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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:69 题号:21032090

The Great Library of Alexandria was a marvel of ancient Egypt. Founded during the Hellenistic period, sometime between 324 and 246 BCE, the Library was reportedly an architectural wonder. More importantly, the Library housed a vast collection of works from all across the ancient world and was a major center of scholarship. The Library shouldered the mission of collecting all of the world’s books, and employed numerous methods to acquire (获得) new works. A well-funded acquisitions department searched the book fairs of Rhodes and Athens, buying individual texts or even whole libraries. Ships that landed at the harbor of Alexandria were searched for books to add to the Library’s collection. The Library also employed a number of scholars who produced original works on subjects such as astronomy, mathematics, and physics.

In addition to collecting books and conducting research, the writers and scholars of the Great Library translated texts from around the world into Greek and collected authoritative versions from different translations. Some of the first translations of Biblical (《圣经》中的) texts into Greek may have occurred at the Library in the time of Ptolemy I. Much work was done to compile (编写) and edit authoritative versions of the Homeric myths for which the Greeks are so well known today, and these were only a few of the great works of translation and editing that took place in Alexandria in the Hellenistic period.

It is ironic that the fate of the Great Library—an institution committed to the collection and preservation of knowledge—is hidden in myth and mystery. Many sources say the Library burned down, but the date is uncertain. It may have burned down more than once, either by accident, or intentionally. Smaller sister institutions may have survived the original library, to be destroyed later.

The Great Library, or some version of it, could have survived for anywhere from 300 to 1, 000 years. However it ended, there can be little doubt that the scholarship of The Great Library had a great and lasting impact on history, and the works that were kept, translated, or created there have had a profound influence on our culture even to the present day.

1. How did they get so many books for the library?
A.By sending the ships to search for books.
B.By translating Greek books into English.
C.By searching book fairs around the world.
D.By writing books related to certain topics.
2. Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word “ironic” in paragraph 3?
3. According to the last two paragraphs, which is certain to be true about the Great Library?
A.It survived for 1,000 years.B.It had a hidden collection of works.
C.It burned down on many occasions.D.It has had a great cultural influence.
4. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the text?
A.To introduce some information about a historic library.
B.To report the role of great libraries throughout history.
C.To compare versions of the Great Library’s destruction.
D.To explain the importance of rebuilding the Great Library.
【知识点】 历史知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There were many battles that took place during the American Revolutionary War (1775—1783), but perhaps some of the worst battles involved the American Continental Army versus the winter at Valley Forge in 1777 and 1778. Here many people believe was where the American Army was born. Valley Forge is located about 25 miles northwest of Philadelphia in the southeastern corner of Pennsylvania.

General George Washington was the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army and he decided to set up winter camp at Valley Forge. It was close to Philadelphia, which was where the British had been camping out for the winter. This allowed him to keep a watchful eye on their movements. There were high areas in Mount Joy and Mount Misery where the army could make fortifications. Nearby was also the Schuylkill River, which was used as a barrier to the North.

The army’s stay at Valley Forge turned into a time of training. Besides Washington, two other leaders included General Friedrich von Steuben and General Marquis de Lafayette.

Steuben was born in Prussia and arrived at Valley Forge with a recommendation letter from statesman and scientist Benjamin Franklin. He trained the Continental Army using the daily drill, even in the extremely cold weather. In fact, he was responsible for writing the army’s Revolutionary War Drill Manual, which served as the standard United States drill manual until the War of 1812.

Lafayette was a French military leader, working for no pay, and asking for no special treatment. He later became an important commander in several key battles during the war.

Besides the freezing weather, it was consistently cold, wet, and snowy at Valley Forge. In addition, food was lacking, and there were very few warm clothes, shoes, or blankets. The log cabins they lived in were crowded, cold and damp, and allowed diseases to easily spread. Of the 10,000 men at Valley Forge, 2,500 died before the break of spring mostly from diseases.

Following the winter at Valley Forge, under Washington’s leadership, a better-disciplined, trained, and more powerful army, in high spirits, left on June 19, 1778. Nine days later, their first victory against the British occurred at the Battle of Monmouth in New Jersey.

