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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:41 题号:20134095

It was a small town with nice landscapes that attracted a lot of rich people to live in. Ming was also attracted by the scenic spots of the town. But he had little money, so he rented a cheap house after he arrived. But what drew his attention most here was those wealthy people. So he took up a job to sell cell phones. But his cell phones were not good in quality.

One day, Ming’s pocket was empty again and wanted to earn money. Luckily, there was still a phone in his pocket to sell. Soon enough, he spotted a target—a seemingly wealthy middle-aged man in an old jacket. Ming came up to him and smiled politely, saying, “Hey, friend...” But the man was very cautious and asked, “What’s up?”

Ming said to him   immediately, “Friend, I have a phone. I bought it at 5,000 yuan. But now I could sell it to you at only 3,000 yuan.” The man seemed uninterested in his phone and wanted to go away. Ming stopped him and said, “What about 2,000 yuan?” the man shouted at him, “What do you want to do with me?”

Ming immediately put up a poor face and hugged the man’s legs, crying to him, “Oh, my dear friend! Only 1,000 yuan, is it OK?” Ming began pouring out his “sad story” as he was crying.The man,after seeing this,felt a little bit moved and put his hands into his pocket. Then he took out 1,000 yuan to Ming and took the phone away.

After earning 1,000 yuan, Ming felt happy. As he felt hungry, he went to a small restaurant to have lunch. Ming ordered several dishes and handed over a note of 100 yuan to the cashier. The cashier stared at the banknote (钞票) for quite a while, as if checking if it was a fake note (假币), and then said to Ming, “Sorry, I could not find the change for you for the moment. Please wait a minute.” Then he went away. Staying in the restaurant without anything to do, Ming sat at a table and started to watch TV. After all, his cheap-rented house had no TV.

Paragraph 1:

The TV was broadcasting a piece of news

Paragraph 2:

The police car stopped before the small restaurant and

【知识点】 犯罪与惩罚 生活故事


书面表达-概要写作 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Holding Parents Responsible—An Unfair Punishment

The rise in teen crime suggests that some parents are failing at their parental tasks. To correct the problem, lawmakers in some states require parents to serve jail time. They hope that this punishment will motivate parents to take their responsibilities seriously.

Despite public support for parental responsibility laws, many people think that the laws are unfair. They suggest that parents should not be punished for the criminal acts of their children, unless it can be shown there is a related fault on the parents’ part. For example, if young teenagers are arrested for drinking alcohol supplied by parents, then parents should be held responsible because they helped the teenagers break the law. People who oppose parental responsibility laws also believe that punishing parents is unlikely to create a change in the kids’ behavior. These people argue that parents may not be at fault. The children of good parents can fall in with the wrong kids and get into trouble, they say. Worse yet, if mom is in jail, there may be no one at all to control her kid. That lack of control may then lead to more crime.

The unfortunate fact is that jailing a mom or dad punishes the rest of the family. The jailed parent cannot work to help feed the family or pay the rent. A parent who is sent to jail for the crimes of a teenager may also be fired from a job for missing too much work. Furthermore, little evidence exists to support the idea that the threat of punishment improves a parents’ ability to control a teenager. The problem is that some teens cannot be controlled by their parents, even if the parents try hard to control them. These struggling parents are not ignoring their parental responsibilities. Opponents of parental responsibility laws say that parents who are in this situation need help, not a jail sentence.

2019-05-07更新 | 136次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

About twenty minutes he waited, and then a tall man in a long overcoat, with collar turned up to his ears, hurried across from the opposite side of the street. He went directly to the waiting man.

“Is that you, Bob?” he asked, doubtfully.

“Is that you, Jimmy Wells?” cried the man in the door.

“Bless my heart!” exclaimed the new arrival, grasping both the other’s hands with his own. “It’s Bob! I was certain I’d find you here if you were still alive. Well, well, well! —twenty years is a long time. How has the West treated you, old man?”

