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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:44 题号:20039533

I was blind, but I was ashamed of it if it was known. I refused to use a white stick and hated asking for help. After all, I was a teenager girl, and I couldn’t bear people to look at me and think I was not like them. I must have been a terrible danger on the roads. Coming across me wandering through the traffic, motorists probably would have to step rapidly on their brakes. Apart from that, there were all sorts of disasters that used to occur on the way to and from work.

One evening, I got off the bus about halfway home where I had to change buses, and as usual I ran into something, “I’m awfully sorry,” I said and stepped forward only to run into it again. When it happened a third time, I realized I had been apologizing to a lamppost. This was just one of the stupid things that constantly happened to me. So I carried on and found the bus stop, which was a request stop, where the bus wouldn’t stop unless passengers wanted to get on or off. No one else was there and I had to try to guess if the bus had arrived.

Generally in this situation, because I hated showing I was blind by asking for help, I tried to guess at the sound. Sometimes I would stop a big lorry and stand there feeling stupid as it drew away. In the end, I usually managed to swallow my pride and ask someone at the stop for help.

But on this particular evening no one joined me at the stop. It seemed that everyone had suddenly decided not to travel by bus. Of course I heard plenty of buses pass or I thought I did. But because l had given up stopping them for fear of making a fool of myself, I let them all go by, I stood there alone for half an hour without stopping one. Then I gave up. I decided to walk on to the next stop.

1. The girl refused to ask for help because she thought          .
A.she might be recognizedB.asking for help looked silly
C.she was normal and independentD.being found blind was embarrassing
2. After the girl got off the bus that evening, she          .
A.began to runB.hit a person as usual
C.hit a lamppost by accidentD.was caught by something
3. What was the problem with guessing at the sound to stop a bus?
A.The bus stop was usually crowded with too many people.
B.More lorries than buses responded to the girl.
C.It took too much time for the girl to catch the bus.
D.It was not always reliable to make a good judgement.
4. According to the passage, we learn that the girl was           .


阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 较易 (0.85)
真题 名校

【推荐1】An unpleasant smell floated into my nose as the bowl of fried stinky tofu(臭豆腐) settled onto my grandmother’s dinner table. I immediately sat back. The smell ruined my appetite, and I pushed the dish away.

“It’s supposed to stink. Just give it a try!” my grandmother said.

Holding my breath, I unwillingly took a bite. To my surprise, the tofu beneath the fried skin was warm, soft, and mouthwatering. Since then, whenever I visited my grandmother’s house, I would rush to the kitchen for the stinky tofu with excitement. Thus, stinky tofu became more than a household tradition. It became my favorite dish.

Along with the stinky tofu, I would meet my Uncle Chan on every visit. As an immature boy, I never understood my uncle’s condition of Down syndrome(唐氏综合征).

He was an unfriendly and terrible creature in my eyes. He constantly walked around the house, talking to himself. Whenever he was within view, I would run away in fear.

However, one day, my view of my uncle suddenly changed. I was just getting out of my bed when I heard soft steps approaching. It was my uncle. My muscles froze. He slowly sat next to me and touched my face gently, as a mother would stroke (抚摸)a baby.

A wide smile emerged from his blank expression. How beautiful his smile was! I could not help but smile back. My fear disappeared gradually, and my muscles relaxed. For the first time, I could see softness and warmth in his eyes.

My uncle very much resembles stinky tofu. Stinky tofu smells unpleasant on the outside,   yet   feels   warm   and   soft   in   the   inside.   Like   stinky   tofu,   my   uncle’s   Down syndrome made me keep my distance at first. Yet, I learned that deep inside, he is harmless and has a loving nature.

Some people tend to look down upon disabled people and regard them as unfit for a regular life. As I was able to see through the outer surface of the tofu, these people are unable to see through the surface of prejudice(偏见). As a result, they judge the disabled with one glance.

The outside and inside of the stinky tofu exist as two extremely different worlds. Perhaps that is what makes it such a tasty dish. Not only is it delicious, stinky tofu offers a valuable lesson: never judge people at first glance, for true beauty comes from the inside.

