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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:19 题号:20926236

A Norwegian woman and her Nepali Sherpa guide have completed the fastest climb of the world’s 14 highest mountains. Kristin Harila, aged 37, and her guide Tenjen Sherpa, aged 35, reached the top of the final mountain, K2, last Thursday.

All the tops the two reached are above 8,000 meters, said Karrar   Haidri, the secretary at the Pakistan Alpine Club. They did it in 92 days. The former record-holder, Nirmal Purja, a Nepali-born British citizen, climbed the 14 peaks (顶峰) in 189 days in 2019. Most mountain climbers spend years trying to climb the world’s greatest peaks.

Both climbers topped Shishapangma in the Tibet area of China on April 26. They have since climbed Everest,   Kanchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Cho Oyu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, and Annapurna in Nepal before going to Pakistan, where they climbed Nanga Parbat, Gasherbrum I, Gasherbrum II and the Broad Peak before topping K2. The company Seven Summit Treks(SST)provided support for the climbers’ efforts.

Garrett Madison of the U. S.-based Madison Mountaineering company is also on K2, leading a different group. He said the climbers used a window of good weather to go to the top of the mountain. “They have done it a short while ago,” Madison told the media, adding that the Norwegian woman was “extremely strong mentally and physically.”

Harila first planned to break the record and climb all 14 top peaks in 2022. However, China confined foreign climbers because of the safety requirement, so Harila was unable to climb two of the 14 peaks.

K2 has one of the most dangerous records for mountaineers, with most deaths happening on the return down. Any wrong move can cause a snowslide (雪崩), and kill. Only a few hundred climbers have successfully reached its top.

And one more climber made that list and set another record on Thursday, reported SST director Tashi Lakpa Sherpa. Seventeen-year-old Nima became the youngest person to climb K2, Tashi said.

1. Which is the key to setting the mountain climbing record for Harila and Sherpa?
A.The way they chose to climb mountains.B.The number of mountains they climbed.
C.The time they spent in climbing mountains.D.The heights of the mountains they climbed.
2. What does the underlined word “confined” in paragraph 5 probably mean?
3. Which of the following statements matches K2?
A.It may cause life-risks to its climbers.B.It is locked down for some months a year.
C.It is the highest among the 14 mountains.D.It is the most popular among climbers.
4. What can be learned about Harila and Nima?
A.They climbed the mountains together.B.They are the new world record makers.
C.They climbed fourteen high mountains.D.They used good weather to climb K2 successfully.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。介绍的是美国国家航空航天局科学家上周五表示“Mars 2020”火星车将启程前往火星,它不仅将寻找古代生命的痕迹,而且将为未来的人类太空飞行任务做好准备,文章同时介绍了这款火星探测器的一些情况。

【推荐1】The Mars 2020 rover, which will set off for the Red Planet this year, will not only search for traces of ancient life, but pave the way for future human missions, NASA’s scientists said on Friday as they introduced the vehicle. 

The rover has been constructed in a large, sterile room at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, near Los Angeles, where its driving equipment was given its first successful test last week.

Shown to invited journalists on Friday, it is scheduled to leave Earth in July 2020 from Florida’s Cape Canaveral, becoming the fifth US rover to land on Mars seven months later in February.

“It’s designed to seek the signs of life, so we’re carrying a number of different instruments that will help us understand the geological and chemical situations on the surface of Mars,” deputy mission leader Matt Wallace told AFP.

Among the devices aboard the rover are 23 cameras, two “ears” that will allow it to listen to Martian winds, and lasers used for chemical analysis.

Approximately the size of a car, the rover is equipped with six wheels like the former US rover, Curiosity, allowing it to travel along rocky land.

Speed is not a priority for the vehicle, which merely has to cover around 200 yards (about 180 metres) per Martian day—approximately the same as a day on Earth.

Fueled by a tiny nuclear reactor, it has seven-foot-long (about 2 metres) articulated arms and a drill to crack open rock samples in locations scientists identify as potentially suitable for life.

We are hoping to move fairly quickly. We’d like to see the next mission launched in 2026 where the rover will get to Mars, pick up the samples, put them into a rocket and finally bring them back to the Earth, said Wallace. NASA’s Mars 2020 rover will remain active for at least one Martian year, which is around two years on Earth.

