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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:60 题号:21123897

Every day for a week, a strange, happy visitor would drop to play with Vanessa Prior’s pet dog Bobby. Prior thought Bobby had made a new dog friend. It seemed very friendly and got well along with Bobby. They would run after each other, play on the pool cover, gently wrestle (摔跤) or nap side by side.

At first she thought it was a wild dog. But when she posted a photo of the two playing on her Facebook, a pet rescue centre called her. The group told her the Atlanta Wolf Project had been trying to catch the wolf for months, but they failed. Prior gave them new hope.

Because of the wolfs friendship with her pet dog, it was likely to come back to her backyard. Researchers hoped Prior could help them. When they put some traps (陷阱) in the back of her yard, Prior got a very complicated (复杂的) feeling. She couldn’t describe what it was. The wolf would be in a safe place, but she would do something that harmed Bobby’s feelings.

Researchers told Prior that they would take the rare, black wolf to the Yellow River Wildlife Sanctuary where it would live with another wolf. They didn’t think it a satisfying situation for a wild animal like a wolf to have a connection with humans’ life. They need to keep a natural awareness to humans and pets and keep to themselves.

Wolf experts added they would look into the genetics of the animal to try to learn why it liked to get close to people and tried to play with their pets. Some experts believe it could have a history with well-meaning humans. Prior had not expected that she and Bobby should meet such a special and lovely wolf. They just hoped the dear friend all the best.

1. What happened to Vanessa Prior according to the first two paragraphs?
A.She didn’t like her dog’s new friend.
B.She was awarded for her helpful picture.
C.She realised her dog made friends with a wolf.
D.She called the pet rescue centre to catch the wolf.
2. How did Prior feel when some traps were set?
A.She was afraid to lose Bobby.
B.She regretted helping the researchers.
C.She was worried about the wolf’s future.
D.She had bittersweet feelings about the wolf.
3. What can be inferred about the black wolf from the last two paragraphs?
A.It is a kind and sociable animal.
B.It was once kept as a human pet.
C.It will be sent to the wild to live with other animals.
D.It has a great awareness of keeping away from humans.
4. Where can the passage most probably appear?
A.In a nature magazine.B.In a travel guide.
C.In a medical reportD.In a scientific research.
【知识点】 人与动植物 记叙文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Have you ever imagined being able to communicate with your pet at home and have it understand everything you say? It sounds too good to be true, but scientists have started using artificial intelligence (AI) to help communicate with animals.

Professor Karen Bakker—who is the author of a book called The Sounds of Life: How Digital Technology Is Bringing Us Closer to the Worlds of Animals and Plants—said that AI is already helping humans communicate with bats and honeybees and this could change what we know about nature and our non-human relationships.

Scientists have worked out how bats speak to each other to argue over food and how mother bats communicate with their young.

Professor Bakker explained how researcher Yossi Yovel had used recordings and AI to understand bats.

“Bats argue over food; they actually distinguish between genders when they communicate with one another; they have individual names, or ‘signature calls’,” she said.

“Mother bats speak to their babies in a kind of ‘motherese’.

Bats learn to ‘speak’ with signals from their mothers.

But while human mothers raise the pitch(音高) of their voices when talking to babies,mother bats lower the pitch.

She said it was a great example of how animal patterns could be revealed using sensors and microphones that would otherwise never be heard with the human ear.

AI makes this possible because a computer can be trained to listen like a bat.

With honeybees, the computer combines listening with vision of the bees’ body movements to understand what they are communicating. Researchers now know how be essay things such as “hush” or “stop”.

Researcher Tim Landgraf even created a robot honeybee that entered a hive(蜂房) and was able to communicate with other bees when it wanted them to stop doing something or fly.