1. Why was Valley Forge chosen as the site of a winter camp?
A.It was key to the effective conduct of war.B.It was an ideal place for military training.
C.It was very far from the British camp.D.It was an area with adequate supplies.
2. Which can be used to describe the conditions at Valley Forge?
3. How did the Continental Army change after the winter?
A.It was taken over by the American Army.B.It won more support from the people.
C.It had many more soldiers.D.It became a stronger army.
2021-12-14更新 | 30次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics saw many excellent athletes compete on the ice and snow, prompting an enthusiasm for winter sports in China. In fact, the country has had a deep relationship with winter sports since ancient times, with skiing originating in the Altay prefecture of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

In 2005, cave paintings of Altay people hunting on skis with poles were discovered, which archaeologists estimated could be more than 10,000 years old. Since then, Altay has been recognized by many as one of the birthplaces of skiing, according to Xinhua.

As one of the richest collections of ancient rock art in China, there are herds of camels, sheep, wolves and human figures. The painting on the roof of a cave in Dundebulake village of Altay prefecture depicts humans on skis, bending their knees as they travel alongside animals, including deer and moose.

The rock art in Dundebulake is well preserved because the pictographs (象形文字) are well hidden in the cave.

Additionally, Alta’s dry climate has been a useful preserving agent, according to a 2016 research paper published by the Hebei Normal University.

Unique geographical and climatic conditions make skiing an indispensable part of local people’s lives. The climate in Altay is mild and not too windy, so skiers are less affected by weather conditions, allowing them to safely move faster.

Unlike the modern skis we use nowadays, fur skis have been used as a means of transportation for the snowfield inhabitants of Altay for more than 100 centuries, according to rock carvings uncovered in the area.

Making skis has been a traditional skill. The handmade skis have a layer of horse skin. The fur on the horse skin can help decrease friction (摩擦力) when they slide down the hill, while the skis also prevent skiers from falling when they walk up. At the same time, they have a wooden stick in hand to keep balance, according to China Daily.

Fur ski competitions have been held annually by the local government. Many locals would display their maneuvers (高超的移动) at the competitions.

1. Which of the following is evidence that Altay is one of the birthplaces of skiing?
A.Altay people wore skis to hunt animals.B.The modern skis are very similar to fur skis.
C.Local people have used fur skis for a long time.D.Humans on skis were depicted in cave drawings.
2. What have fur skis been used for in Altay since ancient times?
3. How does horse skin benefit skiers?
A.It helps them better control directions.B.It makes them slide more comfortably.
C.It helps them slide down smoothly.D.It helps them keep steady while sliding.
4. What does the article mainly talk about?
A.The origins of skiing in Altay.B.The ancient rock art found in Altay.
C.The development of skiing in China.D.The current popularity of skiing in Altay
2022-09-05更新 | 123次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The flag, the most common symbol of a nation in the modern world, is also one of the most ancient. With a clear symbolic meaning, the flag in the traditional form is still used today to mark buildings, ships and other vehicles related to a country.

The national flag as we know it today is in no primitive (原始的) artifact. itis, rather, the product of thousands of years’ development. Historians believe that it had two major ancestors, of which the earlier served to show wind direction.

Early human beings used very fragile houses and boats. Often strong winds would tear roofs from houses or cause high waves that endangered travelers. People’s food supplies were similarly vulnerable. Even after they had learned how to plant grains, they still needed help from nature to ensure good harvests. Therefore they feared and depended on the power of the wind, which could bring warmth from one direction and cold from another.

Using simple piece of cloth tied to the top of post to tell the direction of the wind was more dependable than earlier methods, such as watching the rising of smoke from a fire. The connection of the flag with heavenly power was therefore reasonable. Early human societies began to fix long pieces of cloth to the tops of totems (图腾) before carrying them into battle. They believed that the power of the wind would be added to the good wishes of the gods and ancestors represented by the totems themselves.

These flags developed very slowly into modern flags. The first known flag of a nation or a ruler was unmarked: The king of China around 1000 B. C. was known to have a white flag carried ahead of him. This practice might have been learned from Egyptians even further in the past, but it was from China that it spread over trade routes through India, then across Arab lands, and finally to Europe, where it met up with the other ancestor of the national flag

1. The best title for the passage would be ________.
A.Development of the National Flag
B.Power of the National Flag
C.Types of Flags
D.Uses of Flags
2. The earliest flags were connected with heavenly power because ________.
A.they could tell wind direction
B.they could bring good luck to fighters
C.they were handed down by the ancestors
D.they were believed to stand for natural forces
3. What does the author know of the first national flag?
A.He knows when it was sent to Europe.
B.He believes it was made in Egypt.
C.He thinks it came from China.
D.He doubts where it started.
4. What will the author most probably talk about next?
A.The role of China in the spread of the national flag.
B.The second ancestor of the national flag.
C.The use of modern flags in Europe.
D.The importance of modern flags.
2021-11-18更新 | 85次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般