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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:65 题号:21066662

Fame can sometimes come at unexpected moments, like an uninvited but welcome guest     1     (knock) at the door. This was the case for Wang Xiukun. In a live webinar (网络研讨会) organized by the United Nations’ Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth,     2     23-year-old graduate student, as the only Chinese youth representative (代表), introduced China’s anti-pandemic (抗疫) experience and achievements     3     young people throughout the world. She also shared her stories of volunteering.

When Wang was still in primary school,     4     (encourage) by her parents, she started taking part in community services such as helping clean the streets     5     (protect) the city’s image (形象) in her hometown.

And it was the contribution     6     she made to the city during the epidemic that made her stand out. Wang Xiukun, along with other four ambitious young people, organized “Caring for Children of Frontline Medical Staff” program and     7     (match) more than 1,500 volunteers from WHU with the families of 641 healthcare workers. The program provided     8     (profession) online lessons and psychological counseling (心理辅导) for teenagers aged from 5 to 18 years old.

While doing the online service, Wang     9     (full) realized that volunteering is not only about helping others, but it also greatly inspires her to overcome the difficulties and make a     10     (different).


语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

The government has awarded $5 million to three different local nonprofit organizations. The money will     1    (distribute) over a four-year period and is aimed at helping approximately 1,000 homeless people in the county of Arvada.

One agency,     2    (locate) in Woodbridge, is expected to receive $1.5 million. The agency director says that they will focus their resources on educating the homeless. “We will probably build another school-home with this money,” he said. “A school-home is exactly     3     it sounds like. It is a school and a home. We have already built four school-homes throughout the county. We get the homeless off the street,     4     we educate them so they don’t have to return to the street. We teach them how to be     5    (garden), painters, carpenters, bricklayers, electricians, and air-conditioning repairmen.”

“You wouldn’t believe     6     success that we have had. In fact, a couple of weeks ago, our office air-conditioning went out. My secretary called a repairman. To our surprise, the repairman was one of our first     7    (home) students. He now owns his own air-conditioning business, plus two houses, two cars and a boat! He has a dozen employees. He’s doing     8    (good) than I am. He fixed our air-conditioning     9     free. I think I might sign up for the air-conditioning class     10    (I).”

2023-06-05更新 | 36次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

SIT’N’SKATE is a non-profit organization that works towards a more inclusive (包容广阔的) society and aims     1    (reduce) prejudices (偏见) towards disabled people and wheelchair users. The project was started by Lisa and David Lebuser in Hamburg. The idea was to show that a wheelchair does not only have to be a basic aid but can also be a cool and stylish piece of sports equipment. The team around the two founders has grown     2    (rapid) since then and their wheelchair skate services can now     3    (find) in various German cities.

The vision of SIT’N’SKATE is to provide people in wheelchairs     4     a low-threshold (低门槛的) movement experience to make everyday wheelchair use     5    (easy) than before. For this purpose, regular wheelchair skate meetings are offered in Bremen, Dortmund, Hamburg and Hanover to improve the flexibility and     6    (independent) of wheelchair users.

The project also offers     7     variety of other activities. In SIT’N’SKATE’s latest programme, ramps (坡道) are spread to shops in Hamburg whose entrances have steps. This improves accessibility and removes many     8    (difficult) for wheelchair users.

Through their activities, SIT’N’SKATE makes a significant contribution to     9    (change) the way people with disabilities and wheelchair users are regarded. They promote an inclusive society in     10     prejudices are reduced and people with disabilities are recognised as equal members.

2023-10-24更新 | 116次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

14 million liters of water gets wasted from restaurants alone every year. Are you     1     (shock)?Yes, but what can you do about it? The same question concerned Garvita Gulhati, a 15-year-old girl. But unlike the rest of us,     2     gave a shrug (耸肩) and moved on with our lives, she refused to let the fire in her     3     ( die) down.

Garvita co-founded "Why Waste", a non-profit organization that worked with restaurants to help prevent wastage of water left in glasses, in addition     4     conducting awareness workshops at schools, colleges and offices.

    5    (original), "Why Waste" struggled with not even a single restaurant ready to listen to its request. It was so easy to give up. But the young team refused and came up with new strategies to try to convince restaurant     6     (owner) and staff to change their ways.

And because of that never-say-die passion, young Garvita was     7     only Indian to win the "Global Changemaker'" in 2018 at Zurich. The winner of the award     8     (select) from applications sent from 185 countries.

The "Half Glass Full” concept that the organization     9     (advocate) in 2019 has been supported by the National Restaurant Association of India, convincing over 100, 000 restaurants     10     ( serve) half-full glasses of water.

2020-08-16更新 | 37次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般