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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:77 题号:20651247

You are enrolled in a full-time school called “life”. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or hate them, but you have designed them as part of your curriculum.

Why are you here? What is your purpose? Humans have sought to discover the meaning of life for a very long time. What we and our ancestors have overlooked, however, is that there is no one answer. The meaning of life is different for every individual.

Each person has his or her own purpose and distinct path, unique and separate from anyone else’s. As you travel your life path, you will be presented with numerous lessons that you will need to learn in order to fulfill that purpose. The lessons you are presented with are specific to you; learning these lessons is the key to discovering and fulfilling the meaning and connection of your own life.

As you travel through your lifetime, you may encounter challenging lessons that others don’t have to face, while other spend years struggling with challenges that you don’t need to deal with. You may never know why you are blessed with a wonderful marriage, while your friends suffer through bitter arguments and painful divorces, just as you cannot be sure why you struggle financially while your peers enjoy abundance. The only thing you can count on for certain is that you will be presented with all the lessons that you specifically need to learn; whether you choose to learn them or not is entirely up to you.

The challenge here, therefore, is to align (公开支持,使一致) yourself with your own unique path by learning individual lessons. This is one of the most difficult challenges you will be faced with in your lifetime, as sometimes your path will be completely different from others’. But, remember, don’t compare your path to the people around you and focus on the difference between their lessons and yours. You need to remember that you will only be faced with lessons that you are capable of learning and are specific to your own growth.

Our sense of fairness is the expectation of equality — the assumption that all things are equal and justice will always prevail (盛行). Life is not, in fact, fair, and you may indeed have a more difficult life path than others around you, deserved or not. Everyone’s circumstances are unique, and everyone needs to handle his or her own circumstances differently. If you want to move toward calm, you will be required to move out of the complaining phase of “it’s not fair”. Focusing on the unfairness of circumstances keeps you comparing yourself with others rather than appreciating your own special uniqueness. You miss out on learning your individual lessons by distracting yourself with feelings of bitterness and anger.

1. According to the passage, how can the meaning of your life be realized?
A.Having the same opinions as others.
B.Taking the distinct path from others.
C.Learning the lessons presented to you.
D.Doing the different things from others.
2. From the passage we can conclude that _________.
A.everyone has his own track to follow
B.the same things usually happen to the peers
C.a painful divorce must lie in financial problems
D.a wealthy man must have a wonderful marriage
3. In your lifetime, the lessons you are faced with ________.
A.are beyond your powerB.keep you from growth
C.limit your developmentD.help you with your success
4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.All things are equal and justice will always prevail.
B.You should learn to appreciate your specific uniqueness.
C.One has to fix his mind on unfairness of circumstances.
D.You can complain “it’s not fair” whenever possible.
5. Life is called a full-time school, because ________.
A.it is full of all lessons to learn
B.you have plenty of time to learn lessons
C.you meet with specific lessons every day
D.there are so many subjects for you to choose


阅读理解-阅读单选(约680词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】We lead very busy lives and we too easily forget how hard it was for us to focus on homework when we were in school. Now that we have jobs to do, food to buy and cook and other errands(差事) to run, even I sometimes think it would be a welcome change to have to sit down and quietly read and write with no distractions. But, in case you don’t remember - homework is pretty much every child’s least favorite thing to do. In the age of Netflix, Snapchat and wifi, the distractions are almost endless. It can sometimes almost be too hard to even keep up with all the new tech advances our kids are using, so how can we make sure that those advances take a back seat to our children’s education? Here are some ideas.

There’s no point in stopping the reality that young people are going to focus on their phones and tablets instead of other things at times. Your best way is to accept, actually the tech sector continues to be the most profitable and fast-growing industries and that’s unlikely to change fast. There are ways to use technology to help your kid do homework. Ask your teacher and school staff what apps and websites they’re using to teach lessons and supplements(补充) them with at-home activities as well.

Even though technology has changed, the basics haven’t. If you want to read, write and think properly, you need to have peace and quiet and the ability to focus, right? Well, your kids are just the same.Try and find a space in your home to enable your kids to do work away from televisions, the Internet or other distractions. Let me be clear: this shouldn’t be a prison.I feel like I’m my most productive working alone in an office or at a busy cafe with my headphones on. Getting lost in other realities helps my creativity grow. Placing kids in isolation(独处) can often have a harmful effect and doesn’t always equal being more productive.

I feel like “getting engaged( 参 与 )” is always a big part of my advice for parents on just about everything. How can you make sure your children are being successful if you have no idea what they’re doing? How can you be sure they’re doing it right if you don’t know what is the correct answer? What do they need? You should be in touch with their teachers, have a sense of where the lessons are going, what kinds of tasks are being given and what success looks like in the classroom.

Knowing all of that is key to your child’s success, especially when matched with some encouraging praise and helpful tips on how he can keep going. Thinking about how your child is best motivated(激励) by other things and using those methods here reasonably isn’t a bad idea.

And if by chance you’re having trouble solving that Math problems or understanding a sentence, don’t fear – you’re not alone. Use the school staff, other parents or friends as your support. Better to seek help than do nothing.

We all know that homework isn’t exactly the most entertaining way anyone spends their time. And sometimes we can’t help but feel that since we left school, we’re done with homework forever. But the circle of life plays out in all times and it’s up to us to make sure that we pass on the lessons we’ve picked up and that while homework might seem dull, it’s how we build skills, learn real lessons and get on the road to greatness. That greatness is on the inside, it’s up to us as adults to enable the young people to bring it out. The key to achieving greatness is to take a lifelong learning.

