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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:314 题号:20684275

Parents have been urged to stop pretending Father Christmas is real in case the “lie” damages relations with their children. Making up stories about Santa risks destroying a child’s trust and is morally unbelievable, according to two experts.

Psychologist Professor Christopher Boyle and social scientist Dr. Kathy McKay also criticize the idea employed by parents—Santa Claus judges children to be nice or naughty. Writing in a well-known journal, they argue, “If they are capable of lying about something so special and magical, can they be relied upon to continue as the guardians of wisdom and truth?”

Defending the claims, Prof Boyle said, “The morality of making children believe in such myths has to be questioned. All children will eventually find out they’ve been consistently lied to for years, and this might make them wonder what other lies they’ve been told. Whether it’s right to make children believe in Father Christmas is an interesting question, and it’s also interesting to ask whether lying in this way will affect children in ways that have not been considered.”

Dr. McKay, from the University of New England in Australia, said there was clear evidence from the world of make-believe in movies and TV that adults looked for a chance to be children again. “The persistence of fandom(影迷) in stories like Harry Potter and Star Wars indicates their desire to briefly re-enter childhood,” she said. “However,” she added, “if adults have been lying about Santa, even though it has usually been well intentioned, what else is a lie? If Santa isn’t real, are fairies real? Is magic? Is God?”

They conclude, “Many people may long for a time when imagination was accepted and encouraged, which may not be the case in adult life. Might it be the case that the harshness of real life requires the creation of something better, something to believe in, something to hope for in the future or to return to a long-lost childhood a long time ago in a galaxy far far away?”

1. What did parents do that drew criticism from Dr. Kathy McKay?
A.They were fond of Harry Potter and Star Wars.
B.They acted as the guardians of wisdom and truth.
C.They said Santa Claus could judge a kid to be good or bad.
D.They have told many lies to their children besides Santa Claus.
2. What can be implied in the passage?
A.Parents are capable of making up stories about Santa Claus.
B.Lies about Santa Claus can have a negative impact upon children.
C.Stories about Santa Claus develop children’s trust in their parents.
D.Experts think it right to make children believe in Father Christmas.
3. Why are adults fond of watching fictional movies?
A.They desire to return to the long-lost childhood.
B.Everything will become better in movies than in real life.
C.They want to get away from pressure from life and work.
D.They didn’t watch such exciting movies when they were young.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward parents’ lying about Santa Claus?


阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Does Using Technology in the Classroom Help College Students?

Almost anywhere in the world, you are likely to find people doing the same thing in public places, on trains and buses or wherever else you look. They spend their day looking at laptop computers, smartphones or other personal electronic devices. They are thinking mainly about their electronic devices, and not much else.

    1    . More and more college students have no problem walking into a classroom and immediately opening their laptops. Others may spend an entire study period with a smartphone in hand.     2     But recent research suggests that using technology during class time may harm college students’ ability to remember and process the subject material they are learning.

Arnold Glass, a professor in Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and a student researcher investigated the issue of divided student attention. During half of their daily class periods, the students in their study were permitted to use any electronic device as much as they wanted.     3    

The students’ academic performance was measured in several ways throughout the semester. They took a short test every day, longer tests every few weeks and a final exam covering all the class material. The researchers found that the average daily quiz results showed no evidence of harmful effects from the use of technology.     4     They showed that all the students performed poorly on questions covering material taught on days when they were permitted to use technology in the classroom.

Glass says that it shows the use of electronic devices in the classroom prevents students from processing information. The students hear what the professor is saying. But they might be buying things online or reading unrelated emails at the same time, for example. So they are not thinking deeply about the subject matter as they are hearing it.     5    

A.The same can be said about the world of college education.
B.However, the average results of the larger tests and final exam told a different story.
C.And that, Glass says, makes it harder for the information to enter their long-term memory.
D.Technology, in general, is not the only way that students find to distract themselves in class.
E.But even if technology is helpful to some students, there are times when it needs to be turned off.
F.Some students argue that the increasing use of technology can have many helpful effects on society.
G.During the other half, researchers closely watched them to make sure no one was using any technology.
2019-03-20更新 | 173次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】When children are growing up, what they see in their families is what they tend to consider normal. That means family traditions and other activities are generally seen as just normal. If a family eats dinner together or spends time talking with each other, that’s what the child absorbs and internalizes.

