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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:60 题号:20316911

US astronaut Mae Jemison was only a little girl back in the 1960s. But she was old enough to know there was something strange with the Apollo astronauts as she watched them go into space on TV: They were all men-no women could be seen.

“That was the most absurd thing in the world,” Jemison, now an astronaut herself, once told The Atantic.“I just though, would the aliens actually think this is all there is to humanity”.

Fortunately, the past five decades have seen the world becoming a less “absurd” place. From NASA’s first astronaut class in 1959, which was all-male, to its 2013 class, in which half of all eight members were women, we can see how things are changing.

And on March 29,another history was about to be made when an all-female team-Anne McClain and Christina Koch - was scheduled to make an “all-women spacewalk” since all previous spacewalks were done with at least one male astronaut. But that plan was eventually can celled, due to “spacesuit availability”,which means NASA doesn’t have two suits that fit women.

The world is still pretty “absurd” after all.

In fact, tests have long proved that women are not at all less competent than men when it comes to space tasks. But apparently, test results are not enough to fight off the world’s long-existing biases against women.According to Atlas Obscura magazine, female astronauts were sometimes asked sexist questions during news conferences - examples include how they would live for a week without makeup, or how they could leave their children behind to go on space missions - when male astronauts were never bothered by such questions.

Hopefully - give it another few decades - we’ll be able to see a world that’s fully grown out of its absurdity in terms of gender equality. And hopefully, when aliens do come visit one of our space stations,they’ll see humanity the way it should be.

1. Which of the following descriptions fits Mae Jemison?
A.When she was young in 1960s, she knew nothing of the Apollo astronauts.
B.She believed that the aliens thought there was no woman on earth.
C.She found it unfair to see all the Apollo astronauts were men.
D.She wanted to be one of the Apollo astronauts.
2. What happened in NASA according to paragraph 4?
A.The astronauts class which were male became all female in 2013.
B.An all-female team made “all women spacewalk ”plan come true.
C.“All women spacewalk” plan was canceled because of astronauts’ability.
D.The shortage of space suits upset the “all women spacewalk”plan.
3. We can draw the conclusion from the tests that___
A.Women are more competent than men in space tasks.
B.Despite the results, the world’s long-existing biases against women still exists.
C.It is difficult for women not to use makeup for work.
D.Male astronauts never leave children behind to go on space missions.
4. What view did the author hold in the last paragraph?
A.When aliens visit our space stations, they will sce more human beings.
B.He believes that there will be no absurdity about the equality between men and women.
C.The world may become one full of humans and aliens.
D.Our space station will grow fully in another few decades.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Don’t drive your kids to school. Let them ride a bike to school.

In England 8.3 million children travel to school every day. It is reported that only a small number of pupils cycle to school (under 2%), although one in three children would actually like to.

Experts say that to stay healthy, children need at least one hour of moderate (适度的) exercise every day. But only six out of ten boys and four out of ten girls get that. One of the reasons is that parents have developed a habit of driving their children to school when they could just walk or ride a bike to school.

Teachers often say that children who walk or ride a bike to school are more ready to listen to their classes, ask and answer questions in class than those driven by car, and the school journey is a good chance for children to learn about road safety and other life skills. Also, for many children, riding a bike is more fun than going to school by car.

Most parents know the benefits (好处). Then what’s stopping them from letting their kids ride a bike? Safety is the number one worry for them. But actually riding a bike is not as dangerous as parents think it is.