1. What is the author’s attitude towards new tech?
A.It affects parents’ everyday life.
B.It should be kept out of children’s reach.
C.It can benefit student’s education.
D.It makes homework easier.
2. Which of the following ideas might the author agree with?
A.Homework should be made entertaining.
B.Parents should know what motivates their children best.
C.Students should do their homework independently.
D.School staff should help parents on new tech.
3. While parents engaged in their children’s homework, they________.
A.must be better at all the lessons
B.needn’t make sure that their children are being successful
C.can teach their children by themselves
D.should know as much as possible about it
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Children should achieve greatness on their own.
B.Parents and their children should learn from each other.
C.Children can hardly succeed without parents’ efforts.
D.Parents can only obtain skills by helping their children.
2021-04-15更新 | 131次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】I have dreamed of taking a trip to Hawaii since I graduated, but the best thing always needs waiting.

I took a trip with my friends to Haleakala National Park, which lies in Hawaii.

When we arrived at Haleakala National Park, we were advised to watch the early morning sunrise. I was lost in the sightseeing (观光) that afternoon, so I could hardly wait to see the sunrise. The next morning, we all got out of bed very early and got to the seaside at 3 o’clock. In the first half an hour, we imagined how wonderful it would be when the first light came out through the thick clouds and how soft it would be when the light touched our skin, so we waited and waited. However, another half an hour later, I gradually lost my patience since there was nothing but the chilly darkness, and I felt that I was frozen to death. (冻死) But my friends were still extremely cheerful.

Nearly another one hour later, “Amazing!” Judy burst out and we all shouted to welcome the light, which was really unbelievable. Until today, I dare say that it is the most impressive sunrise in my life. However, waiting in the morning darkness is also one memory I can’t forget forever.

Waiting sometimes is really a hard thing for most of us as it needs patience and strong-willed determination (决心) , but what about the result after that? It might turn out to be pleasing and unbelievable. So, it is really worth (值得的) waiting for the best.

1. What can we learn from the passage?
A.he author’s friends and the author took a trip to China.
B.Hawaii is a good place to enjoy the sunrise.
C.Sometimes, it is worth waiting for the best.
D.The author enjoyed the worst sunrise in his life.
2. When did they see the first light of the sunrise?
A.About 3 o’clock.B.About 4 o’clock.
C.About 5 o’clock.D.About 6 o’clock.
3. What’s the meaning of the underlined word in Paragraph 2?
4. How did the author feel when waiting for the sunrise?
A.Excited all the time.B.Afraid all the time.
C.Firstly excited then afraid.D.Firstly excited then impatient.
2023-11-04更新 | 201次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Common phrases like “ no pains, no gains” give the impression that we ought to be suffering while we study. It’s almost as though the only way to know if we’re putting in enough work is the sense of hardship we bear.
When we haven’t taken the time to come up with another idea, all we know how to do is shut ourselves in a room with a book. It’s no surprise that we find revision boring and difficult. Just as children learn from playing, we can learn from doing, or at least from study techniques that interest us, rather than make us switch off.
Shutting yourself away can make you learn to hate studying. This leads to a situation where instead of being able to concentrate on your work, you are troubled by how unfair it is that you must study.
When you hate your work it’s very difficult to make yourself star, or approach it with any kind of structure or enthusiasm. This can be part of a vicious cycle(恶性循环) that traps you into ineffective revision, your poor progress fuelling further annoyance.
Just being around other people really helps fight against feelings of loneliness and, thankfully, it’s perfectly possible to work in the company of other people. We just need to learn how to deal with distractions(使人分心的事物).
It’s not necessary to avoid all company, just idle(懒散的) company. Studying in the same room as someone who is ironing or working out is perfectly possible. People who are bored and looking to be distracted, however, are terrible to work around. They constantly try to keep others in conversation.
It’s also a good idea to avoid the company of people involved in activities that you would rather be doing than studying. _________________________________________________________________________.
If being around others means working in a noisy environment, a pair of headphones and some background music can block out even noisy children. They also act as a psychological barrier, so that people think twice before interrupting you.
When you’re studying for a big exam, it seems like your whole life is taken up with study. Friends and family can lessen feelings of isolation(孤立). And connecting with other people makes us happy, so it’s important not to give that up and to make sure that we take the time to socialize.
1. The author might believe that the phrase “no pains, no gains” ______.
A.best describes how to study well
B.makes people treat study as a habit
C.encourages people to learn step by step
D.is not a good inspirational phrase for study
2. Which saying about study might the author prefer?
A.There is no royal road to learning.
B.It’s better to work behind closed door.
C.A positive motivation leads to good study results.
D.He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning.
3. Which might lead to an effective study based on this text?
A.A correct goal.B.A good teacher.
C.A favorable interest.D.A hard task.
4. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 7 implies that ______.
A.playing video games is helpful for an effective study
B.one shouldn’t let a video player to be his / her company
C.one should study from certain activities that he / she is interested in
D.the more time one spends in playing games, the higher marks he / she will get
5. If you are studying in a noisy environment, you’d better ______.
A.give indication of not wanting to be interrupted
B.give up others’ company at one
C.think twice before taking any action
D.force yourself to be accustomed to the environment
2014-08-21更新 | 211次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般