1. What does the underlined part “pave the way” in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.Make preparations.
B.Find suitable landing sites.
C.Set up research centers.
D.Construct roads.
2. What can we know about the Mars 2020 rover?
A.It looks much like a car with six wheels.
B.It is an updated version of the US rover Curiosity.
C.It is solar-powered and can crack open rock samples.
D.It is able to perform different tasks on Mars in search of the signs of life.
3. If you search for the passage on the website of China Daily, where can you probably find it?
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The Mars 2020 rover has successfully passed its first test.
B.NASA is planning a new round of space exploration.
C.Future human missions on Mars are on the way.
D.A new rover will be launched to carry out scientific research on Mars.
2023-04-21更新 | 38次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Squirrels eavesdrop on(窃听) the chatter of songbirds to work out whether the appearance of a predator(食肉动物) is cause for alarm, researchers have found. Animals including squirrels have previously been found to eavesdrop on cries of alarm from other creatures. But the latest study suggests animals may also keep an ear out for everyday chitchat among other species as a way to assess whether there is trouble around.

Writing in the journal Plos One, researchers reported on how they made their discovery by observing 67 grey squirrels as they wandered about different areas in the residential regions of Oberlin.

After 30 seconds of observing a squirrel, researchers played it a recording of the call of a red-tailed hawk(鹰), which lasted a couple of seconds-and their behaviour in the next 30 seconds was monitored. The squirrels were then played a three-minute recording of several different species of songbird chattering on a feeder.

The results revealed that in the 30 seconds after hearing the hawk call, the squirrels increased the percentage of their time spent “vigilant”(警惕) compared with before the call, while they also looked up more often to scan the environment. Squirrels that were played bird chatter raised their heads less often during the recording and the number of these “look-ups” dropped off faster over time.

“Recognition of bird chatter as a sign of safety is likely adaptive, as squirrels that can safely reduce their vigilance level in the presence of bird chatter probably are able to increase foraging(觅食) success,” the authors wrote.

The team suggested that with levels of human-made noise increasing, squirrels may find it harder to eavesdrop on birds, meaning they may have to spend more time being alert and less time foraging.

Dr Jakob Bro-Jorgensen, co-author of the study from Oberlin College, said: “The study calls attention to how animals can gather information from their environment by using cues that may at first glance seem irrelevant,” he said. “And it makes you wonder how the more and more pervasive(无处不在的) impact of human activities on natural soundscapes may reduce survival of wildlife in ways we haven’t thought of.”

1. What does the new research find about squirrels’ eavesdropping?
A.It lacks scientific evidence.
B.It is more widespread and broader.
C.It needs to be further investigated.
D.It is contradictory to previous findings.
2. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The subject of the experiment.
B.The findings of the experiment.
C.The process of the experiment.
D.The purpose of the experiment.
3. Why is recognition of bird chatter as a sign of safety important for squirrels?
A.They can escape from potential risks.
B.It helps them to forage food successfully.
C.They can adapt to a new environment quickly.
D.It ensures their safety when playing with their mates.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about concerning the research?
A.Its impacts.B.Its potential application.
C.Its limitations.D.Its follow-up study.
2023-06-23更新 | 70次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Scientists from the University of Tsukuba designed a text message mediation (调节) robot that can help users control their anger when receiving upsetting news. This device may help improve social interactions as we move towards a world with increasingly digital communications.

While a quick text message apology is a fast and easy way for friends to let us know they are going to be late for a planned meeting, it is often missing the human factor that will accompany an explanation face-to-face, or even over the phone. It is likely to be more upsetting when we are not able to notice the emotional weight behind our friends’ regret at making us wait.

Now, researchers at the University of Tsukuba have built a robot that they called OMOY, which was equipped with a movable weight driven by mechanical parts inside its body. By shifting the internal weight, the robot could express simulated emotions (模拟情绪). The robot was designed as a mediator for reading text messages. A text with unwelcome or frustrating news could be followed by a suggestion by OMOY to not get upset, or even sympathy for the user.

“With the medium of written digital communication, the lack of social feedback shift focus from the sender and onto the content of the message itself, ” author Professor Fumihide Tanaka says. The mediator robot was designed so that it can control the user's anger and other negative motivations.

The researchers tested 94 people with a message like “I’m sorry, I am late. The appointment slipped my mind. Can you wait another hour?” The team found that OMOY was able to reduce negative emotions. “The mediation robot can relay (播放) a frustrating message followed by giving its own opinion. When this speech is accompanied by the appropriate weight shifts, we saw that the user would feel the ‘intention’ of the robot to help them calm down,” Professor Tanaka says.

1. Why is OMOY designed?
A.To send apology messages to friends on behalf of users.
B.To provide users a way to avoid receiving bad messages.
C.To show sympathy to users by sending encouraging messages.
D.To help calm users down when they receive negative messages.
2. What does Paragraph 3 intend to tell us?
A.How OMOY works.B.How OMOY judges bad messages.
C.How OMOY responds to users.D.How OMOY chats with users.
3. What can we learn from Tanaka’s words?
A.OMOY is popular with all users.B.OMOY is helpful to users in a way.
C.OMOY is the perfect robot at present.D.OMOY is sensitive to any messages.
4. In which section of a newspaper can we read this text?
2022-05-19更新 | 99次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般