组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 通讯与媒体 > 广告/布告
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:16 题号:21073711

Welcome to our school. You can do a lot of things here. Come and join us.


Personal Inventions. You can see many inventions by the students; you may also bring your own inventions.
Space and Man
Dr. Thomas West
If you want to know more about the universe.
Modern Medicine
Mrs. Lucy Green
Would you like to know medical science?
Computer Science
Mr. Harry Morison from Harvard
University, US
Learn to use Linux.
1. You may have a chance to introduce your inventions on _____.
2. If you want to learn something about stars, you can go to the class from _
A.8:30 to 11:30 on SundayB.19:00 to 21:00 on Monday
C.19:30 to 21:00 on WednesdayD.18:30 to 21:00 on Friday
3. The person who teaches Computer Science is from _____.
A.CanadaB.AustraliaC.New ZealandD.America
4. Who will teach students about modern medicine ?
A.Mrs. Lucy GreenB.Dr. Thomas West
C.Mr. Harry MorisonD.Mr. Adam
【知识点】 广告/布告 课程 应用文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Booking opening for Beckett Shorts on 8 September.


For credit card bookings. Calls are answered.


01789 295623 9 a.m. 8 p.m.(Mon Sat)

0541 541051(24 hours, 7 days, no booking charge).


For credit card (信用卡) bookings. Please allow at least 48 hours for reply, if required.


01789 261974 or 01862 387765


Please enclose a cheque (支票) or credit card details together with an ASE or add $50 to the total amount to cover postage (邮资). Please send to the Box Office, RST, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 6BB.

Booking opens for all other plays on 19 September.



RST hall, 9:30 a.m. 8 p.m.(Mon Sat)

6 p.m. when theatres are closed).


The easiest method of payment is by credit card. You can also pay by: Eurocheque (up to &500) with your card number written on the back.


We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express and Diner Club. Please give the card number, name and address of cardholder.

1. In which of the following ways of booking does one probably have to pay extra money?
A.In personB.By telephone
C.By faxD.By post
2. One has to wait for 2 days or longer for a reply if he/she pays ________.
A.in personB.by telephone
C.by faxD.by post
3. What is a useful number to call at 11 a.m. Sunday?
A.01789 295623B.0541 541051
C.017789 261174D.01862 387665
2021-08-17更新 | 40次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Show Biz Summer 2018

Location: Rosewood Center for Family Arts

Important Information:

* Tuition paid on the first day of class. No tuition refunds(退款).

* DCT reserves the right to cancel any class; refunds made for cancelation.

* Please accompany students the first day of class.

* Registration begins one-half hour before class time.

How To Register:

* Mail: fill out the form in this brochure.

* Be sure to list the class and group that you want.

Drama Days: $ 175

Entering Grades:

Group A: 1st—2nd; Group B: 3rd—5th.

Time: June 2—June 6

* Create the situations and scenes.

* Showtime—invite family and friends to your Friday Showcase!

* Bring a sack lunch and drink each day!

Laugh Out Loud: $ 175

Entering Grade: 5th

Time: June 23—June 27

* Tell a joke! Learn why old jokes can be the best!

* Work with your class to put on a Comedy Show for family and friends!

Acting—Just Acting: $ 225

Entering Grades: Group A: 1st—2nd; Group B: 3rd—4th

Time: August 4—August 8

* Start with the characters: Who are you? Be the Star of your Dreams.

* Work with your class to create the plot.

Summer Scenes: $ 225

Entering Grades: 5th—6th

Time: August 11 一August 15

* Do you want to be an actor?

* Improve your skills with instructions from professional actors & directors.

1. Which of the following classes is set only for the 5th grade students?
A.Drama Days.B.Summer Scenes.
C.Acting—Just Acting.D.Laugh Out Loud.
2. What can students do if they choose Drama Days?
A.Create paintings.B.Write novels.
C.Play a drama for friends.D.Have free lunch.
3. What should parents know about Show Biz Summer 2018?
A.There will be no refunds in any case.
B.Tuition must be paid at least before June 2.
C.Registration begins half an hour after class time.
D.Students had better be accompanied on the first day.
2018-05-12更新 | 63次组卷
阅读理解-信息匹配(约500词) | 适中 (0.65)
In-Company Experience
Challenging posts in industry for gap year students. Use your academic and interpersonal skills to improve a product or service provided by a top name company-and get paid for it!
Camp World
Work in camps for young people in one or more of the five continents. You help organize sports activities and other outdoor pursuits and you could end up with a qualification as an instructor.
Community Care
Volunteer work at home and abroad with the physically and mentally handicapped, the homeless, the elderly and orphans. You’ll need to be committed, patient and sensitive to others.
Academic Study Year
Spend a whole year studying at a foreign university in Europe, the USA or even further afield, without the pressure of exams. Accommodation with local families. Grants available.
Conservation International
Conservation and research work with teams of volunteers on nature reserves in South America and Africa. Projects include monitoring wildlife, path building and water and soil conservation.
Language Teachers Abroad
Teach your own language or English in almost any country in the world. Class sizes vary from one to one hundred and resources can be basic, but your students will welcome you with open arms.
1. I grow up in a very big family. My parents have raised twelve kids and I am their first-born. It has been my duty to help my mom take care of my brothers and sisters. To handle them, often I have to organize an outdoor activity, like a softball game. I must say that I have the potential to work as an instructor.
2. Last year, my dog got crippled after losing the fight to my neighbor’s bulldog. I rinsed its wound with some lotion and tied its leg with a stick. I had him take medicine every day for a full month. Finally he recovered. I think I can help the elderly and the disabled as well. I feel so good when I can offer help.
3. I am a film buff. A big fan of Antonio Banderas. He is so wild and charming. Because of him, I fell in love with Spain. The Latin dance and the bullfight are really exciting. Oh, if only I could stay in Spain as an exchange student! I would be learning Spanish so well that I can watch a Spanish film with the dubbing.
4. I had the experience of working as a social worker in Switzerland last summer. I love the country and its people. There are great mountains for climbers and the local people are so nice to strangers. I helped the kids with their English. My teaching skills improved greatly during my stay. Now I’m well prepared to work as a language instructor.
5. I spent my gap year traveling all over Africa last year. It was definitely an eye- opening experience. The exotic clothes and tribal dances of the people really fascinated me. But I was most amazed by the wildlife there. I really took great pleasure in watching those animals hunting their prey. You know, I specialize in zoology, and I’m a good observer.
2016-12-12更新 | 1391次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般