组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:79 题号:20215389

Upon discovering her grandma Georgie’s clothing sketches (草图) in 2021, Julia, a 27-year-old TikToker, barely knew how to sew clothes. Nonetheless, she decided to take it upon herself to make Grandma’s old designer dreams come alive. And it’s not surprising at all, then, that when Julia shared her hard work with her absolutely delighted Grandma, and later her followers — more than 21million viewers tuned in to see what the most adorable version of Paris Fashion Week looks like. Oh, and what a sight it is.

When Julia first came across her grandma’s fashion design sketches that were almost three times as old as she is, she was attracted by them. So were her unexpected TikTok viewers, 2.7 million of them, who shared Julia’s appreciation of these drawings, leading to her first viral video. “I knew grandma was talented, but I was like, ‘Wow, these are really much better than what I was envisioning (想象) in my head’,” she told Insider.

Using material leftover from her grandmother’s collection of outdated fabrics, Julia has sewn many of the dresses Georgie envisioned. She notes that she doesn’t always follow her “grandma sketch”, as what looks good on paper might not translate onto the body. “Grandma encourages that,” Julia explains.

This ongoing interdenominational collaboration (合作) has led to an extremely popular TikTok series in which Julia shows Georgie what she’s created. It’s also sparked sweet conversations between the two of them, which are shared on video. “It’s a beautiful bonding experience between us that has made Grandma happy,” she said.

“Lots of people who are older and watch my videos say they love seeing someone younger appreciate something from their generation,” she said. “And then younger people see it and maybe they lost their grandparents, and they say seeing my videos reminds them of their grandparents,” said Julia.

1. What used to be Georgie’s dream?
A.To attend Paris Fashion Week.
B.To become a fashion designer.
C.To set up a fashion school.
D.To create a popular TikTok series.
2. What’s Julia’s way of sewing a dress?
A.She makes it based on the latest style.
B.She makes it out of her own imagination.
C.She strictly follows her grandma’s sketches.
D.She makes adjustments to her grandma’s designs.
3. What has led to the popularity of Julia’s works on TikTok?
A.It bonds different generations.
B.It follows the latest fashion style.
C.It reminds its viewers of their duties.
D.It encourages people to make improvements.
4. What is Julia’s tone like in the last paragraph?


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Raising teenagers can be both difficult and rewarding(有回报的). They are becoming young adults. Almost all teenagers will have some behavioral outbursts(爆发) with their families during this period of life.     1     Here are some ideas that may create positive(积极的) experiences for teens and parents.

Have meals together. Mealtime is when we check in with each other.     2     Eating meals together offers a way for parents and kids to share what is on their minds. It brings families closer by creating trust and understanding to help guide children through the challenges of the teen years.

    3     As teens develop their own sense of independence, it gets harder to find time to talk. Talk in the car together, when doing dishes together, or any time you have a chance. Remember that no matter how big their problems seem, what most teens want is love and support. Help them connect with their families and communities. During these years, help teens learn that their words and actions mater.     4     Others may find connection through spiritual communities or from having more responsibilities at home. Connecting with families and communities also helps keep teens safe from riskier activity.

Find time to have fun together! What do you both enjoy? Playing chess? Going to the ballet? Volunteering in your community? Take time to have fun and enjoy each other’s company. No one wants the attention of people they love to be focused only on what not to do. This is true for teenagers, too.     5    

A.Talk with your teen.
B.Never try to control your child.
C.Parents have a role in keeping their teens safe.
D.Relaxing together helps them feel loved and valued.
E.This can be hard to do with busy schedules, but it is important.
F.Some teens learn this by playing in music bands or team sports.
G.But strong relationships can help teens and their parents through hard times.
2022-11-29更新 | 281次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约1000词) | 适中 (0.65)

The count was examining the weapons, when his study door opened, and Baptistin entered, making a sign to him, and went out, closing the door after him.”Who are you, madame?” said the count to the veiled woman ①.

