组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 公益行为 > 善行义举(个人)
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:224 题号:20587989

Our flight didn’t leave until Sunday night, so I worked as usual during the day on Sunday, playing the piano during brunch at a golf resort located down in the valley. I loved my job and my customers, most of whom faithfully dined every Sunday.

That morning, I’d told my customers that my sweet daughter had loaned me money for an airline ticket so I could fly out with her and my grandchildren to see my father for what we believed would be the last time.

One of my favorite customers came over before she left and gave me a huge hug. In the process, she slipped a bill in my hand instead of dropping it in my tip basket. Her voice sounded serious. “This is for your trip. It’s not to pay bills and not to pay your daughter for the plane ticket.”

My eyes watered as I stared at the fifty-dollar bill in my hand. “Thank you, but I can’t accept this. It’s way too much money.”

Every Sunday, this woman left me a more than-generous tip, but this seemed too much. When I refused the bill and tried to hand it back, she gently pushed away my hand. “I know you’ll find the perfect use for it. Have fun. I’ll see you when you get back.”

I was struggling to make ends meet, so that extra fifty would have come in handy for bills or groceries. Yet my customer’s words kept echoing (重复) through my head. After talking it over with my husband, he agreed. I should take the fifty with me and honor my customer’s wishes.

Our plane took off late, and when we landed, my daughter and I dashed through the airport with two young children, terrified of missing our connecting flight.

When we finally reached our gate, I spotted a young mother with tears streaming down her face searching through her carry-on bags, obviously losing something.

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I walked over and put my arm around her.


I grabbed the woman’s hand and slipped her the money.

23-24高三上·河北邢台·期中 查看更多[4]


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

There have been so many acts of kindness that have touched me deeply. But the one that stands out the most was the one that happened, of all places, at the blacksmith shop at Old Sturbridge Village in Sturbridge, Massachusetts.

I had visited the village that day with my two children and my mother, who came along to enjoy this living museum, but also to assist me. While my daughter, age eleven, did not need the additional care, my son, at age seven, most certainly did.

When my son was a baby, it was very clear to me that there was something different about him. After countless trips to different specialists and the completion of diverse testing, a diagnosis of a particular chromosoral (染色体的) disorder was made, whose symptoms were also consistent with autism (自闭症). My son was constantly in motion and had no sense of danger, requiring that his caregivers watch his every move to prevent him from running away or heading into traffic. He also loved strangers, thinking that everyone was his potential best friend. He greeted everyone with hug.

The fact that he looked much older than his actual age, and he acted much younger, made it even harder for strangers to accept him. Although my son was still too young to recognize when he Was being rejected, every harsh word, refusal, or look of pity broke my heart. I had started to avoid taking him out in public.

That day, at the village, I had walked around taking my son’s hand, ready to protect him from being hurt by anyone. For some reason, my son had insisted on visiting the blacksmith (铁匠) building. He chatted about the shop for the entire day, constantly asking if it was time yet to visit the blacksmith. Knowing that refusal in any form at that place would cause my son to experience a great disappointment, I saved that building for the end of the day.

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With great worry, I allowed my son to enter.
That sweet man then asked me if it would be okay for my son to join him.
2023-11-19更新 | 45次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Joy, a ten-year-old boy who loved nature, is always ready to help others, whether animals or humans. For example, he is always keeping water in a large basin in his yard for watering the birds and other animals.

One noon, he was playing on the grass in a bushy garden after school. He enjoyed the chirping (叽喳叫) birds, colorful butterflies, and two squirrels playing on the coconut trees. It was their own free kingdom, and Joy felt like an outsider. He decided to give them space to enjoy freely.

So he found an open grass and lay down, feeling like sunbathing on a greeny beach. Under the hot sun, Joy covered the eyes with his soft palms (手掌). His mind flew and thought about his class teacher Miss Shyla’s homework task — to do a good deed every day.

Joy stretched (伸出) out his hands, fed the squirrel some crazy biscuits and played with it. He felt the tiny eyes of a squirrel upon him. And just then, Joy saw a big rat spying on him from a hole. Upon seeing the big rat, Joy rose to his feet before it silently moving and running towards the hole. Finally, he failed to find the rat and the rat hid into its hole. Joy lay down again.

As he enjoyed the greeny beach and the sight of the blue sky, he couldn’t help but thought, “What a wonderful and blessed world it is! We humans should allow the animals to live as they wished.”

Suddenly, a tiny bird fell to the ground before his eyes. The bird shook several times and then lost consciousness (知觉). Joy jumped up and tried his best to wake the bird up, but failed. He thought the bird had fainted (晕倒) because of the heat. He couldn’t bear to see the little creature suffer and decided to take care of the bird.

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Joy picked up the bird and rushed back home.


At last, the bird came back to life and opened its eyes.

2023-04-20更新 | 187次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Sometimes, we all need that one person to believe in us if we ever want to change our lives. Thankfully, one homeless man’s note was about to get found by someone willing to help turn his life around.

Anthony Johnson is a 36-year-old who had been living without a home in England. Sadly, his time on the streets meant that Anthony struggled to find work. He soon decided to leave a note at a bus shelter asking anyone to give him a chance so he could make his life worth living.

It turned out that Anthony had once got caught up with the wrong crowd. Although he has turned his life around, Anthony had no way of making money and couldn’t afford a home. To top it off, Anthony had also been battling his mental health in the last few years and just needed a chance to make it for himself.

It wasn’t until 16-year-old Charlotte Howard saw the note that everything started to change. Charlotte wanted to help Anthony in his quest to turn things around and decided to start a GoFundMe page. Here, the teen hoped to raise almost $400-$130 to buy a trailer and the rest to cover the cost of the repairs.

It didn’t take long for Charlotte’s post to take the nation by storm, and the page soon had more donations than the teen ever imagined. In just six days, Charlotte had blown her initial goal out of the water as the page had received more than $2,300 in donations. It was way more than either of the pair ever expected.

注意:1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
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Unbelievably, the generosity didn’t end there.
Charlotte Howard came up with a new idea about how to use the rest of the money.
2021-11-28更新 | 153次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般