组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:454 题号:21026329

One summer night, a boy felt himself lifted from bed by his father. Dazed with sleep, he saw stars flashing across the heavens. “What is it?” the child whispered. “Shooting stars. They come every year in August.” Decades have passed, but I remember that night still, because I was the fortunate boy whose father believed a new experience was more important than an unbroken night’s sleep.

Some parents like my father have the gift of opening doors for their children. This art of adding dimensions to a child brings the reward: the marvelous moment when the spark bursts into a flame that will burn brightly on its own one day. At a Golf Association tournament, a ten-year-old girl played creditably. “How long have you been interested in golf?” someone asked. “I got it for my ninth birthday,” she said.“ Your father gave you a set of clubs?” “No,” she said, “he gave me golf.”

I have a friend, a psychiatrist, who says there are two types of people: those who think of life as a privilege and those who think of it as a problem. The first type is enthusiastic and energetic. The other type is suspicious and self-centered. And he adds, “Tell me about your childhood and I can tell you which type you are likely to be.”

The real purpose, then, of trying to open doors for children is to build eager and outgoing attitudes, which is the most valuable legacy we can pass on to the next generation. But why don’t we work harder at it? Probably because sometimes we don’t have the awareness or the selflessness or the energy. And yet, for those of us who care what becomes of our children, the challenge is always there but the opportunities also come repeatedly. Many years have passed since that night. And next year, when August comes with its shooting stars, my son will be seven.

1. Why does the author mention the girl in Paragraph 2?
A.To show parental impact on children’s passion.
B.To suggest hobbies always start from the small.
C.To highlight the importance of diverse experiences.
D.To prove true passion usually arises from the reward.
2. What do the underlined words “adding dimensions to” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Setting an example for.B.Broadening the horizons of.
C.Providing attentive care for.D.Narrowing the possibilities of.
3. What will the author’s psychiatrist friend agree with?
A.Stability in upbringing builds confidence.
B.Parenting styles requires professional guidance.
C.Childhood experience determines adult happiness.
D.One’s personality is related to childhood experiences.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The author is always addicted to shooting stars.
B.It is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to motivate kids.
C.The author will go to see shooting stars with his son.
D.It is impossible to unlock kids’ potential without eagerness.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难 (0.4)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述作者为儿子找到一本他心仪的书《Jake the Fake Keeps It Real》,这本书的主人公Jake为作者儿子树立了一个非常有趣的榜样。

【推荐1】When I was forced to put up with my son’s sense of humor, which included turning every word he read onto his family members, the search was on. Could I, as a supportive and patient parent I attempt to be, find a right book for my son? A book that encourages my son to tell a joke that won’t have his mouth washed out with soap? I had to admit I wasn’t confident.

Now, I have a book Jake the Fake Keeps It Real at hand. In fact, Jake is not a perfect kid. The first book in the series, Jake the Fake Keeps It Real, opens with Jake’s explaining how he cheated on the admission of an arts and music academy for gifted kids.

So when Jake realizes that to fit in at art school, he has to come up with some strange ideas, I almost died laughing. Not only did I think that was funny, so did my son. As a matter of fact, Jake the Fake Keeps It Real turned out to be a great distraction (使人分心的事物) from my son’s being disrespectfully funny. And I would rather my son imitate Jake by chewing (咀嚼) the same piece of gum for six hours and then writing a play about it.

I succeeded in one thing: Finding a fittingly funny role model for my son.

The end of the book, chapter 13, where Jake, no-talented, has to perform in the school talent show (obviously if you blow it, you have to quit school and work on a fishing boat). Jake sits down at the piano and knows he can’t do it, so he stands up from the piano.

Here’s where the book really wins my son’s heart for life, because maybe one day, my son might say, as Jake says after his mother praises his talent show appearance and hugs him tightly, “She’s pretty cool sometimes, my mom.”

1. How did the author find her son’s humour?
2. Who is Jake?
A.A gifted kid.B.An honest boy.
C.The author’s son.D.A character in a novel.
3. What does the underlined word “imitate” in paragraph 3 mean?
4. What’s the possible result of Jake?
A.He would be a good fisherman.B.He would devote himself to music.
C.He might ask his teacher to forgive him.D.He might be punished for his mistake.
2023-08-07更新 | 173次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】When Emma first announced about a month ago that she wanted to cut off all her hair, I cried. Not in front of her, of course. In front of her ,1 asked why and then told her to find a picture on the Internet that she could show to a hairdresser.