Our family traditions are declining as we move toward a more isolated (孤立的) society. How many families no longer share meals around the dinner table, instead choosing to watch TV or text friends on their phones? This tends to isolate and disconnect family members from each other. It also stops families from communicating and catching up on each other’s lives.

For those of us who grew up in a household where families shared meals together and spent time talking with each other, chances are that we are passing along those traditions to our own families. The problem is, children today often want to spend their time in front of screens rather than people. Cell phones, computers and other attention-grabbing devices often mean parents get resistance to traditional family togetherness time. This pressure can lead to parents giving in and letting children do what they want rather than fight with them over sitting at the dinner table. This creates a new normal that no longer values the idea of families and the society at large, connecting with each other.

Family and community traditions are important, not just for the current shared experiences, but for the future as well. Since children internalize their experiences, that means generations to come may not know what it’s like to sit together around the dinner table and truly connect as a family.

That is why it is so important that parents and caregivers create boundaries of behavior that help to keep family traditions alive. If you remember the shared experiences you had with your parents and grandparents, you know the important bonding that took place during those times. It is this shared experience that brings people closer together and is well worth preserving.

1. What is the phenomenon the author describes at the beginning of the text?
A.The increase in shared family meals means a shift towards isolation.
B.Increased use of technology replaces traditional family interactions.
C.More and more children prefer to spend quality time with the family.
D.Family members are more likely to share their updates with each other.
2. What is the central concern expressed in paragraph 3?
A.The inability of parents to understand technology.
B.The challenge of preserving traditional family values.
C.The influence of technology on children’s education.
D.The necessity of controlling children’s digital devices.
3. What can be inferred about future generations if current trends continue?
A.They will be more addicted to advanced technology.
B.They will maintain stronger and closer family bonds.
C.They may create new and irreplaceable family traditions.
D.They may not understand the value of family gatherings.
4. How does the author view the role of parents in preserving family traditions?
2024-03-27更新 | 295次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Widespread descriptions of animals in pop culture could actually be hurting the animals’ survival chances in the wild, new research suggests.

Franck Courchamp of the University of Paris-Sud was interested in the idea of “charisma”(魅力) in animals. He wanted to know: What species do people consider charismatic? And what are the influences of being charismatic on populations in the wild?

In a research published this month, Courchamp and other researchers list the top 20 charismatic species. Most of the animals identified as charismatic are large mammals living on land. Coming in first place were tigers, followed by lions, elephants, giraffes, panthers, pandas, cheetahs, polar bears, wolves, and gorillas. However, at least half of the interviewees didn’t realize that five of the top ten most charismatic species are threatened. It is paradoxical that we haven’t been able to protect the species we care about the most.

The study also found that we are flooded with images of these creatures, even as they are becoming fewer in the wild. The study suggests that too much of imagery might be creating a “virtual(虚拟的) population” of the animals in peoples’ minds, making them believe there are far more individuals in the wild than is exact.

The study authors suggest that companies who benefit from the use of these images should set aside a small percentage of their profits to protection efforts and informational campaigns (运动). “That would be not only something fair, but that would be something that could bring a win-win situation for them,” Courchamp says. It could bring them positive public relation, for example. Besides, if a company’s mascot(吉祥物) goes extinct, that could hurt them from a marketing standpoint, Courchamp says. Some companies do take this to heart, he says, noting protection efforts by Jaguar and Lacoste. But not enough companies are “truly concerned about the protection of the species that they work on,” he adds.

1. It can be inferred that the widespread images of animals in pop culture ______.
A.leads people to forget the less charismatic animals
B.makes a false impression of the animals’ real situation
C.raises people’s wildlife protection attention and efforts
D.brings a win-win situation for both animals and companies
2. What does the writer mean by saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3?
A.It is important to protect these endangered species.
B.It is natural to regard the large mammals as charismatic.
C.It is terrible that the species are dying out at an alarming speed.
D.It is strange that people’s thoughts contrast with their behaviors.
3. Courchamp lists the companies’ responsibilities and their advantages by ______.
A.giving examplesB.taking quotes
C.making comparisonsD.using numbers
4. What’s Courchamp’s attitude to the companies benefiting from animal images?
2021-02-02更新 | 301次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般