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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:32 题号:20277058

Feeling overcome by your to-do list can make you unhappy, but a new study suggests that more free time might not be the magic elixir (灵丹妙药) most of us dream it could be.

The researchers analyzed data from 35,000 subjects about how Americans spend their free time. They found that people with more free time generally had higher levels of subjective happiness—but only up to a point. Compared to those with less time, people with up to two hours of free time a day generally felt better. However, people who had five or more hours of free time a day generally felt worse. So the free-time “sweet spot” might be two to three hours per day.

Part of finding this “sweet spot” is connected with how people spend their free time. In an online experiment, the subjects were asked to imagine having four to seven free hours per day and spending that time doing “productive” (富有成效的) or “unproductive” activities. Most of them believed their happiness would suffer if they had a lot of free time during the day—but only if they used it unproductively. Though that experiment was based on the previous assumptions (假设), which is one limitation, it agrees with other experiments showing that being in a state of flow can benefit people’s mental health.

Of course, for you, any activities that increase your happiness are “productive”. If watching soap opera in your free time makes you feel better, you should do that due to self-care. And some traditionally productive activities can be easy and fun. For example, walking and cooking can help burn stress and put people in a state of flow.

“In cases where people find themselves with large amounts of free time, such as retirement or unemployment,” Sharif said, “our results suggest they can benefit from spending their newfound time with purpose.”

1. How did the researchers carry out the study of the free-time “sweet spot”?
A.By studying the collected data.B.By doing the experiment again and again.
C.By observing the respondents.D.By doing an interview with the subjects.
2. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The activity.B.Free time.
C.The finding.D.The experiment.
3. Why does the author mention “soap opera” in paragraph 4?
A.To present a fact.B.To make a prediction.
C.To explain an opinion.D.To introduce a topic.
4. What does the new study suggest about people’s happiness?
A.Much free time with purposeful activities can affect people’s happiness.
B.The “sweet spot” has little connection with the amount of free time.
C.Much unfinished work is likely to make people feel worse.
D.People will always feel much happier with more free time.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Wall Street bankers, investors and economists have for months argued over whether a US recession (衰退) is coming. But for some Americans, the unforgiving economic pain typical during recession has already set in.

Al Brown and his wife faced a tough call in May when reviewing their weekly budget: what’s a higher priority, more food or dish soap? Based in Concord, North Carolina, Brown was the main breadwinner for his wife and their two children. Then in April, he was let go from his job as a global director of business development at software company Cascade. He’s since quit his gym membership and sold various items around his home, including a computer and yard furniture. His 13-year-old son quit the basketball team.

Brown, 37, now spends his days searching the internet for jobs or reaching out to potential connections. After filing over 600 applications, only a handful have produced interviews. That’s a far cry from the labor-market strength described in government figures.

Investors and economists have been expecting a recession since last year as the Fed raised interest rates to control inflation (通货膨胀). That caused companies to focus on profitability over growth, which meant cutting spending and reducing their workforces.

“I think it’s unlikely that I will get another good paying job with great benefits like the one I had,” McCollum, who lives in Cleveland, Ohio, said. More Americans are likely to encounter similar cases, some experts predict.

“As we go through this year, and into next year, there is still going to be this focus on trying to reduce costs, and it is going to result in more unemployment,” said Thomas Simons, a senior economist at Jefferies. “The impact of layoffs, currently concentrated among white-collar workers, will last throughout the economy through a ‘big pullback in overall spending’,” Simons said. “Consumer spending accounts for about two-thirds of economic output, so if more Americans are forced to cut back because they were laid off, that might throw the US economy into a recession.”

1. What are some Americans currently going through?
A.They can’t afford necessities of life.B.They’ve lost interest in high-end gyms.
C.They are badly treated by their bosses.D.They have difficulty making ends meet.
2. What does the author want to demonstrate through Brown’s job hunting?
A.One should try various ways to find a job.
B.American labor market is not that friendly to job-seekers.
C.Few companies are interested in middle-aged job-hunters.
D.The government provides accurate figures of the job market.
3. How do companies deal with the economic struggles?
A.By employing more workers.B.By changing interest rates.
C.By giving priority to profits.D.By cutting employees’ allowances.
4. Which statement will Thomas Simons probably agree with?
A.Laid-off workers tend to go into debt.
B.Lower consumption may worsen the current situation.
C.Americans will spend more to increase economic output.
D.Companies are to blame for the unemployment of white-collar workers.
2024-06-03更新 | 104次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】China’s tea culture has undergone dramatic, changes in recent years. The appearance of new-style teas can be traced back to the cheap roadside milk tea stands of the 1990s. Most of these drinks were made from powdered mixes and contained neither fresh milk nor fresh tea. The base ingredients weren’t updated until the arrival of Taiwan-based brands like CoCo and A Little Tea in the 2000s, leading to innovations such as “cheese tea”. These businesses started the “Milk Tea 2.0” era, transforming the milk tea business from a mixture of small stands into a standardized and fast-moving industry.

