuddle (依偎) on a sofa. They can also be great listeners, help their owners fight stress, and can play a part in improving the health and fitness of their two-legged owners.”

Nevertheless, for those dog owners who are still looking for love, the research suggests their pet might help.

More than a fifth of those questioned said they had been asked out on a date or found love while out with their dog, with beagles, springer spaniels and German Shepherds appearing best for attracting a potential partner. People who owned golden retrievers and corgis were also very likely to say their pet may have helped them out romantically.

Mr Lambert said: “This is quite unsurprising when you consider that dogs are a great ice-breaker, when strangers may otherwise not look twice at each other, and that we tend to have very positive associations about people who love dogs.”

Among those responding to the survey, 21 percent said they were more likely to date someone who also had a dog.

1. How would a single with a dog react when asked for their opinion of love?
A.Behave like a cat on hot bricks.B.Stay calm or even a little carefree.
C.Feel quite worried about being single.D.Still be hopeful about love and marriage.
2. Why does the author mention the celebrities in Paragraph 3?
A.To tell us some romantic stories about them.
B.To show that the result of the research is true.
C.To persuade us to follow these people’s example.
D.To give us some tips on how to be in a relationship.
3. According to Bill Lambert, why do many people tend to live with dogs?
A.Because of the advice given by their doctors.
B.Because the dogs can remind them of somebody.
C.Because they can’t find their true love in reality.
D.Because of the good their dogs bring to their life.
4. What can you do if you are to find your likely partner?
A.Learn some basic knowledge about dogs.
B.Set up a homeless dog shelter on your own.
C.Bring some dog food with you in the street.
D.Walk your beagle in the park after supper.
2024-04-02更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Bottlenose dolphins simplify and raise the pitch (音高) of their whistles to be heard above underwater shipping noise. Christopher Intagliata reports.

The oceans are getting louder. And coastal areas are some of the noisiest, as in this underwater recording, covering 17 miles off the coast of Ocean City, Maryland.

The noise could be a problem for underwater animals, which, like us, use sound to communicate. “Just like if we’re in a raucous bar, we have to shout to each other. And they might have to do that too.” Helen Bailey is an underwater biologist at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science.

She and her colleagues recorded two months of underwater sounds, in that same area off the coast of Maryland. They used automated software to take out 200 bottlenose dolphin whistles from the noise, and visually compared the spectrograms (声谱图). Here’s a normal whistle.

But what they found was that dolphins simplified their whistles and raised their pitch when they were competing with shipping noise, which apparently helps, but could also hurt their ability to communicate.

“By using simpler calls, yes, there is a risk that they’re not communicating as much in-formation as they would if it was quieter. Also for younger dolphins they actually learn these sounds from hearing other dolphins. So they’re hearing this much simpler language.” The results and a few of those spectrograms are in the journal Biology Letters.

The survey site is the proposed future home of a wind farm - which could mean lots of noise as the huge towers are set up. Until then, it’s the long-lasting roar of ships and boats that Bailey wants people to think about carefully. “I think people think about boats in terms of the emissions (排放), just like with cars. And I think what we need to think about is that sound is also an emission.”

1. When will the bottlenose dolphins raise their pitch according to the text?
A.When they have to compete with ship noise.
B.When they want to catch more fish in the sea.
C.When they want to sing loud songs with others.
D.When they feel angry with the ships.
2. What does the underlined word “raucous” in paragraph 3 refer to?
3. What will happen to the bottlenose dolphins if the situation continues?
A.More bottlenose dolphins will love to make loud noise.
B.People will lose the bottlenose dolphins forever.
C.They will have to make long journeys in the ocean.
D.They will lose the ability to express much information.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.How To Protect The Marine Mammals — Bottlenose Dolphins
B.Bottlenose Dolphins Raise The Tune To Help The Wind Farm
C.Bottlenose Dolphins Raise The Tune To Communicate With Ships
D.Bottlenose Dolphins Make Easy Calls Above Under Ship Noise
2022-07-08更新 | 125次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般