The woman cast one look around her, to be certain that they were quite alone; then bending as if she would have knelt, and joining her hands, she said with an accent of despair, “Edmond, you will not kill my son?” The count retreated a step, uttered a slight exclamation ②.

“What name did you pronounce then, Madame de Morcerf?” said he. “Yours!” cried she, throwing back her veil,” yours, which I alone, perhaps, have not forgotten. Edmond, it is not Madame de Morcerf who is come to you, it is Mercédès.”

Mercédès is dead, madame,” said the count; “I know no one now of that name.”

“Mercédès lives, sir, and she needs not to inquire what hand has dealt the blow which now strikes M.de Morcerf.”

“Fernand, do you mean?” replied the count, with bitter irony; “since we are recalling names, let us remember them all.” the count had pronounced the name of Fernand with such an expression of hatred that Mercédès felt a thrill of horror run through every vein. “You see, Edmond, I am not mistaken, and have cause to say, ‘Spare my son!’”

“And who told you, madame, that I have any hostile intentions against your son?”

“No one, in truth; but a mother has twofold sight. I guessed all; I followed him this evening and have seen all.”

“If you have seen all, madame, you know that the son of Fernand has publicly insulted me,” said the count with awful calmness.

“Oh, for pity’s sake! my son has also guessed who you are, he attributes his father’s misfortunes to you.”

“Madame, you are mistaken, they are not misfortunes, it is a punishment. It is not I who strike M. de Morcerf; it is providence which punishes him.” The count took out a letter with his hands which proved his innocence and Fernand’s sin.

“That is what I heard on leaving my prison fourteen years after I had entered it; and that is why, on account of the living Mercédès and my father, I have sworn to revenge myself on Fernand, andI have revenged myself.”

“And you are sure the unhappy Fernand did that?”

“I am satisfied, madame, that he did what I have told you; besides, that is not much more odious than that a Frenchman by adoption should pass over to the English; that a Spaniard by birth should have fought against the Spaniards; that a stipendiary of Ali should have betrayed and murdered Ali. Compared with such things, what is the letter you have just read?a deception! Well, the French did not avenge themselves on the traitor, the Spaniards did not shoot the traitor, Ali in his tomb left the traitor unpunished; but I, betrayed, sacrificed, buried, have risen from my tomb, by the grace of God, to punish that man, and here I am.” The poor woman’s head and arms fell; her legs bent under her, and she fell on her knees. “Forgive, Edmond, forgive for my sake, who love you still!”

“Not crush that accursed race?” murmured he; “abandon my purpose at the moment of its accomplishment? Impossible, madame, impossible!”

“Edmond,” said the poor mother, who tried every means, “when I call you Edmond, why do you not call me Mercédès?”

“Mercédès!” repeated the count ③, “Mercédès! Well yes, you are right; Mercédès, I have uttered your name with the sigh of melancholy, with the groan of sorrow, with the last effort of despair; I have uttered it, consumed with heat, rolling on the stone floor of my prison. Mercédès, I must revenge myself, for I suffered fourteen years,fourteen years I wept, I cursed; now I tell you, Mercédès, I must revenge myself.”

“Revenge yourself, then, Edmond,” cried the poor mother; “but let your vengeance fall on the culprits,on him, on me, but not on my son!”

“God said that the sins of the fathers shall fall upon their children to the third and fourth generation. Since God himself dictated those words to his prophet, why should I seek to make myself better than God?”

“Edmond,” continued Mercédès, with her arms extended towards the count, “since I first knew you, I have adored your name, have respected your memory.But I have thought you must be dead! What could I do for you, Edmond, besides pray and weep?   Edmond, for ten years I saw every night every detail of that frightful tragedy, and for ten years I heard every night the cry which awoke me, shuddering and cold. And I, too, Edmondoh! believe meguilty as I wasoh, yes, I, too, have suffered much!”

“Have you known what it is to have your father starve to death in your absence?” cried the count, ④thrusting his hands into his hair”have you seen the woman you loved giving her hand to your rival, while you were dying?”

