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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:46 题号:22505465

In some countries, many families are choosing camping as an affordable way to vacation due to the cost-of-living crisis (危机).     1     Here are several tips to help make your first camping trip a success.

Camping needs careful planning. Making a detailed list of what to bring ensures nothing important is forgotten. It is advised to pack light and easy-to-set-up tents (帐篷). It’s also important to choose equipment suitable for the season. For families, bringing comfort items like favorite books or toys can make the new environment more welcoming for kids.     2     Other necessaries like wet wipes (湿巾) are must-haves.

Camping is more than just setting up a tent.     3     Group camping trips can simplify things, especially when it comes to meals. Sharing meal responsibilities with other families not only reduces the load but also improves the shared experience. Choosing simple and easy-to-prepare foods helps too.

    4     Activities like treasure hunts, campfire stories can turn camping into an adventure. Nature itself offers endless enjoyment, from bird watching to plant recognizing. Moreover, camping is also an opportunity to teach kids valuable life skills and safety lessons. From cooking over a campfire to learning about nature, these experiences are both educational and enjoyable. Safety lessons are also important, like staying within campsites and recognizing dangerous plants.

All in all, camping is a fantastic way to enjoy the outdoors and spend quality time with family.     5    

A.Use the experience to teach life skills.
B.Camping should be an enjoyable adventure.
C.It also includes preparing and planning meals.
D.Allow the kids to take part in planning process.
E.Since children can get untidy, packing extra clothes is necessary.
F.With the right preparation and attitude, it can be an unforgettable experience.
G.However, for first-time campers, especially those with kids, the experience can be challenging.
【知识点】 方法/策略 闲暇活动


阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Green travel is becoming more and more popular. Travelers are changing their usual holiday places through green travel. It is not only good for the earth,but also for the experience of the trip.    1    

Choose a green place.

    2    If you are one of those travelers,start by choosing a green place. Travelers should look at places that are friendly to the environment.


Travelers should know something about green hotels before they book. Some hotels host educational talks to help their guests make green choices,other hotels will use signs and brochures to educate the guests.

Use public transport,hire a bike or walk.

It may seem easy to drive a private car to see the sights,but it is not good for the environment. To reduce the carbon emissions(排放),why not use public transport?    4    ride a bike or walk.

Choose to eat local.

Many travelers want to visit local homes and taste home cooked meals. Eating locally made a good influence(影响)on a country.

Say no to plastic.

One of the biggest problems in the world is the use of plastic. Green travelers can reduce the use of plastic by taking part in clean-up activities.    5     travelers have to find practical ways of dealing with it.

A.Choose a green hotel.
B.If the places are nearby
C.Since plastic is everywhere
D.Have you made the right decision?
E.Choose a friend to travel with you.
F.The following are the ways of green travel.
G.Do you want to make a difference in the world?
2019-10-07更新 | 245次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Improving your family life can help make your family members closer and prevent conflicts from getting in the way of everyone’s happiness.    1    Fortunately, there are lots of concrete steps you can take to make your time with your family more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Have meals together as often as possible.

Parents work and kids have after-school activities, so it’s tough to have breakfast and dinner together every day. However, do your best to eat together as often as possible.    2    When someone gets home from work or practice late, sit down with them while they have dinner, even if you’ve already eaten. Spending time together and having a conversation is more important than eating at the same time.

Do household chores together.

Few people actually enjoy doing chores, but sharing household responsibilities can help everyone in your family take pride in your home.    3    . For instance, whoever finishes folding their laundry first might get to pick out the movie you’ll watch together. Divide chores up into age-appropriate categories. After dinner, your youngest could wipe the table, your oldest could fill the dishwasher, and you could put away leftovers.

Avoid comparing your family to those you see on social media.

It can be easy to believe that because other people always look happy in their pictures and videos, they always feel that way.    4    If you start to envy someone else’s family, just remind yourself that you don’t know what their life is really like, and they likely have family arguments and other issues just like everyone else. Remember, even if someone else’s family takes more vacations or has more expensive things, it doesn’t mean they’re any happier than you and your family are.

Avoid harsh criticism and judgments.

Give each other permission to express emotions and act silly without fear of criticism or judgment.    5    If you’re a parent, offer positive, constructive criticism, and try to discourage your children from harshly judging each other. Instead of saying, “No, that’s not how you do that,” say, “Good try, but let me help you do this the right way.”

A.Remember, every family needs to work to keep their relationships healthy and strong.
B.When people expect harsh judgment, they tend to bottle things up and avoid sharing their feelings.
C.However, navigating family relationships requires patience, understanding, and effective communication.
D.Family meals are a key routine that helps you stay involved in each other’s lives.
E.When you are stressed, you’re more likely to make harsh judgments.
F.Try to make it as fun as possible, such as by playing music or having contests.
G.Developing a chore system in your family’s routine can make a big difference.
2024-01-18更新 | 142次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】        A motivational strategy that parents can employ with their kids, is to frame tasks and responsibilities in the context of what the end benefit is for them. I call this strategy WIIFM (“What’s in it for me?”).
        When a teen can combine an understanding of WIIFM with a sense of passion about achieving a goal, barriers will start to fall away. At our teen summer camps, we arrange an event near the end of the 10-day session that helps campers identify an important life goal and mentally break through their biggest barrier to achieving the goal. We pass around 12-by-12-inch pine boards. We tell campers that this activity is not about breaking a piece of wood. It’s about how you can get what you want in your life. It’s about breaking barriers to grab on to your goals.
        They have the power to break through any barrier. It has nothing to do with body size or physical condition. The skinniest, smallest teens will break through the board almost as easily as the big ones.
        We talk to the campers about the reasons they might have had for not reaching their goals in the past. Maybe they got lazy and decided it wasn’t worth the effort. Maybe they failed and let their fear of failure hold them back. But this exercise is about putting the past where it belongs. Today is about making new choices.
        By this point in the program, we ask them to think of the goal they’ve set or themselves and write their goals on the boards. Then they write the possible obstacles which may hold them back on the opposite sides. An inch of pine now stands between them and their dreams.
        The facilitators and their teammates gather around. The support is strong. One by one, they break through the barriers and grab their goals! All around us teens are laughing, crying, hugging, and holding up the broken pieces of their boards. The confidence shown on their faces is beautiful.
        While arranging such an activity in one’s home is almost unrealistic for parents, the value of helping a teen break through a personal hairier simply by being there as moral support can not be overestimated. More help for parents in the form of videos and articles is available at our website, in our blogs and in a monthly e-newsletter.
1. The 12-by-12-inch pine boards are used as ______.
A.materials to test one’s musclesB.signs of goals in one’s life
C.assessments to show one’s progressD.symbols of barriers in one’s life
2. We can learn from the passage that through the event the campers ______.
A.become hard-workingB.get moral support
C.gain confidenceD.set right goals
3. Which is the best title for the passage?
A.The Power of WIIFMB.What’s in It for Me
C.The Importance of GoalsD.Motivational Strategies
4. The passage is intended for ______.
2016-11-26更新 | 822次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般