组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:64 题号:20747074

I used to work in a preschool for one and a half years, teaching the class for 2-year-olds. There was a head teacher and two assistant teachers(including me)in our class.

Maybe 8 months into my work, we had a new student named Jack, who was nearly 3 years old but hardly knew any words. In fact when he arrived, the only words he would say were “hi” and “no”. Based on our working experience, we suspected his parents just never interacted with him at home.

Every morning, Jack’s mom would drop him off with a totally blank expression. The moment they arrived, Jack would start crying, holding onto the hand or leg of his mother, who would just struggle to get the boy off her, saying “Let me go, Jack.” and then walk away without a look back. When she picked him up in the afternoon, Jack would run up to show her something but she would simply stare blankly at him and say “Let’s go, Jack.” If the teachers reported anything to her, she’d say “I see.” “Mhmm.”, giving us the same absent look.

Jack’s dad rarely came and he was just as bad. He obviously had an anger problem. Anytime he heard something negative had happened, he would turn red, stare angrily at his son and just say “HUH. Well. We will deal with it.” in such a cold voice.

As a result, the boy, who longed desperately for attention and love, was always bad-tempered (坏脾气). He would run, kick, hit, and even sometimes bite other kids. And when he did it he would laugh and turn to us to look for a reaction. We criticized and punished him again and again, but it didn’t work at all. After his second week, the lead teacher decided to talk to his mom about it. His mom just shrugged (耸肩), it off, gave that blank look and said, “Oh yeah, Jack is a handful (难管的人). I just can’t help it. ”The teachers were all shocked.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Having handled Jack for two months, we adjusted our approach.


To our great joy, Jack gradually changed.



书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

It was an early winter morning. Joan was sleeping soundly when the phone rang in the living room. She glanced at the clock on the wall—it was already nine o’clock. Every weekend morning, her mother had to work part-time in the cafe. Because her brother Mike was sleeping like a log. She quietly went over to the living room and picked up the receiver. “Good morning, my Dear!” Recognizing the voice from her father, Joan was immediately surrounded by a sense of joy.

Joan’s father was a seaman, who rarely came back. Born in a not-rich family, Joan and Mike felt the stress of life but they were happy to enjoy the family atmosphere. At school, they were straight-A students and actively involved in school activities. They became the pride of the school and the envy of the students.

“Good morning, Dad, what’s up?” Joan said in an easy tone. “I have been very nice recently, my baby. Today is your mother’s birthday, and I have ordered her a cake online and it should come to the house in one and half an hour. Do remember to take the cake.”

Hearing her father’s words, Joan felt a little ashamed. How she could forget Mum’s birthday! She took a look at the dirty clothes on the sofa and the oily floor that hadn’t been mopped (拖地) for a few days. There was two hours before her mother came back. So she planned to prepare a surprise for Mum.

Thinking of this, she felt full of excitement. “Well, Dad, now I’m going to wake Mike up. We will give Mum a surprise !”

Joan hung up the phone with Dad, and hurriedly went to Mike’s room to share her Big Cleaning plan with Mike. After listening to Joan, Mike readily accepted her idea.

注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2. 开头已给出。
Paragraph 1:

The Big Cleaning plan began.

Paragraph 2:

With the cake placed on the table, Mum came in.

2023-11-17更新 | 61次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

In a meeting room, I faced the judges seated behind a table holding my fate in their hands. These same judges had rejected me twice before. This was my last chance. Would it finally be my_turn?

“Tell us, Jason,” one judge said, “why do you want to be Pistol Pete?” That summer I watched a cowboy football game. I was attracted by Pistol Pete. He was larger than our body. He could get everyone in the entire stadium on their feet shouting “Come on!” and make sure they had fun. Being the mascot (吉祥物) fit my personality. I loved getting attention — and a laugh. I didn't have the leg or the speed to play football. But no one could top me when it came to school spirit.

I entered a national high school mascot competition and finished twelfth. When tryouts (选拔) for Pistol Pete were announced during my first year at university, my academic adviser encouraged me to work hard at the mascot training. Then came the interview with the judges. The main question was, “Why do you want to be Pistol Pete?”

“Because I’ve been training for this all my life,” I told the judges.

The judges gathered the candidates to announce their decision. They'd selected two students. I could only watch as those two students jumped into the air.

I talked about my dream to my co-workers at my part-time job, and they were behind me 100 percent. When tryouts came the following spring, I was more than ready. Then I stepped before the judges again.

“You know me from last year,” I said. “You know how badly I want this. And you know how good I’d be.” I thought it was a done deal that I’d spend my senior year being Pistol Pete, living my dream.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
Paragraph 1:

The judges didn’t call my name.

Paragraph 2:

I added my name to the list one last time,_______________________________________________

2020-11-26更新 | 254次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I still remember how nervous I felt doing some things for the first time. You’d think that after a lot of first times the butterflies-in-stomach feeling would disappear. But here’s what happened a month ago.

“Please come to the chess club tomorrow,” Mareya said to me. “I know you’re going to love it!” “I’ve never even played chess (国际象棋),” I said. “It seems super hard.”

“I went last week, and it was extremely fun!” said Mareya. “Really?” I said, not convinced.

“Really. Also, the club needs more people to keep it going.” Mareya smiled.

“Listen. If you try it, I’ll do my silly rabbit dance in the middle of recess (课间休息).” I laughed. “In front of everyone? It’s a deal (交易)!”

When I arrived at home. I searched our game shelves. Finally, at the very bottom of the pile (堆), I found a tattered (破旧的) box with a chessboard and plastic chess pieces. I read the instructions (说明) carefully. Knights, rooks, bishops, pawns, a king, and a queen — each piece had a special starting place and its own way of moving. My heart sank. I couldn’t possibly memorize all the rules in time. Everyone in the chess club was going to think I was inexperienced!

That night, I dreamed I was in a chess game, and the queens, kings, and knights were laughing at me. Even the knights’ horses were snickering (窃笑)! The next day, I told Mareya I was having second thoughts.

“Please don’t back out (打退堂鼓),” she said. “Remember our deal.”

“I would like to see your silly rabbit dance,” I said, smiling.

After school, I found the chess club’s meeting room and went inside. I looked around, but Mareya was nowhere in sight! To make matters worse, I didn’t know a single person in the room. Butterflies filled my stomach (局促不安) as I started to head toward the door.

“Hi!” said a friendly woman. “I’m Ms. Martinez.”

“I’m Arizona,” I said. “I was supposed to meet a friend, but I don’t see her. I’d better get going.” “Well, as long as you’re here, why don’t you sit with Joe and Jess and watch their game?”

注意:1. 续写的词数应为80左右。
2. 请按照如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。

I didn’t want to be rude, so I sat down.

2023-12-20更新 | 19次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般