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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:34 题号:21127224

Moving back in with your parents as an adult isn’t an easy decision, but sometimes it’s necessary. Maybe it’s convenient. Maybe you’re going through a tough time and need extra support from your parents.     1     Here are some ways to help create a harmonious household.

Create your exit plan. After settling into your parents’ house, make a plan for how and when you hope to move out. Your parents will probably want to know how long you intend to stay.    2     Your plan should include personal, professional and financial aims. For example, maybe you want to stay with your parents until you’ve saved enough money for a down payment on your first home or found a job.

Set boundaries. While living with your parents, be sure to set boundaries. It’s a powerful tool that fosters an environment of respect and understanding. Maintain your privacy by asking your parents to knock before entering your room. Keep your parents out of your private life.    3     If they say they don’t want you to borrow their car, don’t borrow it.

Maintain your routine. If you are having trouble setting boundaries, create a routine to help you get out of the house, especially if you work from home and your parents are retired.    4     If you can, get out every day. During business hours, work from the office, a coffee shop or a local library. Continue to take that spin class with your favorite instructor on Saturdays. Continue to live your life.

    5     Offer to pay for your share of the utilities, groceries or rent — even if it’s a nominal amount. If you can’t cut your parents a rent check every month, there are other ways to chip in. Perhaps you can take out the garbage, do the household laundry or wash the dishes after dinner. Whatever you decide, be consistent — show your parents that you are grateful for the opportunity to live at home.

A.Be kind to your parents.
B.Contribute to the household.
C.Don’t forget that your parents have boundaries too.
D.And a plan may motivate you to keep reaching your goals.
E.Having that much family time can be a hotbed of conflict.
F.When living with family, it can be hard to find private moments.
G.Whatever the reason, it can be a challenge for everyone involved.


阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In some countries, many families are choosing camping as an affordable way to vacation due to the cost-of-living crisis (危机).     1     Here are several tips to help make your first camping trip a success.

Camping needs careful planning. Making a detailed list of what to bring ensures nothing important is forgotten. It is advised to pack light and easy-to-set-up tents (帐篷). It’s also important to choose equipment suitable for the season. For families, bringing comfort items like favorite books or toys can make the new environment more welcoming for kids.     2     Other necessaries like wet wipes (湿巾) are must-haves.

Camping is more than just setting up a tent.     3     Group camping trips can simplify things, especially when it comes to meals. Sharing meal responsibilities with other families not only reduces the load but also improves the shared experience. Choosing simple and easy-to-prepare foods helps too.

    4     Activities like treasure hunts, campfire stories can turn camping into an adventure. Nature itself offers endless enjoyment, from bird watching to plant recognizing. Moreover, camping is also an opportunity to teach kids valuable life skills and safety lessons. From cooking over a campfire to learning about nature, these experiences are both educational and enjoyable. Safety lessons are also important, like staying within campsites and recognizing dangerous plants.

All in all, camping is a fantastic way to enjoy the outdoors and spend quality time with family.     5    

A.Use the experience to teach life skills.
B.Camping should be an enjoyable adventure.
C.It also includes preparing and planning meals.
D.Allow the kids to take part in planning process.
E.Since children can get untidy, packing extra clothes is necessary.
F.With the right preparation and attitude, it can be an unforgettable experience.
G.However, for first-time campers, especially those with kids, the experience can be challenging.
2024-04-17更新 | 77次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】You’ve heard it many times: first impressions are lasting. When an important first impression ends up with failure, this warning can feel like a death sentence.     1     It won’t be easy, but it is possible to cheer up after leaving a bad first impression. Or you can even turn it into a good one.

Firstly, there is no need to blame yourself. Actually, everyone makes mistakes, and, at some point in their life, everyone says or does something they wish they hadn’t.     2    

Honestly admitting the mistake and apologizing for it are the best choice. You can apologize in a formal language like, “I am sorry, but I didn’t mean to do that.”     3     Instead, you can send an email or a note.

What’s the most important is that you learn from your mistakes and avoid making them again. And make sure you won’t behave in a similar manner again.     4     Then it’s possible to make others trust you. After all, trust is the base of everything.

    5     Some sort of harmless self-deprecating (自我贬低的) humor will work. But make sure you don’t go too far in laughing at your shortcomings. It can make your impression even worse.

A.Don’t pretend you’re good friends.
B.The good news is that you can recover from a first impression failure.
C.Sometimes, it is difficult to apologize face to face.
D.Avoid trying to change what has been said.
E.Your action is the best evidence that you’re not the person you used to be.
F.If you focus too much on your mistakes, you may make the situation worse.
G.Besides, if you’re trying to recover from a bad first impression, then humor will be an important tool.
2024-05-30更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】 We all know how important it is to keep our bodies fit by keeping active and maintaining a regular exercise routine.     1     Yogic exercises, which have existed for centuries, are introduced here to help keep eye muscles sharp as well as relax the eyes.

Massage (按摩) your eyes. Easy to do, massage is a common treatment to relieve tension or stress.    2    . You can begin by gently massaging your upper eyelids for 10 seconds and then gently massage your lower eyelids. The soft pressure on the lacrimal glands (泪腺), which produce most of your tears, helps to stimulate tear production and wetness in the eyes. This, in turn, provides relief to tired eyes.

    3     It offers much-needed breaks and moments of relaxation for our eyes. However, it is often something most people ignored since it is such a natural activity that generally requires little thought. Not only does blinking push out dirt with tears, it also works to spread tear film evenly over your eyes.

Work out the eyes.     4     It is a good eye focusing exercise, as you have to constantly adjust how well you can focus on an object from certain distances. You can also make a figure eight with your eyes, which practices controlling the physical movement of your eyes.

Palm (手掌) your eyes.     5     Rub your palms together beforehand to produce some heat before you begin palming. Then, close your eyes and you can cover your eyes for a few minutes with cupped hands. Normally, rest in this position for 5—10 minutes.

Anyway, take a break and perform these exercises will refresh your eyes.

A.Look outside.
B.Blink more.
C.But our eyes need exercise as well.
D.It can be done very simply.
E.Practicing zooming with your eyes is highly suggested.
F.You can draw circles with your eyes.
G.It helps to improve blood circulation (循环) around your eyes.
2023-12-27更新 | 94次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般