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Exploring Peru’s Unique Tour Experiences

Peru offers a range of tour experiences that showcase its remarkable diversity.

The Amazon Rainforest Expedition

A short f    1     from Cusco provides access from the Andes to the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Afterward, a day-long boat journey leads to a    2     located amidst the forest. Over the next three days, travelers explore the rainforest alongside local guides, observing the u    3     plants and animals that call this place home.

Machu Picchu: A Historical Wonder

A four-day w    4     tour winds through the Andes Mountains, eventually arriving at the well-known city of Machu Picchu. Visitors have a day to explore this ancient city, known for its remarkable s    5     construction method. Here, stones were carefully shaped to ensure they fit together perfectly, so that no additional materials were needed.

Cusco: A Cultural Hub in the Andes

Cusco, once the Inca Empire’s c    6     from the 13th to the 16th century, offers a four-day exploration of its Spanish and local Indian culture. Visitors can stay in local hotels, visit museums, appreciate the city’s unique architecture, savor local cuisine, and explore local m    7    .

Lake Titicaca: A Tranquil Getaway

Travelers can enjoy the scenic countryside during a day-long journey along the new h    8     connecting Cusco to Lake Titicaca. Upon arrival, a boat ride transports visitors to one of the lake’s i    9     . Here, they can spend three days with local Uros families, residing in homes constructed from the p    10     that thrive in the lake’s clear waters.

【知识点】 旅游观光


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Disney’s theme parks might be the best known, but they     1    (不是最有趣的).    2     (参观迪士尼公园)is really fascinating. Personally,    3     (看到孩子们玩得开心), dressing up as their favorite characters and being so happy can make you recall the once carefree kid that you were too! Before you plan your next trip to Disney parks or Universal Studios,    4       (考虑一下去参观某个生态友好的主题公园)may be a good idea, too.

2023-08-25更新 | 13次组卷
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This four-day     1     tour will take you on amazing     2     through the Andes Mountains on the way to the city of Machu Picchu.     3     reaching your     4    , you will have a day to     5     and be amazed by this     6     city.     7     amazing is the Incas’ dry stone method of building. Inca builders cut stones     8     exact sizes so that nothing was     9     to hold walls together other than the perfect     10     of the stones.

2022-10-17更新 | 63次组卷
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述了照片博主Lauren Bath辞职到澳洲旅行,并用照片记录动物,呼吁人们保护动物的故事。

Lauren Bath, a photo blogger, has attracted many fans. In 2013, she     1    (离开, 离任) her     2    (以前的)job as a chef and chose a different     3    (专业, 行业). In other words, she     4     her hobby     5    (把……看作) a career. From then on, she has spent much time travelling the     6    (本地的) Australia. Of all the places in Australia she visited, Broome in the Kimberley region is her favourite     7    (目的地). She loves to photograph the scenery, as well as animals, such as     8    (袋鼠) and dolphins. When it comes to environmental issues, she hopes to stop people from feeding wild     9    (鳄鱼). And she    10    (决定) to make people aware of the problem. She hoped that her dream would     11    (实现) one day.

2023-08-11更新 | 51次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般