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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:50 题号:20964704

We all know eating ultra-processed foods that make our lives easier -- such as sauces, and frozen pizza -- isn’t good for our health. Studies have found they can raise our risk of obesity, heart problems, diabetes and cancer. They may even shorten our lives. Now, a new study has revealed eating more ultra-processed foods may contribute to overall cognitive decline, including the brain executive functioning -- the ability to process information and make decisions.

“While in need of further study, the new results are quite compelling and emphasize the critical role for proper nutrition in preserving and promoting brain health and reducing risk for brain diseases,” said Tanzi, professor at Harvard Medical School. He was not involved in the study but he said in his book, “They are very high in sugar, salt and fat, promoting systemic inflammation, perhaps the most major threat to healthy aging. Meanwhile, since they are convenient and quick, they also replace fiber foods important for maintaining the health and balance of bacteria in your gut,” he added, “which is particularly important for brain health and reducing risk of age-related brain diseases like Alzheimer.”

The study, presented at the 2022 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, followed over 10,000 Brazilians for 10 years. “In Brazil, ultra- processed foods make up 25% to 30% of total calorie intake. We have McDonald’s and Burger King. It is not very different from many other Western countries,” said coauthor Dr. Suemoto. Ultra-processed foods are defined as industrial formulations of food substances containing little or no whole foods and typically include flavorings, colorings and other chemical additives, according to the study.

“People consuming over 20% of daily calories from processed foods had a 28% faster decline in global cognition and a 25% faster decline in executive functioning compared to people who not,” said study coauthor Natalia. Those in the study who ate the most ultra-processed foods were more likely to be younger, women, white, had higher education and incomes, and were more likely to have never smoked, the study found.

“People need to know they should cook more,” Suemoto said, “And it’s worth it because you’re going to protect your heart and guard your brain she added”.

1. What is the new finding about eating ultra-processed foods?
A.It makes people gain weight easily.B.It speeds up people’s aging.
C.It may reduce people’s cognitive ability.D.It is responsible for heart problem.
2. What do we know from the passage?
A.Ultra-processed foods only affect your executive function.
B.Whoever never cooks is sure to develop Alzheimer.
C.Tanzi is the first to find the problem with Ultra-processed foods.
D.Brazilians' calorie intake is not different from most Westerners.
3. Who is likely to eat more ultra-processed foods?
A.A young professor.B.An old beggar.
C.A heavy smoker.D.A low-income man.
4. What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.People are advised to cook more for the benefit of their health.
B.Taking in ultra-processed foods may cause various health problems.
C.Convenient ultra-processed foods attract people from all walks of life.
D.Ultra-processed foods high in fiber can reduce the risk of brain diseases.
【知识点】 食物与饮料 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Many of us in China enjoy adding chilies(辣椒)to our food, but did you know that this spicy vegetable could also be dangerous?A 34-year-old US man recently ended up in hospital after eating a Carolina Reaper. the spiciest chili in the world. After taking just a single bite of one, the man suffered from serious headaches in the following few days, reported BBC News.

In fact, reports of stomachache and headache caused by eating spicy food are not something unusual. But if chilies are harmful, why is it that human beings are the only animals to eat this vegetable? According to the website Huanqiu, about 600 million Chinese people-almost half of the national population-are chili eaters. So what makes people love chilies so much?The human body reacts to the burning feeling that comes from eating chilies by releasing natural chemicals that “produce a sense of happiness”, noted BBC News.

And the benefits go even further than just personal enjoyment. A survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences found that the death rate of those who eat spicy food once or twice a week is 10 percent lower than those who eat it less than, once a week. The number decreased to 14 percent for those who eat spicy food six to seven times a week. And another study done by the University of Vermont came to a similar conclusion. “The data encourages people to eat more spicy food to improve health and reduce death risk at an early age,” Liu Qi, a nutritionist at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, told BBC News.

Chilies have anti-cancer quality and the ability to increase our metabolism(新陈代谢). So, don’t worry if you love spicy food. It seems that chilies are actually good for us-except for the Carolina Reaper, perhaps.

1. The example of a 34-year-old American is mentioned in paragraph I to prove ________.
A.chilies can be beneficialB.chilies are popular in America
C.chilies can be dangerousD.serious headaches can be dangerous.
2. Eating chilies gives people a sense of happiness by ________.
A.decreasing death rateB.releasing natural chemicals
C.curing serious headachesD.providing enough nutrition
3. Which of the following statement is true?
A.Stomachache and headaches caused by chilies is something unusual.
B.Human are the only animals to eat chilies.
C.The more chilies you eat, the healthier you ate.
D.Chilies have anti-cancer quality but it can’t increase our metabolism.
4. The writer wrote the passage to ________.
A.warn people of the dangers of chilies.B.tell people the benefits of chilies.
C.encourage people to eat more chiliesD.ask people not to eat Carolina Reaper.
2021-06-14更新 | 52次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】There may be a reason why astronauts are crazy about the view from space but never mention the food. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station must drink meals out of a plastic squeeze-bag because of zero gravity. Food in space can only be reheated instead of being cooked fresh. Besides, meals for each crew member must be stored in advance and eaten in order. All of this may sound a little difficult to accept.

