组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 个人情况 > 个人经历
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:174 题号:20072343

In a small town, there lived a young girl named Emily. She had a deep passion for table tennis and dreamed of becoming a professional player. Despite her young age, she was determined to work hard and make her dream come true.

From the moment when Emily picked up a table tennis paddle, she was impressed by the sport. She spent every spare moment practicing her shots, focusing on her footwork and mastering different techniques. Each time she stepped on the court, she was eager to improve and pushed herself to the limit. Unluckily, Emily faced a visual impairment (缺陷) that threatened to slow her progress. She was born with a condition that affected her sight. Some people doubted her ability to play table tennis and said, “Emily, your impairment is a disadvantage. It is impossible to play table tennis well!”

But Emily refused to let their doubts consume her. With solid determination, Emily turned her impairment into strength. She used her other heightened senses to her advantage, relying on touch and sound to anticipate her opponents’ moves. While others relied on sight, she developed an incredible sense of intuition (直觉) and strategy.

Emily finally excelled in table tennis, achieving incredible milestones and representing her town in many competitions. She became an advocate of the sport in her town. However, Emily decided not to settle for winning in her comfort zone but to challenge for something higher. She joined a training team guided by a world-class coach, which brought together the world’s top table tennis players.

In the training team, Emily went through a series of trials. She carried out high-intensity training. She needed to improve not only the batting skills but also perseverance and the sense of teamwork. Her coach often encouraged her and said, “Anyone, regardless of ability, could find success.”

A few years later, Emily’s efforts paid off. She got her chance. As a member of the national team, she took part in an important international competition. That was the stage for her to show her skills, and it was also the important moment for her to realize her dream.

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In the competition, Emily found herself facing a strong opponent, Lily.


After the competition, Emily’s story spread throughout the table tennis community.

【知识点】 个人经历 励志故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Role Change

It was a Friday night, and I was just picked up from school by my uncle. He told me that my mother had been in a terrible car crash and had been taken to a nearby hospital.When we got to the hospital, my grandmother pulled me aside and said whatever I did, I mustn’t cry in front of my mother.

My mother’s room was right next to the nurses' station. As I turned into the room, I saw her lying on her side, with her tiny back to me and a pillow between her bandaged legs. She struggled to turn around but couldn’t. I slowly inched to the other side of the bed and said “hi” in a calm voice, containing my urge to cry out.

Gently holding my mother’s cold swollen hands, I tried to keep calm. She kept looking straight into my eyes as if trying to tell me how much pain she was in. I turned my face away from her, trying to hide the tears that were rolling down my face. Eventually I had to leave her for a moment because I couldn’t take it anymore. That was when it struck me that I really might lose my mother. Then I went home and cried myself to sleep.

From that night on, my life completely changed. Up to that point, I'd had the luxury of just being a kid, having to deal with my “messy” teenage life and enjoying my mother’s care. My concept of crisis was now forever changed. As my mother struggled first to stay alive and then to relearn to walk, my sense of priorities in life changed completely. My mother needed me. The trials and hardships of my daily life at school, which had seemed so important before, now appeared insignificant. My mother and I had faced death together, and life took on new meaning for both of us.

I visited my mother in the hospital as often as I could for the next two months. Finally, a sort of hospital suite (房间) was set up in our family room, and to my relief and joy, she was allowed to come home.

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Her returning home was a blessing, but it meant some unfamiliar duties for me.


My mother’s dependence on me changed our relationship.

2024-01-15更新 | 157次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I managed to stop my friend Timmy’s bike in a fashionable way at the end of the narrow road in the neighborhood. If I rode just a little further, I would come to a wide road of my city. When I stopped the bike, I saw Timmy running to catch up. I was grateful to him. He had taught me how to ride a bike. Now he was teaching me how to stop the bike in a special way.

When he neared me, he congratulated me on my first successful stop. Seconds later, my dad came up. He always seemed to be strict. He didn’t want me to do anything I liked. When he came up, he said angrily, “I suppose if I allow you to ride the bike, you will agree to keep off the city road?” “But we don’t get on it,” I replied.

He shouted, “You were close enough! If you had slid one more foot, you would have been there. What if a car had been coming? This road is dangerous. It goes through the hills. Tall trees line the road, and there are many bends. If you get on the road, a driver may not even see you coming! I didn’t buy you a bike just because of the dangerous road!”

I was really sad. It wasn’t until a few weeks later that I got a chance to ride the bike again. It was a perfect afternoon. My parents weren’t at home. Timmy and I took the opportunity to ride his bike.

With Timmy’s encouragement, I dared to ride with no hands on the handle bars for the first time. Later, Timmy said, “Why don’t we try riding down the hill fast?” I knew that it wasn’t allowed. But finally, I agreed. Timmy rode down while I waited for him to come back. When he rode back, he said, “Incredible! Do you want to try it?” I said, “Yes!” I was excited because I was going to try something disallowed. I felt daring and free.

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With excitement, I started down the hill.


I tried to stop the bike, but still ran into the coming car, though not violently.

2022-09-22更新 | 116次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

My name is Maeli. I am so lucky because I have Lizzy Jo. She is my cousin and my friend!

Yesterday our teacher brought out a big box just before the last bell rang. “I have a little gift for each of you,” she said. Then she gave each of us a perfect popcorn ball. Each popcorn ball was in a transparent bag that was tied with a ribbon (丝带). Just that little ribbon made the gift look so fancy! Sometimes, it’s the tiny details that make things special.

I happen to have a great appreciation for popcorn balls, so I was pleased. Lizzy Jo and I rode the bus home. The moment I was off the bus. I untied the ribbon and placed it into my pocket. Then I took the popcorn ball out of the plastic bag. I didn’t even stop walking. Unfortunately, my feet were in a big hurry to get home, and sometimes when feet are in a hurry, they trip.

My feet tripped. I fell. And my perfect popcorn ball dropped right into a yucky, murky puddle (水坑). I was okay, but my popcorn ball wasn’t. Have you ever seen a perfect popcorn ball in a yucky, murky puddle? It isn’t something that you want to take a photo of and frame and keep forever.

I looked at my popcorn ball. That moment definitely was not the time to use the two-second rule, which I used at my grandma’s house last week. I accidentally dropped my cookie on her floor. I picked it up really fast, and I admitted that I ate that cookie. But this was a very different situation. This involved a puddle.

I wanted to cry. I knew that it’s silly to cry over a popcorn ball, but that popcorn ball was a gift! I was highly disappointed.

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Lizzy turned to give me a hug.
Later that night, looking at the “new” ball, I had an idea.
2023-05-05更新 | 120次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般