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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:220 题号:20606296

Shennongjia is said to be the place     1     Yan Di once lived. Some visitors hope that they may even encounter the legendary wild men in the remote mountains and virgin (原始状态的) forests. They do not     2     (actual) see any wild man, but they are attracted by Shennongjia’s vibrant (充满生机的) ecology, rich biodiversity and karst landforms.

Shennongjia’s beauty     3     (vary) over the year as nature takes its course.     4     (tourist) can enjoy flower blossoms in spring, be shaded from the summer heat, appreciate red leaves in autumn     5     go skiing in winter. In 2010s, China announced its plan of     6     (build) 10 pilot national parks for ecosystem preservation, including in Shennongjia Forestry District, Hubei Province.

Official data showed that visitors to Shennongjia Forestry District     7     (reach) about 15. 5 million in 2020. By 2025, the forest area aims     8     (increase) that annual figure to over 30 million, with tourism revenue of more than 10 billion yuan.

Visitors can employ a bus service if they do not drive     9     (they) own cars. The journey to Shennongjia will take up to five hours from nearby Yichang or Shiyan. In May, 2021, Shennongjia was connected to     10       newly built freeway, making the mountainous region more accessible.

【知识点】 旅游观光 自然地理


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Needless to say, the trip to the Great Barrier Reef (大堡礁) was a great experience.

The first day     1     (begin) early at a dive (潜水) shop in Cairns.     2     took a few hours to get to the first reef, so we had a good chance     3     (meet) the people we’d be hanging out with.

Diving was great. Even from the surface of the water, I had a(n)     4     (wonder) view of the reef. Between the fish     5     the endless coral (珊瑚), there was something interesting and beautiful to look at in every     6     (direct). When the sun hit the reef, everything seemed even more bright and alive.

As we swam around, tons of colorful fish were diving in and out of the coral and I also saw starfish dancing in the waves as sharks swam past. I couldn’t believe how     7     (relax) I felt! Everything moved slowly. It was so enjoyable.

I still remembered that day     8     I dove deep into the Great Barrier Reef with great courage. Going diving for my last Australian adventure was the     9     (good) decision I made. If I had to describe the experience in one word, I’d say diving in the Great Barrier Reef was     10     (simple) unbelievable.

2022-08-24更新 | 109次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

The Singing Sand Mountains are situated in Dunhuang in western China. As one of the coolest natural phenomena on     1     planet, the dunes sound as if they are singing to you as you slide down them.     2     (locate) between the tall dunes, there is a little miracle. This spring,     3     looks like a moon, has been there for thousands of years and has never dried up. The spring, even with the shifting sand,     4     (remain)blue year-round.

Climbing to the top of the dunes is hard work, but worth it. Rent a pair of bright-orange shoe protectors or just shake your     5     (shoe) out later as most people do. A wooden walkway is half buried in the sand so you can get a proper footing on the deep sand.

The dunes are a tourist     6     (attract), with dune cars, dune surfing, and helicopter flights. However,     7     (appreciate) the sandy scene in peace is not hard to hike away. The dunes look most attractive either in the morning     8     towards dusk.

The drive down the dunes is also     9     (surprise) as the large mountains of sand     10     (sudden) appear at the end of the road.

2022-04-09更新 | 152次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

If one travels to Chengdu for the first time, Chunxi Road is a place that should not be missed. Chunxi Road     1     (build) in 1924 to connect two commercial (商业的) centers. It provides lovely food choices,     2     (attract) sightseeing, and a lot of shopping chances for visitors. It is     3     (real) an excellent place to have fun and experience the life of Chengdu locals.

Standing at the north end of Chunxi Road     4     (be) some statues. An old man     5     (dress) in traditional Chinese clothes holds a snuff (鼻烟) bottle in his hand. Not far from him, a modern young lady in fashionable clothes is walking in     6     hurry. A stone lock statue lies between them. It shows the time 00:00 on February 10,2002, the date     7     the rebuilding was finished. The old man stands for the businessmen from the past, while the lady stands for the modern young people.

Chunxi Road is a paradise (天堂) for shopping with all kinds of stores selling goods from international high-end things     8     cheap ones. Besides, the traditional Chengdu food here will make your mouth water. Famous local     9     (snack), such as Zhong Dumplings, Lai Tangyuan and Han Baozi, are delicious and cheap,     10     (get) popularity among visitors across the world.

2022-01-11更新 | 250次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般