Therefore, it was one small step for interstellar (星际的) cuisine when U. S. astronaut Megan McArthur recently posted photos of herself holding a pancakes stuffed with beef, tomatoes and a fresh hatch chilli (红番椒) grown aboard the International Space Station itself.

“Best space pancakes yet,” she shared online.

Pesquet, a French astronaut, posted on Instagram, “It is such a joy to grow (and eat) your own food, and necessary for further exploration of our Solar System.” It seems there is a suitcase-sized space garden aboard the ISS (International Space Station) that holds about six “pillows” stuffed with clay and fertilizer, and a LED light. Astronauts have grown several kinds of vegetables including Chinese cabbage and red Russian kale (羽衣甘蓝) in this micro-plot, to test which plants might grow best during a long space voyage.

We called Melva Aguirre, who owns the Pepper Pot in Hatch, N. M., home of hatch chilli. She says the harvest of their famous local crop in outer space is the talk of the town. “Now the whole universe knows how great our chilli are,” she said. When I asked if she could recommend a hatch chilli recipe, Aguirre told me, “Just stuff it.” “Stuff it?” I asked, and she laughed and said, “I mean, in your mouth.” A recipe even I can follow.

1. From the first paragraph, we can know that ________ .
A.Astronauts are crazy about the food they eat in the space station
B.The food in the space station can be cooked in various ways
C.Astronauts aboard the space station can’t have meals as they wish
D.Astronauts don’t care about what they eat in the space station
2. Which of the following best explains the underlined word “stuffed” in Paragraph 2?
3. Astronauts grow Chinese cabbage and other vegetables aboard the ISS mainly to ________ .
A.kill the spare minutesB.entertain themselves during the voyage
C.explore the universeD.test for the plants growing best
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Challenges Astronauts Face in Space.
B.The Best Food Ever for Space Voyages.
C.Fine Dining on the International Space Station.
D.The Constant Steps of Human’s Space Exploration.
2022-06-22更新 | 128次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A small dairy(乳制品)farm that floats on waterways is being tested in the Netherlands as a way to bring animal products closer to the cities and save space.

Dutch businesswoman Minke Van Wingerden looks proudly at her 32 cows at an automated milking station on an unusual farm: a platform located on one of the waterways in Rotterdam port. She is one of the developers of the “Floating Farm,” testing whether dairy farming like this is feasible in the heart of one of the world’s most urban, industrial areas.

“This idea started in 2012. My partner Peter was involved in a project in New York and then Hurricane Sandy hit New York very badly, so it was flooded and after two days there was no fresh food on the shelves anymore,” she said, “So then we realized, ‘Why not produce fresh food on the water close to the city?’, and that’s where the idea came up.”

The cows can rest on the upper level of the structure. Milk and waste processing facilities are located on the lower deck, as well as the visitors’ entrance and store. The top level of the structure is used to collect rainwater. Power for the farm comes from a solar panel floating nearby.

“The amount of arable(可耕的)land is decreasing and the world population is growing. So how can we produce enough healthy food in the future?” Ms. Van Wingerden said. “Why not use water to produce fresh healthy food near to the consumers?”

The whole farm is equipped with the latest dairy tech such as an automated feeding system, waste-moving robots, self-serve cleaning stations, and the smartphone app. It sells some bottles of raw milk on-site to visitors, while the rest is turned into milk. It is sold to customers nearby via an online grocery, Picnic, known for its small, electric delivery trucks.

1. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “feasible” in paragraph 2?
2. What do we know about the platform?
A.It was once flooded by a hurricane.
B.It is powered by the waterways nearby.
C.It was originally invented in New York.
D.It has three floors for different functions.
3. We can infer from the last paragraph that ________.
A.picnic deals mainly with dairy products
B.electric equipment is being tested on the farm
C.modern tech has been applied to farm management
D.visitors prefer bottles of raw milk to farm-made milk
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.New Food Farm Solves Problems of the Public
B.“Floating Farm” Creates Local Dairy for Cities
C.Latest Invention Contributes to Food Shortages
D.Less Arable Land Threatens World Population
2020-02-16更新 | 61次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般