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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:45 题号:20970824

Many people like to travel when they have time off from school or work. They might go to their hometown     1     (see) their family, or travel somewhere far. But not everyone does this-some people take a“staycation”instead.

A staycation is when you spend your holiday at home. Some people might travel around     2     (they) city. Others might try rural tourism(农家乐) in     3     countryside. People like me prefer to just stay at home.

I     4     (have) a staycation of my own over the summer. I    5     (sleep)in late every day. I worked on music and played video games. I wasn’t too lonely-I had my cat to play with, and I visited some of my     6     (friend)around the city.

Travelling is fun from time to time. But it’s     7     (real) nice to just stay at home and relax. It’s also     8     (cheap) since I don’t have to pay to travel. You can choose to do anything you want     9     just do nothing if you like. There’s nothing wrong     10     that.

【知识点】 旅游观光


语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

Volunteer travel, also known as voluntourism, refers to taking a trip    1    purpose is to participate in an arranged service opportunity to give back to the local community and make a difference. Volunteer travel dates back to the 1960s, when Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), an-international volunteer organization,     2    (found) by Alec Dickson and his wife Mora from the UK. Various activities    3    (involve) in volunteer travel can be held, ranging from conservation work to education and healthcare projects. These projects are    4    (typical) organized by nonprofit organizations or travel agencies that specialize in responsible and sustainable tourism.

Volunteer travel can help address social and environmental issues, contribute to local development projects     5    help with disaster relief efforts.     6     (work) voluntarily while exploring new destinations and cultures allows individuals    7    (learn) new skills and gain a deeper understanding of a country and its people.

Volunteer travel in rural areas is now attracting more urban    8    (visit) as a break from the fast and stressful pace of urban living. It has indeed been a growing trend for urban residents to volunteer in rural areas. For those who are sick     9    urban pressure but can’t decide whether to move to the countryside, volunteer travel can be    10     alternative solution.

2023-12-28更新 | 73次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

Have you ever been to New York City? There are many exciting things to see. One sight is the famous Brooklyn Bridge. It     1     (build) more than 100 years ago. Another is the Empire State Building. It is one of the     2     (tall) buildings in the world. You can take a lift ride to the top of the building. From there, you can see for miles.

One of the best things     3     (see) in New York is the Statue of Liberty. It stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. The best way to see the statue is to go to Battery Park,     4     where you can take a boat to Liberty Island. The Statue of Liberty is 151 feet in     5     (high). It was given to the United States by France in 1884. The statue is a woman     6     (hold) a torch, and she stands for freedom.

Since 1886, millions of people     7     (visit) the Statue of Liberty. For many people     8     came here by ship from other countries, the Statue of Liberty     9     (be) the first thing they saw. It is     10     important symbol of America.

2022-07-30更新 | 125次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

Forget about “military-style travel” during which people tend to visit as many places as possible in the least amount of time. A more     1     (relax) and leisurely alternative, such as “Citywalk”, is becoming the norm (常态) among urban youngsters.

Unlike military-style travel, Citywalk is about walking around a city on foot, soaking up (感受) the atmosphere and     2     (find) unusual things that even a resident of the city might not     3     (notice) before. It can be a special event     4     people embark (开始) on a journey led by tour guides or     5     (simple) explore the streets.

Such walks generally avoid famous scenic spots and shopping centers, and take you to places where you can have real interactions     6     the local people, eat at small but authentic restaurants, and gain     7     deeper understanding of the history and culture of the city.

Citywalkers have shared     8     (they) carefully planned routes on social media platforms, generating thousands of followers. On social media platform Xiaohongshu, there are more than 270,000 posts about Citywalk, while     9     (video) about Citywalk have attracted millions of views on short video platform Douyin.

Their posts usually include how long the walk is going to take, and interesting places and eateries (小餐馆) along the way. Some posts are more like a food tour, with walkers carefully planning out routes with certain places     10     (know) for their snack offerings in mind.

2023-11-04更新 | 219次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般