But even as the Taiwan-centric “Milk Tea 2.0” revolution was sweeping the world, the seeds of its next evolution were already sprouting (发芽) on the Chinese mainland. In 2012, a 21-year-old man named Nie Yunchen opened a milk tea store in the small southern city of Jiangmen, where he sold milk tea. By 2020, Nie’s HeyTea had 695 stores worldwide; was worth an estimated, 16 billion yuan, and had attracted a large number of imitators.

The new brands made their mark, by offering a more diverse range of tea bases, often with extras like seasonal fruit sparkling water, cream cheese or nuts.

The viability (可行性) of this business model owes much to China’s widespread embrace of high-end consumerism. Jason Yu, general manager of the market research firm Kantar World panel China, told me that “mothers with refined tastes”, urban white-collar workers, and those born after 1990 are the main drivers of Chinas new-style tea market—and, more broadly, the consumer market as a whole. These groups tend to be defined by busywork and home lives, and they see upscale drinks like tea and coffee not only as a way to quench their thirst (解渴), but also as a source of comfort. In this sense, new-style teas are filling a psychological, rather than a physical need. Many tea brands are aware of this and they have sought to associate themselves with healthy and relaxed lifestyle through their marketing campaigns.

Another driver of new-style tea consumption, according to Yu, is the desire among young people to combine consumption with social activity. “The goal of consumption for this generation of consumers is socializing,” Yu, said “You rarely see a person drinking Hey Tea by himself.”

1. How were new-style teas influenced by Taiwan-based brands?
A.These brands gave them a new name.
B.These brands changed their ingredients.
C.These brands in proved-their marketing.
D.These brands made them a healthier drink.
2. What can We learn about Nie’s HeyTea?
A.It can compete with “Milk Tea 2.0”.B.It is targeted at high-income groups.
C.It has a good market at home and abroad.D.It gradually develops the domestic market.
3. How do many tea brands advertise their products?
A.By improving the brand image.B.By stressing their relaxing effect.
C.By showing their nutritious value.D.By comparing them with other products.
4. What makes new-style teas popular with young people according to Yu?
A.The low price.B.Their rich variety.
C.The chance to socialize.D.Their desire To show off.
2023-12-31更新 | 70次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】My mother was a cook. Through her I learned to appreciate how a handful of ingredients could create delicious, nutritious meals on tight budgets. And in our home, nothing was ever wasted, as we shopped for food needs as opposed to wants.

I talk about all this because I’m absolutely shocked by the price of groceries. And, as someone who has been writing about the food industry for decades, and having weathered the economic depression when the price was also high—I have never seen things as bad as they are today.

Just recently, I couldn’t bring myself to purchase three small potatoes for almost $7. I saw cucumbers for $3.99 EACH. Some stores had grapes at a ridiculous $6.99 a pound. Add to that the alarming increase in everyday food, like coffee, milk and dairy, no wonder everyone is feeling the pinch(拮据).

I went shopping on the weekend, and came out with $186 worth of food in three grocery bags. I returned two items immediately. I purchased a liter of milk that had been marked down 50%—but I didn’t catch in time that the cashier forgot to ring in the discount, and charged me full price.

As I just feed my husband and myself, I can afford to purchase more organic proteins, like chicken. But I can also appreciate not every family can afford to do so, which is my major concern.

Can the increase of food prices be slowed down or even stopped? With the increasing consumer demand for foods not in season or readily available, plus people looking for fast convenience, I do believe the answer lies within us: We need to take back control over the foods we eat. Stop listening to all the hype (宣传) that convenience is better than cooking creativity, and just get back to basics.

People need to go back to basics, learn some fundamental kitchen essentials and truly be mindful of cooking practices. Just as an old saying goes, if you give someone a fish, they’ll eat for a day, but if you teach someone to fish, they’ll eat forever.

1. What might be the author?
A.A cook.B.A writer.C.A publisher.D.A businesswoman.
2. Why did the author return two items when shopping?
A.They cost too much.B.She took the items by mistake.
C.The cashier made a mistake.D.She found they were of no use.
3. How does the author feel about the current situation?
4. What is the author’s advice according to the text?
A.Do more cooking at home.B.Control food consumption.
C.Purchase more organic proteins.D.Learn to fish if you like eating fish.
2023-01-27更新 | 45次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般