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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:56 题号:20353264

For the first time, astronomers have caught a star in the act of eating a planet. The star known as ZTF SLRN-2020, exists approximately 12,000 light years away in our galaxy.

“For decades, we’ve been able to see the before and after,” says study leader Kishalay De. “Before, when the planets are still orbiting very close to their star, and after, when a planet has already been swallowed up, and the star is giant. What we were missing was catching the star in the act, where you have a planet going through this fate in real time. That’s what makes this discovery really exciting.”

In 2020, De was studying data, hoping to find evidence of two stars combining with each other. This usually results in bursts of light thousands of times brighter than the stars themselves. But one shining star De discovered was much dimmer (黯淡的), only 100 times brighter. Also, the crash of two stars usually produces hot gas. However, this one was surrounded by dust molecules (分子). De wondered if he had detected a star swallowing a planet.

He and his team spent the next two years examining similar data. NASA provided the final piece of evidence they needed. The images allowed them to confirm that the molecules were traces of a star eating its planet. The scientists said that as the planet was being swallowed, it displaced hot gas from the star. The gas then cooled and created dust. Pieces of the planet also blew away from the star, producing more dust.

Some scientists believe Earth will also be consumed by the Sun in about five billion years. But Mansi Kasliwal, a professor, says humans will not be around then. The increasing heat from the expanding Sun will evaporate (使蒸发) all the water from Earth long before it gets close enough to swallow it, making it uninhabitable. Smadar Naoz, an astronomer, agrees that the Earth’s water sources will dry up. “Whether or not the Sun will swallow the Earth is quite controversial,” she says. “But it wouldn’t matter because it will no longer be our beautiful Earth with an atmosphere and oceans.”

1. What fate does De think the planet is undergoing?
A.It is being swallowed.B.It is being abandoned.
C.It is becoming larger.D.It is growing older.
2. What is the evidence of a star eating its planet?
A.Hot gas.B.Dust molecules.
C.Pieces of a planet.D.Bursts of brighter light.
3. What do Mansi Kasliwal and Smadar Naoz agree with each other?
A.The Earth will be eaten by the Sun.B.Humans will move to another planet.
C.The water on Earth will disappear.D.The Earth will become more beautiful.
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.Scientists Make an Unusual Discovery
B.Stars and Planets Are Born and Die
C.The Earth Will Not Be Eaten by the Sun
D.Astronomers Detect a Star Swallowing a Planet
【知识点】 天体和宇宙 新闻报道


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The earth is the only planet that scientists think has life. Why does the earth have life while the other planets don’t? For one thing, the earth is just the right temperature. As the third planet from the sun, the earth seems to be just the right distance away. The planets which are closer to the sun are so hot. The farthest planets are cold balls.

When the earth developed—which scientists believe may have happened about 4 billion years ago—many gases covered the earth. The gases caused the earth to be hot. But something wonderful happened. The temperature was just right for thick clouds to form. It rained very hard for a very long time. This gave the earth its oceans. Water made it possible for plants to grow. The plants created oxygen in the atmosphere. Oxygen is the gas that humans and animals breathe.

Only one other planet in the solar system seems to be something like the earth. That planet is Mars(火星). Mars is smaller than the earth, and it is quite a bit cooler. But it is not too cold for humans. On some days, the temperatures are as low as a winter day in the northern United States. If you wore a special spacesuit, you could walk around on Mars. The most difficulty is that you have to bring your own air to breathe, because the air on Mars is too thin to breathe.

Mars has the largest volcano(火山) in the solar system. It is sixteen miles high. The highest volcano on the earth is five miles high. Scientists believe that Mars was once much better than it is now. Does this mean there could have been living things on Mars? Scientists are not sure, but there has been no sign so far.

1. Which of the following is NOT the reason that the earth has life?
A.The earth is just the right temperature.
B.There is oxygen in the atmosphere of the earth.
C.The volcanoes on the earth are lower than those on Mars.
D.The earth seems to be just the right distance away from the sun.
2. The underlined phrase “the third planet” in the first paragraph refers to_______.
A.the SunB.the Moon
C.the EarthD.the Mars
3. Which of the following about the Mars is NOT true?
A.There is almost no oxygen in the air on Mars.
B.There could have been living things on Mars.
C.Mars has the largest volcano in the solar system.
D.Mars is smaller and quite a bit cooler than the earth.
4. Which is the first trouble for human to live on Mars?
A.The volcanoes.B.The temperature.
C.The air.D.The food.
5. Which of the following is probably the best title for the passage?
A.The EarthB.The Moon
C.Planets in the Solar SystemD.Mars is Most Like the Earth
2017-06-15更新 | 78次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】On Monday, August 21, millions of Americans across the country wore their protective eyeglasses to watch the highly expected total solar eclipse (日食). Though the eclipses, which occur about every 18 months, are not rare, this one was historic. It was not only the first total solar eclipse visible from the mainland US in more than 38 years, but also the first to be seen coast to coast in almost a century.