“It has given me everything I asked it for. You’ve changed lots, Jimmy. I never thought you were so tall by two or three inches (英寸).”

“Oh, I grew a bit after I was twenty.”

“Doing well in New York, Jimmy?”

“Moderately. I have a position in one of the city departments. Come on, Bob; we’ll go around to a place I know of, and have a good long talk about old times.”

The two men started up the street, arm in arm. The man from the West, his egotism (自我) enlarged by success, was beginning to outline the history of his career. The other, submerged (埋) in his overcoat, listened with interest.

At the corner stood a drug store, brilliant with electric lights. When they came into this glare each of them turned simultaneously (同时地) to gaze upon the other’s face.

The man from the West stopped suddenly and released his arm

“You’re not Jimmy Wells,” he snapped. “Twenty years is a long time, but not long enough to change a man’s nose from a Roman (鹰钩鼻) to a pug (狮子鼻).”

“It sometimes changes a good man into a bad one,” said the tall man. “You’ve been under arrest (被捕) for ten minutes, ‘Silky’ Bob. Chicago thinks you may have dropped over our way and wants to have a chat with you. Going quietly, are you? That’s sensible. Now, before we go on to the police station here’s a note I was asked to hand you. You may read it here at the the window. It’s from Patrolman (巡警) Wells.”

The man from the West unfolded the little piece of paper handed him. His hand was steady when he began to read, but it trembled a little by the time he had finished. The note was rather short.

“Bob: I was at the appointed place on time. When you struck the match to light your cigar I saw it was the face of the man wanted (被通缉的) in Chicago. Somehow I couldn’t do it myself, so I went around and got a plain clothes man to do the job. ——JIMMY.”

(Excerpts from “After Twenty Years” by O. Henry)

How time flew! Bob was released from jail. Stepping out of jail into the cold wind,


He turned around and surprised to find a familiar-looking man.

2023-01-29更新 | 55次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

It was Saturday afternoon. Martin and his sister Pam were looking at the beautiful old buildings of Cambridge for the day. Pam had a camera with her. She likes taking photos.

“Let’s have a last photo of you,” said Pam. “It’s the last one.I want to finish the film in my camera.

“ Oh, all right,” said Martin. He stood in front of the flowers.

“Look at me,”said Pam and took a photo. A man with a big backpack and a tent on his back walked between Pam and Martin.

“Oh no,” said Pam. “Now I’ve got a picture of that man, not of you,Martin.” The man looked at Pam.

He was angry.He went across the road without a word.

“That man isn’t very nice, is he?” said Martin.

“No,”said Pam. The man with the backpack on his back went into the bus station.He had got sunglasses and a blue hat.

“Come on,” said Martin. “Let’s find our bus.”

They went into the bus station. “Look,”said Martin. “There’s that man again. He’s getting into that bus. He’going to Aberdeen.That’s in Scotland.”

“Good,” said Pam. “Far from here and far from me!”

Three days later, Pam had got her photos from the shop. “Look at these photos of us in Cambridge,” she said to Martin. “They are all very good but this last one. Look, it’s that man with the backpack.”

“Wait a minute,”said Martin. “I know that face.It’s in the newspaper.Have you got it?”

“Today’s newspaper?” said Pam. “Yes, it’s here. Why?”

“Yes,here he is. Look at this picture,” said Martin.

Pam looked at the photo in the newspaper. “Who’s that?” she asked.

“It says in the paper that his name is Alan Rook,” said Martin. “And he works in a bank in London. But on Monday morning -- no Alan Rook! The people at the bank don’t know where he is. And they say he’s got a hundred thousand pounds with him.The police are looking for him, too.”

“Come on,” said Martin. “Let’s take the picture and the newspaper to the police.”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
1. Paragraph 1:

At the police station Pam and Martin met a policeman.

2. Paragraph 2:

The next day the   police in Aberdeen found Alan Rook in a tent in the mountains near Aberdeen

2021-10-25更新 | 59次组卷
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