1. Why did stinky tofu become the author’s favorite dish?
A.It was related to family tradition.
B.It turned out to be quite delicious.
C.Grandma encouraged him to try it.
D.His appetite for food had increased.
2. What did the author think of his uncle at first?
A.He was a quiet person.
B.He was an energetic guy.
C.He was an immature man.
D.He was a strange creature.
3. The author’s attitude towards Uncle Chan changed when .
A.Chan’s footsteps woke up the author
B.Chan showed his friendliness to the author
C.Chan displayed his love towards his mother
D.Chan’s blank expression made the author smile
4. The comparison between stinky tofu and the author’s uncle serves to _.
A.highlight the nature of Uncle Chan
B.analyze the family relationship
C.describe a childhood memory
D.introduce a traditional Chinese food
5. What does the author mainly want to tell us in the passage?
A.We shouldn’t judge by appearances.
B.A person’s taste changes over time.
C.Blood is thicker than water.
D.You are what you eat.
2019-04-02更新 | 1771次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】George Washington Carver was born some time in the early-mid 1860s. A sickly child, Carver was unable to work in the fields, so he did gardening. He was left with many free hours to walk in the woods — beginning his career with nature. He soon became known as the “Plant Doctor” and would help friends and neighbors manage sick plants.

In 1890, Carver began to study music and art at Simpson College. His artwork was on show at the 1893 World’s Fair. Painting gave him the chance to combine his two loves — art and nature. Yet it was his talents (天赋) for gardening that took him in another direction in 1891. Carver became the first African-American to attend what is today Iowa State University. He proved to be a first-class student and upon graduation he became the school’s first African-American teacher.

In 1896, he received an invitation from Tuskegee Normal and Industrial School in Tuskegee, Alabama. Upon arriving, he found that the school was short of money so Dr. Carver had to equip his own lab. He and his students would search trash heaps (垃圾堆) for things to use. This proved that Dr. Carver was well ahead of his time.

In 1916, he published a research report on peanuts, which helped many farmers turn to peanuts as a cash crop and saved the economy (经济) of the South when it was destroyed by the cotton insects attack. Carver continued his research with the peanut. He went on to find many uses for the peanut. But he didn’t invent peanut butter (花生酱).

Dr. Carver’s research earned him much worldwide praise. Dr. George Washington Carver died on January 5, 1943, and was buried at Tuskegee. Carver contributed his whole life savings to Tuskegee. Upon his death, Franklin D. Roosevelt gave him this title “an inspiring example to youth everywhere.”

1. How was Carver’s childhood?
A.He took up gardening.B.He grew crops in the fields.
C.He enjoyed good health.D.He dreamed of being a doctor.
2. What do we know about Carver’s life in Tuskegee Normal and Industrial School?
A.He was well paid by the school.
B.He relied on himself to build his lab.
C.He saved money by picking up trash.
D.He published his findings ahead of time.
3. What can be learned about Carver’s report on peanuts?
A.It made a contribution to the economy.
B.It included new findings on peanut butter.
C.It prevented peanuts from insects attacking.
D.It helped farmers find many other uses of peanuts.
2020-11-21更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Mr. Read was born in a small village with high mountains all around it. He has few fields and he can’t get enough food for his family. He’s often worried about it. So he works harder and harder and tries his best to get more money.

One afternoon, Mr. Read went out to look for some grass for his cows. It was very hot and he had to have a swim. Suddenly he saw a big tortoise in the water. He swam there and caught it. The next morning he went to the town to sell it in the markets. When he was walking in the street, a car hit him down and he was hurt. He was sent to hospital at once. The doctors looked him over and had an operation on him. Two weeks later he felt much better. The doctors were satisfied with the operation and said,“You’ll be fully recovered in a week. We’re sure you can write when you leave hospital.”

“It’s really a miracle (奇迹)!” shouted Mr. Read, “I could neither read nor write before!”

1. The Reads have little food because                    .
A.they have few fieldsB.they live in a small village
C.they’re too lazy to workD.nobody would help them to get money
2. Mr. Read jumped into the river because________.
A.he wanted to have a swim
B.he wanted to look for a tortoise in the water
C.he wanted to have a good rest in the water
D.he wanted to get some grass in the water
3. Mr. Read’s ________was hurt in the traffic accident.
C.right handD.left hand
4. What the doctor said meant that                  .
A.the accident helped the farmer to write
B.he did a very successful operation
C.the farmer was lucky enough to write after the operation
D.he taught the farmer to write while he was staying in hospital
2021-11-23更新 | 27次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般