And then I went to the shower and cried. I cried not because she wanted to cut her long hair, but because she wanted to “cut it all off like a boy”. For some reason,that was the straw (稻草)that broke the dam.

Emma hasn’t worn dresses since she was two. She hates them. Now, at ten, she’s usually wearing mesh(网状)shorts and a packers T-shirt or jersey(运动衫)一or something old and stained and acquired for free. When she’s “dressing up” she wears skinny jeans and a plaid(格子图案的)button-down with her black and green Converse high-tops.

I admit her fashion sense has always made me a little sad. When I found out I was having a girl, I ran home and painted the nursery two shades of pink while fantasies of girls’ weekends and shopping trips were dancing in my head .I’d teach her how to do her hair and paint her nails. I couldn’t wait to start the journey with my very own mini-me. But it turns out you don’t give birth to dolls, and instead of a mini-me. I got a completely separate and independent human being with ideas and dreams of her own. And yes, that made me a little sad.

It also makes me extremely proud, although I’ve fought hard against the label tomboy(假小子). I’ve always been in the pride of my daughter’s strong sense of self and amazed at how early it developed. 6tShe9s been refusing dresses since before she could speak!”

1. What was the writer’s straw that broke the dam?
A.Her daughter refused to find a picture on the Internet.
B.She had to pretend to be happy before her daughter.
C.Her daughter wanted to cut off all the long hair like a boy.
D.Her daughter wanted to try a different hair style.
2. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3?
A.Emma’s hating of dresses.B.Emma’s present dressing style.
C.Emma’s spending on clothes.D.Emma’s changing tastes on fashions.
3. How does the writer feel about Emma’s fashion sense?
4. Which can best describe Emma’s character?
A.A girl that is not respectful of her parents.
B.A girl that is lost in the ever changing time.
C.A girl that is badly affected by her parents.
D.A girl with a strong personality and sense of self.
2020-09-23更新 | 223次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】The middle child, I think, is now an “endangered species”. According to a study, in 1976, 65 percent of mothers between aged 40 and 44 had three or more children. Today, nearly two-thirds of women with children have only one or two. Middle children will soon be the tiniest.

As a middle child, I am disappointed at the potential disappearance of middle children. I’m the middle of three — two boys, one girl — so I’m what’s sometimes regarded as a “classic middle child”.

Being a middle child is not something you are eager for. As one middle child said to me, “There is a thing called middle-child syndrome (综合征). I certainly was always aware that the middle was not a position to be admired, even as I came to see typical middle-child features in myself. Middle children are natural mediators (和事佬); I avoid disagreements and habitually act as the family peace-maker. Middle children tend to be private but also long for love; I keep to myself but do not exactly hate attention.”

According to studies, middles traditionally receive less economic and emotional support from their parents. They also typically have less close relationships with their mothers and fathers compared with other brothers or sisters, so they tend to have more friends to fill the feeling gap.

In a study conducted by the City College of New York in which participants were asked to choose words they associate with the first, last, and middle kids, positive words such as caring and ambitious were cited concerning all three birth orders. Only middles, however, were described with such negative terms as overlooked and confused. More importantly, middles may be many things and they were the only birth order with which no one connected the term “overindulged”. It is true: their parents couldn’t allow them to do or have whatever they want, especially when they are old enough, and they don’t ask for everything either even if they are eager to own it occasionally.

1. Why does the author mention the study in paragraph 1?
A.To inform a definition.
B.To introduce the topic.
C.To make a comparison.
D.To support his opinion.
2. What can we learn about “middle-child syndrome”?
A.It is dangerous for middles to suffer from it.
B.It clearly shows the typical features of middles.
C.It is what non-middle kids admire and wish for.
D.It is the result of the unsuccessful parenting style.
3. Who is an overindulged kid according to paragraph 5?
A.John, 3, asking his mother for dressing him.
B.Mary, 8, busy in focusing on her preference.
C.Paul, 12, unwilling to have breakfast by himself.
D.Nancy, 17, afraid to challenge the math problems.
4. What’s the author’s opinion about middles according to the passage?
A.They are always in low spirits.
B.They stress the protection of privacy.
C.They are ignored but independent.
D.They support the family economically.
2024-01-21更新 | 150次组卷
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