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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:53 题号:20632543

Venice is an attractive city between the sea and the sky. The city     1    (consist) of over 100 islands and there aren’t any cars or buses. All the islands     2    (link) by canals and bridges, making it     3    (convenience) for people to travel around the city. The best­known of the canals, the Grand Canal, serves     4     the main street in the part of the city.

Venice has a lot of world­famous tourist     5    (attraction), including Saint Mark’s Square, the Doge’s Palace and Saint Mark’s Basilica,     6     is the city’s most famous church. Every year thousands     7     tourists visit this beautiful city. They always find themselves     8    (impress) by the city’s cultural treasures.

Sadly, the Italian city has been regularly flooded by rising sea water over the years. From November to February, sea level rises up to one and a half meters,     9    (cover) many of Venice’s famous areas. But people in Venice still love their city. They are unwilling     10    (leave). Instead, they want to stay there to save Venice from the sea.

【知识点】 人文地理 城市


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Imagine mountains     1     (wrap)in silver water, turning bright green     2     growing rice and becoming flash gold and then they     3    (cover) in sheets of white frost. These are the     4    (colour) of the Longji Rice Terraces. The work on the terraces took hundreds of years until its     5     (complete) in the early Qing Dynasty. The reasons why people go to so much trouble     6     (turn) the entire mountains into terraces are as follows: having few large flat land, holding more rainwater and preventing the soil from     7     (wash) away. It is along these waterways     8     rainwater moves down the mountains and into the terraces. The water heated by the sun is turned     9     vapour and then the vapour forms clouds from     10     rain falls down.

2021-09-17更新 | 42次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Located in a mountainous region of Chengde city, the Jinshanling Great Wall section is the best     1     (preserve) part of the Great Wall from the Ming Dynasty with many     2     (usual) features.

Three towers are must-sees at the Jinshanling Great Wall,which are very famous even     3    the world. Each tower contains     4    (it) own legend. The General Tower was named to commemorate Wu Guihua, a heroine     5     sacrificed herself to resist invasions (入侵) from the north. The Black Tower and the Taochun Tower were named to commemorate two girls, Heigu and Taochun, who made great     6     (contribute) to the construction of the Great Wall.

If you go, you are likely     7    (find) yourself experiencing totally different scenery in four seasons. In spring, apricot flowers decorate the Great Wall. In summer, the winding dragon-shaped Great Wall     8     (surround) by a sea of green plants. In autumn, the Great Wall turns into a colorful place and in winter, heavy snow covers the Great Wall,     9    (add) a sense of magnificence and solemnity.

The annual Apricot Flower Festival kicks off at the beginning of April.     10     you have time, you should witness the true beauty of the China’s landmark.

2022-01-30更新 | 154次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

My cousin and I took a trip by rail across Canada from west to east. Before starting out, we spent a couple of days in Vancouver, admiring the     1    (sight). Then we arose early to take the train to Lake Louise, passing through the Canadian Rockies.     2    (see) from the train window, the mountains and forests looked     3    (mass). We spent the night near the lake, where the blue water literally took our breath away,     4     headed to Jasper the next morning. The beautiful scenery convinced us it was the most awesome journey we     5    (take). From Jasper, we boarded the train bound     6     Toronto. One of our first stops was in Edmonton, which     7     (be) home to many shopping malls. We never anticipated seeing such an open country until the train headed across the Great Prairie.     8     amazed us most were a bunch of farms covering two wheat- growing provinces. The train thundered on, through the     9    (roll) hills in Ontario. It was     10    (true) enjoyable to watch the red maple leaves outside the window. After four days, we reached Toronto.

2022-01-12更新 | 181次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般