组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 环境 > 自然灾害与防范
题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:71 题号:21334475

Three cows swept away by Hurricane Dorian have been found miles from home in a national park, a spokesman said. Dorian brought strong winds, damaging tornadoes (龙卷风) and heavy rain     1     North Carolina in September when it       2     (make) landfall on the Outer Banks in North Carolina.

During     3     storm, wild horses and cows     4     (carry) away by floodwaters from Cedar Island. Many horses died in the flood. The cows were missing until they were discovered around four miles away at Cape Lookout National Seashore park, according to B. G Horvat, the park’s spokesman.

The cows were not wild. Horvat said they had caretakers in Cedar Island     5     looked after them, and the park is trying to get in touch with     6     (they) owner. “They likely got swept away from the same body of water as those wild horses,” Horvat said “These cows were just really     7     (luck) because they went through the same thing and they could have       8     (easy) drowned (淹死). ”

One cow was found shortly after Dorian hit, while the other two were found about two weeks later by       9     (visitor). Horvat said the cows were eating in the wild on the Core Banks and they were able     10     (survive) from the sea grass or other vegetation. Head they might be drinking on the south side of the island, which has fresh water.

【知识点】 自然灾害与防范 动物


语法填空-短文语填(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)

About three years ago, something terrible happened to me. Those six hours of     1     (terrible) broke my body and soul. One day, my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands. All     2     once, the sky     3    (cover) with dark clouds and in less than a minute we were in     4     terrible storm.

It may seem strange, but at that moment,     5     we were on the edge of the whirlpool, I felt     6    (calm) than when we were moving towards it. I noticed that smaller, round and tubular objects went down more slowly     7     other objects. So I tied myself to a barrel to help me float. And without     8    (wait), I dived into the sea to try and escape.

As you can see, I did escape. In the end a boat picked me     9    . I was very tired. The fishermen were my old friends, but they were unable     10    (recognise) me. When I told them the story, they did not believe it.

2020-12-08更新 | 101次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

Being in the right place at the right time can mean the difference between life and death. When     1    abnormal ice storm felled runners in a 100-kilometer cross-country race in China’s north-western Gansu Province, a shepherd(牧羊人)    2    (name) Zhu Keming braved the elements to pull three men and three women to    3    (safe).

The day of the race began with mild temperatures. Zhu was tending his sheep as usual when temperatures     4     (drop) quickly. Small hard balls of ice mixed with rain began to fall to the earth, and then Zhu took shelter     5    a small cave he'd been using for years to store emergency supplies. It was from this position that Zhu noticed a man in obvious danger. Zhu brought the man back to the cave to warm him up. After     6    (light) a fire, Zhu returned to the mountainside, shepherding five     7    (addition) runners to the cave. Unprepared for the sudden shift in the weather, most racers were outfitted in lightweight clothing that was no match for the    8     (extreme) cold weather.

"I want to say     9     grateful I am to the man who saved me," said Zhang Xiaotao, who was one of the runners. While Zhu is now considered as a hero, the humble shepherd said," I am just an ordinary person and did what I could    10     (help) these runners.

2022-01-07更新 | 178次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约90词) | 适中 (0.65)

Tangshan's revival

After one of the most deadly earthquakes     1     happened on 28 July 1976, Tangshan started to revive     2     (it) and get back up on its feet. With strong support from the government and the tireless efforts of the city's people, a new Tangshan     3     (build) upon the earthquake ruins. The new city became a home to more than 7 million people, with great improvements in transportation, industry and environment. Tangshan city has proved to China and the rest of the world that     4     times of disaster, people must unify and show the     5     (wise) to stay positive and rebuild for a brighter future.

2021-10-06更新 | 26次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般