组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 公益行为 > 善行义举(个人)
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:75 题号:20084637

“Go back, Mom! Go back!” shouted my six-year-old daughter, June. I quickly turned around to cast my doubtful eyes on the backseat. worried. I had forgotten her younger sister, Scarlett. I was relieved to see the girls safe and sit in their car seats. but June’s expression was one of pure anxiety.

As I looked back from the driver’s seat, I found a young man in rags playing his guitar. His skinny, poor-looking dog rested next to his feet near an old, worn cardboard sign that read, “Homeless, please help.” We’d come across homeless people before and had talked about their needs and struggles. I should seize the chance to set a good example for my daughters to give a helping hand. So I searched for some cash, only to find I had nothing but credit cards. So I told June I didn’t have any cash. To my surprise, June opened her little pink purse and offered to give him a five-dollar bill, I responded with a sigh of relief, “Oh good. I’ll pay you back when we get home.” “No, Mom. I don’t want you to pay me back. I want to help him and give him my money.” she replied.

As we drove down the crowded rows of the parking lot, I told her that we would get to him. When we got there, I called out. “Excuse me. sir!” He cautiously walked toward our car and answered, “Yes ma’am?” June stretched out her entire body to hand him her five-dollar bill through the window and explained, “I want you to have this.” He smiled and hesitatingly asked, “This was your money?” “Yes! I want you to have it,” she proudly answered. “Thank you,” he said, touched by her thoughtfulness.

We exchanged a smile, and as we drove away, my younger daughter Scarlett began to cry. I noticed that she had emptied her purse with two quarters in her tiny hands and insisted on giving all her money to the young man.

Paragraph 1:

I had no choice but to turn around.

Paragraph 2:

The gentleman tightly held the coins in his dirt-stained hand.



书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

I had just poured my second cup of tea that morning and sat down to read the paper. From somewhere, a voice inside me said, “Take the chair to Jeff to repair. Go right now.”

It was such a strong feeling that I hurriedly dressed and brought a dining-room chair to his door. Jeff was a neighbor who had lost his wife a while back, and he sometimes did minor repairs for me on furniture because he enjoyed working with his hands.

I knocked on his door and waited a while. I was about to walk away when he answered. He looked like he was far away in his thoughts. I felt sorry about disturbing him so early. I greeted him and then asked if he could repair my chair. He invited me inside. We sat in his living room. He said he had had a stroke (中风) recently, and while he was home now, he still needed to attend some treatment. He had to build up his strength. I apologized for the chair and told him I would just bring it back home, but he told me to leave it.

We talked for a while. It had scared him to be in the hospital. He said that my visit interrupted his darkness. Having worked as a mental-health doctor, I listened to how hard it had been since his wife died and how much worse it was now since the stroke. The longer we talked, the more I saw him become happier.

We even started talking about his diet. He said the doctor had told him to eat more fruits and vegetables, but he didn’t care for them. Mostly, I was concerned because he was not eating much. I stayed talking with him until I saw his mood lift and the tension leave his face.

I went to the grocery store and gathered ingredients and made him a hot meal. Carefully, I cut up vegetables and prepared stew for him. The smell made me believe it was the best stew I ever made. I made homemade biscuits and prepared fresh fruit. A hot meal would lift his spirits. I dropped it off for him.

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He was delighted that there was someone who cared for him.


I did not see him for a while. Then, one day, he knocked on my door with my chair.

2022-04-21更新 | 153次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

On a Friday evening in December, two weeks before Christmas, I lost my job. I hadn’t seen it coming. I was excited for the weekend, when my daughter, Kristil, then 12, and I planned to get our Christmas tree. Then I listened to my voicemail “We’re sorry, but your work assignment has ended.” My heart sank.

I wasn’t just a single parent; I was the only parent. I did everything I could to give Kristil a good life, but there were some things my love couldn’t fix. The next day as we searched for our tree, I struggled to be cheerful as I eyed the Christmas tree prices. Empty-handed, we returned home.

Over the next week, I furiously applied for jobs as my bank account grew smaller. All applications ended in vain. I felt as if the world was closing in on me. On a weekend afternoon, I dropped Kristil in a wealthy gated community for a birthday party of her classmate. I watched as she went in, surrounded by all the nice things we couldn’t afford. I drove home defeated.

Back at home, I glanced out the window. It had been snowing on and off all morning. I noticed a small woman with short white hair struggling to open her car door against the wind. She got out. I realized it was my old professor, Esther Heffernan. I hadn’t seen her since we’d met for lunch three months ago. I’d first met Esther 10 years earlier, when I was her student at Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin. Kristil was 3 at the time, and I sometimes took her to class. Esther was understanding and would bring coloring books to occupy Kristil. After I graduated, she kept in touch, meeting me for lunch every few months. I had grown to love her like family.


I rushed out of the house, waving my hands.


When I opened the envelope, inside I found some money and a note.

2023-03-06更新 | 151次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Hiking trails (小径) can be fun and relaxing, but sometimes can also be challenging and dangerous.

Rogers, 33, was in town from New York for adventures on Boston trails. Even he had just taken a sharp turn on his mountain bike when he was stopped by the sight of a woman sitting on the side of the trail. She was cute with long blond hair and big expressive eyes. What he didn’t know was that she was also in extreme pain.

Sydney Linden, 28, had been jogging down Adobe Jack Trail for a splendid sunset view of the Red Rocks when she hopped (单腿跳) over a rock and her leg over extended on the landing. The pain was instant. Her right leg collapsed (倒塌) and she hit the dirt hard. Linden tried to stand but collapsed. She wasn’t sure if she had broken her leg, or something else. All she knew was that the pain was a 15 out of 10.

Linden dragged herself to the shade and called a friend, but after 30 minutes, her friend was lost. And the sun beat down cruelly. That’s when she saw the mountain biker.

Rogers was trying to play it cool. He casually rode by at a slower speed, stealing a glance at the woman. Sensing her suffering, Rogers stopped and asked if he could help. Linden explained her situation and that’s when he noticed the swelling (肿胀处) under her leggings. She needed a hospital now.

Rogers helped Linden to her feet and they began to cross the rocky region and desert bushes. It was a long way to go. Leaning on Rogers, Linden tried to hop along, but the pain was severe. She would never make it to the foot of the hill this way.

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Then Rogers had another idea.


It was after the operation that Linden found Rogers gone.

2023-05-29更新 | 130次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般