1. What is the role of AI in communicating with animals?
A.Allowing humans to speak to animals.
B.Translating human language into animal language.
C.Transforming human thoughts into animal language.
D.Helping humans understand what animals are saying.
2. What do scientists know about bats?
A.They use unique names given by human.
B.They live together like early human groups.
C.They share their food with each other without arguing.
D.They can distinguish between genders when communicating.
3. How do mother bats communicate with their young?
A.By using a kind of “motherese”.
B.By raising the pitch of their voices.
C.By using sensors and microphones.
D.By making body movements.
4. What do we know about the robot created by Tim Landgraf?
A.It can speak with other bats.
B.It can build a hive with bees.
C.It can communicate with other bees.
D.It can teach other bee show to fly and stop.
2024-01-25更新 | 29次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Most parts of China have access to sufficient supplies of fresh water for drinking. But fresh water can be in short supply in many regions of the world such as Saudi Arabia, where there are limited water resources. As the world population continues to grow, shortages of fresh water will occur more often and the need for additional water supplies will become critical. Some may ask, “Since the ocean covers more than 70 percent of the Earth, why not just get drinking water from the ocean?”

To turn seawater into fresh water we need to remove the salt in seawater, that is, to desalinate seawater. The problem is that the desalination of water requires a lot of energy. Salt dissolves very easily in water, forming strong chemical bonds, and those bonds are difficult to break. The energy and technology to desalinate water are both expensive, and this means that desalinating water can be costly.

There are environmental costs of desalination as well. Sea life can get sucked into desalination plants, killing small ocean creatures like baby fish, upsetting the food chain. Also, there is problem of what to do with the separated salt, which is left over as a very concentrated salty water. Pumping this super-salty water back into the ocean can harm local sea life. Reducing these impacts is possible, but it adds to the costs.

Despite the economic and environmental hurdles, desalination is becoming increasingly attractive as human beings are using up fresh water from other sources. At present desalinating seawater is the only practical way to provide water to growing populations in rural areas of the Middle East and North Africa. Therefore, the race is on to find a cheaper, cleaner, and more energy-efficient way of desalinating seawater, and promising new finding are being reported.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The high cost of desalinating seawater.
B.The major chemical characteristics of seawater.
C.The urgent need to turn seawater into fresh water.
D.The amount of energy produced in the desalination of seawater.
2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
A.Mixing salt with water is not as easy as removing salt from seawater.
B.Desalinating seawater may kill some sea creatures and disturb the food chain.
C.Covering 70% of the Earth, the ocean has always satisfied human needs for water.
D.The increasing population in Saudi Arabia has resulted in shortages of fresh water.
3. Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude toward the future of desalination?
2020-03-31更新 | 27次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Over the centuries, through genetic and cultural adaptation, humans and a wild bird species have learned to work together .When human honey-hunters make a certain noise, a bird called the honey guide does its job with unbelievable accuracy, leading people to hidden bees' nests.

Scientists put this ancient practice to the test. When biologists compared the honey guide call to other sounds, the traditional sound sent the honey guides to hidden bees nest three times more often than other sounds, according to a study in the journal Science. When you make the right noise, you end up with more honey compared to the wrong noise.

"It's an exchange of information for skills," said study lead author Claire Spottiswoode, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Cambridge.She failed to find bees nests until her friends made the right noise,and then was rewarded with honey that's very rich and delicious.

The honey guide has a special ability to find bees' nests. “Scientists aren't quite sure how it works, but it likely has to do with a sophisticated sense of smell,” Spottiswoode said. Still, there's a problem: These nests are stuck in trees that are difficult for the birds to reach. Even worse, the bees sting the birds, sometime to death.The people of the region, who make a living on the honey, have tools that can get at those nests and they use smoke to chase the bees away, reducing the stinging problem.

It's clear that the birds have adapted in an evolutionary way through natural selection, but for people the arrangement is probably more cultural.

1. According to the study, when making the wrong noise, people probably will             .
A.get more honey
B.find bees’ nests easily
C.have difficulty finding bees’ nests
D.earn more time
2. What does the underlined word “sophisticated”in the fourth paragraph probably mean?
3. What can be learned from the text?       ?
A.Scientists have found out how the honey guide works.
B.Honey guides can easily get bees' nests in trees.
C.Honey-hunters are not afraid of stinging problem.
D.The bees are afraid of smoke.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.The terrible relationship between humans and wild birds.
B.People in the mountains make a living on the honey.
C.The honey guide can help humans find bees’ nests
D.Human honey-hunters’ wonderful life.
2017-09-02更新 | 106次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般