“No,” interrupted Mercédès, “but I have seen him whom I loved on the point of murdering my son.” Mercédès uttered these words with such deep anguish, with an accent of such intense despair, that the count could not restrain a sob. The lion was daunted; the avenger was conquered.

1. What can we learn from the underlined sentence in paragraph two?
A.she was desperate to regain the count’s love.
B.she was anxious about her son’s safety.
C.she was fear that the count would kill Mr de Morcerf.
D.she managed to gam her courage to speak to the count who is in a cold manner.
2. From the count’s words “Mercédès is dead” in paragraph three,the count wanted to convey that     .
A.he no longer loved Mercédès.
B.he had sought that Mercédès had already died after his revenge.
C.he was disappoint about Mercédès’s behavior after he was arrested.
D.he didn’t want the Mercédès in his mind lose luster.
3. What can we infer from the article?
A.Mercédès actually knew the reason for the count’s being arrested.
B.the “Edmond” in the article is the count’s false name.
C.Mr.de Morcerf, actually Fernand, did a lot of things of betrayal.
D.Mercédès still loves the count while the count doesn’t.
4. Where should sentence “letting fall the gun he held” be placed?
5. Why does the count mention that his father starve to death in his absence?
A.to give himself the source of revenge.B.to point out the sin of Mercédès.
C.to explain the reason for killing Mr.de Morcerf.D.to convey his remaining love to Mercédès.
6. What may happen in the following chapters?
A.the count killed Mr.de Morcerf.
B.the count abandon the idea of revenge.
C.the count gave up the idea of killing Mercédès’s son.
D.the count lost his life because of Mercédès.
2020-08-22更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】On my table sits a photograph of a young man with thick black hair and eyes dark with the depth of understanding. It is Andy, who never hurt people. If he was angry, you knew it. If he was sad, he showed it. However, being the middle son, Andy always seemed to play the role of the mediator. The way he behaved could make people calmer and there was something mature about his judgment.

He was an activist all of his life. At age 15, he traveled to Washington, D.C., to take part in a Youth March for Integrated (综合的) Schools. At 17, he journeyed to West Virginia by bus to examine the poverty of Appalachia. At 19, he worked at a camp for children who lacked money and education. Then, in the spring of 1964, at age 20, he said, “Mom, I’d like to go to Mississippi.”

The Mississippi Summer Project was to flood the state with hundreds of northern college students. The volunteers would form “freedom schools” to teach African-Americans about their voting rights. It was called “one of the most ambitious civil rights projects yet.”

The violence against blacks had never stopped. In the previous seven decades, nearly 600 known killings had taken place in the state. But the reasons why part of me wanted Andy to stay were the same reasons he wanted to go. Only five percent of Mississippi’s half-million African-Americans were registered to vote in 1960. I had fought for what I believed in all my life. I found a husband who had done the same. How could I say no to Andy?

As Andy was preparing to leave, I threw some bandages into his bag. I thought he might get pushed around. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d never see him again.

There are 40 names written on the Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama. Of the 40 victims, 19 were killed in Mississippi. One of them is my son. I allowed him to go to Mississippi because that is who he was. And it is who I was, too.

1. The first paragraph is mainly about Andy’s ______.
2. We know from the text that the Mississippi Summer Project ______.
A.aimed to help educate African-Americans
B.fought for African-Americans’ voting rights
C.attracted college students from all over the country
D.tried to protect African-Americans from being killed
3. The underlined words “the reasons” in Paragraph 4 probably refer to ______.
A.the whole family had a spirit of adventure
B.blacks were in a disadvantageous position
C.it was the most dangerous civil rights project
D.Andy may become a hero at the cost of his life
4. How did the author feel about allowing Andy to go to Mississippi?
A.Guilty but proud.B.Ashamed but calm.
C.Regretful but satisfied.D.Painful but sympathetic.
2018-09-22更新 | 58次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般