The crowds were thrilled as the moon briefly blocked the sun, covering cities all the way from Oregon to South Carolina (SC) with darkness. A cold ran down many spines (脊柱) as the temperatures dropped dramatically, by up to 12 degrees Fahrenheit, during totality (全食). Those fortunate enough to have clear skies not only saw the corona, the sun’s outer atmosphere, which is usually not visible in the sun’s glare, but also the bright stars and planets.

Unfortunately, the weather was not cooperative everywhere. The crowds who gathered in Charleston, SC, the last big city in the path of totality, had to struggle against a thick cloud cover when the partial eclipse began at 1:17 pm. It did thin out a little as totality took place at 2:46 pm, allowing for a good view of the eclipse, but not the sun’s corona! However, some splendid flashes of lightning that occurred just as the moon covered the sun helped ease the disappointment somewhat.

All in all, the rare event, believed to be the most observed and most photographed eclipse in history, was a huge success. As Bill Nye, aka “the Science Guy” briefly put it, “Experiencing an eclipse changes the way we feel about space and how we are connected. This moment will remind us all that we share a common origin among the stars and that we are all citizens of the same planet.”

1. What do we know about the eclipse on August 21?
A.It was first viewed by the citizens in Carolina.
B.It caused a temperature decrease in some cities.
C.It was the first total solar eclipse visible in the US.
D.It cheered astronomy lovers from all over the world.
2. Paragraph 3 is mainly about________.
A.where people could enjoy a good eclipse
B.when the total solar eclipse happened in Charleston
C.what people saw in Charleston during the eclipse
D.why the weather was bad in Charleston
3. How does Bill comment this rare event?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.US People Celebrate the Rare Solar Eclipse
B.Imperfect Weather Disappoints Eclipse Lovers
C.Astronomy Experts Analyze Total Solar Eclipse
D.Historic Total Solar Eclipse Attracts People in US
2023-03-03更新 | 63次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Now we are in a "golden age" of space-sample collection and exploration. Space agencies around the world are busy collecting, or planning to collect, samples from asteroids(小行星),moons and planets and so on.

China's Chang'e-5 mission is the most recent sample-return mission that has been successfully completed. On Dec 17, 2020, the Chang'e-5 lunar probe(探测器)returned home and landed in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region after weeks of space travel, China Daily reported. This was the world’s first lunar sample-return mission since 1976. The mission collected 1,713 grams of samples of rocks and dust with the help of a drill and a mechanical(机械的)arm.

Another space sample-return mission was completed on Dec 6, 2020. Japan's Hayabusa-2 probe returned a capsule to Earth containing valuable samples from the asteroid Ryugu. This was the second time asteroid samples had ever been collected and brought back to Earth. The first asteroid samples were collected by the original Hayabusa spacecraft back in 2010.

There will be more such missions in the near future. NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, which collected samples from the asteroid Bennu in October 2020, is expected to return to Earth in 2023. Russia's Lunar-25 mission is scheduled to launch to the moon in 2021 to collect lunar samples.

“I cannot emphasize enough how valuable return samples are for increasing our understanding of the origin and evolution of our solar system and our place in the universe, and how we came to be," said Ann Nguyen, a NASA planetary scientist

As for the Chang'e-5 lunar samples, scientists will conduct various analyses, tests and experiments to determine the composition, structure and physical characteristics of the samples. This information will help to deepen our knowledge about the history of the moon, as well as our solar system as a whole.

1. What do we know about the Chang'e-5 lunar probe?
A.It was launched on Dec 17,2020.
B.It completed the most successful mission.
C.It collected the world's first lunar sample.
D.It brought back more than 1,700 grams of lunar samples.
2. What does the author focus on in paragraphs 3 and 4?
A.Providing examples.B.Explaining a concept.
C.Drawing comparisons.D.Making a summary.
3. Why do we collect samples from space according to Ann Nguyen?
A.To learn more about how the solar system originates and evolves.
B.To determine the structure of the solar system.
C.To deepen our knowledge about our place on Earth.
D.To understand how water first appeared on the moon.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A "golden age" comesB.Man explores space
C.Space samples landD.Scientists analyse samples
2021-04-12更新 | 81次组卷
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