1. This passage is mainly written for _______.
A.teachers whose students have asked their parents to drive them to school
B.children who have asked their parents to drive them to school
C.parents who drive their children to school
D.parents who drive to work
2. Which of the following benefits of cycling to school is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.It will help children keep healthy.
B.It will make children more active in class.
C.It will make children feel freer (更自由的).
D.It will be more fun for children.
3. Parents don’t allow their children to ride a bike to school mainly because ________.
A.their children don’t want to
B.they are worried about their children’s safety (安全)
C.they don’t know what size bike to choose
D.they haven’t enough money to buy a bike
2021-11-10更新 | 17次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】Flying for a long time, you finally arrive at the place where you can relax—your hotel room. Now you throwyour bag on the bed, turn on the TV and watch an international news programme on a satellite channel probably from UK or the USA.
The main international broadcasters are BBC World and CNN. With an audience of over 1.5 billion people, these are popular channels that offer good-quality news programmes. In both companies, the journalists are experienced writers that produce journalism of a high standard.
However, there are alternative news channels which people watch because they want a less traditional or non-Western view on world events. Russia Today and Al Jazeera International, an Arabic company, are international channels that broadcast in English. Both companies say they give a fresh view on big stories, and their experienced journalists often report from places where Western journalists do not work, and so they give us stories that we don’t normally see.
The Internet offers more variety. OneWorldTV is an Internet site where you can find stories about the developing world and human rights, rather than the usual stories about US politics and business. The writers for this company are often local people who write the stories for free. This non-professional journalism is increasing, and it certainly offers more choices.
This increase in citizen journalism means that you can write the news, too. Main news broadcasters often use photographs and stories that members of the general public send to them, especially when there is a dramatic breaking news story. Besides this, some blogs are popular sources of news, and the website NowPublic lets you write stories using information you can get from anywhere, including sites like Youtube, Flickr and Twitter.
1. The first paragraph is meant to .
A.offer a suggestionB.give a warning
C.explain a reasonD.introduce the topic
2. It can be learned from the text that more and more people will .
A.prefer to read local newsB.pay more attention to world news
C.start a career in citizen journalismD.give up watching TV news programmes
3. What would be the best title for the text?
A.The Latest Local NewsB.More Choices for News
C.The End of TV NewsD.Traditional World News
2018-09-24更新 | 74次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Traditional Chinese education required scholars to learn the Confucian classics. And they were taught certain rites (礼仪) connected with ancestor worship, but were by no means supposed to have the beliefs which the rites would seem to imply, placing no barrier in the way of free intellectual (理智的) suspicion. An easy and elegant suspicion was the attitude expected of an educated adult; anything might be discussed, but it was slightly rude to reach very positive conclusions. Chinese education produced stability and art; it failed to produce progress or science. Perhaps this may be taken as what is to be expected of suspicion.

Confucianism in Japan never produced the cultured suspicion which characterized the Chinese scholars. The aim of Japanese education is to produce citizens who shall be devoted to the national greatness through the training of their passions, and useful to it through the knowledge they have acquired. However, their religion, which must not be questioned even by university professors, involves doubtful history and, therefore, many kinds of progress are scarcely possible, and the products of Japanese education are likely to be too stubborn. Neither suspicion nor stubbornness is what education should produce. What education should produce is a belief that knowledge is attainable, though with difficulty; that much of what passes for knowledge at any given time is likely to be more or less mistaken, but that the mistakes can be corrected. This state of mind is rather difficult but in fact the scientific temper. Knowledge, like other good things, is difficult, It not impossible; the stubbornness forgets the difficulty, and the suspicion denies the possibility. Both are mistaken.

Doctor Arnold’s system, which has remained in force in English public schools, had another inadequacy. The aim was to train men for positions of authority and power, whether at home or in distant parts of the Empire. The noble, if they are to survive, need certain virtues; these were to be educated at school. The product was to be energetic and physically fit, possessed of certain unchangeable beliefs, with high standards of morality, and convinced that it had an important mission in the world. However, intellect was sacrificed, because it might produce suspicion.

1. What does an easy and elegant suspicion mean according to paragraph 1?
A.Reading masterpieces.
B.Observing traditions.
C.Suspending judgement.
D.Dismissing science.
2. How is Japanese education compared with traditional Chinese education?
3. What does the underlined word “it“ in the last paragraph refer to?
A.A powerful position.B.An educated person.
C.A productive public school.D.An all-round teaching system.
4. What is the possible disadvantage of suspicion in education?
A.Intellect is underestimated.B.Knowledge is less achievable.
C.A noble position is missing.D.Certain virtues are sacrificed.
2023-10-28更新 | 114次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般