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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:224 题号:21370849

One of the world’s oldest preserved human settlements has been significantly damaged by pouring rain in Pakistan as the country battles the worst floods in its history.

Moenjodaro, a World Heritage site in the Indus River valley 508 kilometers (316 miles) from Karachi, was built in the Bronze Age, some 5,000 years ago. “Unfortunately we witnessed the mass destruction at the site,” reads a letter from the Cultural, Tourism & Antiquities Department of Singh state sent to UNESCO and signed by director Ihsan Ali Abbasi and architect Naveed Ahmed Sangah. The letter adds the site was being used as temporary accommodation for surrounding residents whose own homes had flooded.

Moenjodaro’s significance can’t be underestimated when it was added to UNESCO’s register in 1980, the organization wrote that Moenjodaro “bears exceptional proof to the Indus civilization,” comprising “the most ancient planned city on the Indian subcontinent”.

The letter explains some of the immediate actions the site team has taken to mitigate the flood damage, like bringing in water pumps and repairing brickwork. But it’s clear that these measures will not be enough.

Abbasi and Sangah ended their letter by asking for 100 million Pakistani rupees ($45 million) to cover the costs of full repairs. UNESCO has responded to the request for help, allocating $350,000 from its emergency fund for damaged historic sites in Pakistan during UN Secretary General António Guterres’s visit to the flood-stricken country this week.

The funds will go to Moenjodaro and other sites including the Amri Museum. While the sum is far less than needed to fully repair the sites, it will pay for urgent work while UNESCO and local organization consider the best way forward. Sadly, the conservators of Moenjodaro have known for some time that flooding could bring a serious risk to the site.

In their letter, Abbasi and Sangah express concern that Moenjodaro could be added to the list of UNESCO sites in danger, which the preservation body updates periodically to highlight historic places that are at severe risk of ruin.

1. What makes Moenjodaro special to Pakistan?
A.The geographic feature it bears.
B.The role it played in fighting floods.
C.The mass destruction it suffered in history.
D.The value it holds in history and architecture.
2. What does the underlined word “mitigate” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
3. Which best describes the situation of the repair work made so far?
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Pakistan’s Deadly Floods Causing Widespread Damage
B.Moenjodaro Calling for Attention to Its Severe Damage
C.Moenjodaro Added to the List of UNESCO Sites in Danger
D.Pakistan UNESCO Site Moenjodaro Badly Damaged by Flooding


阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In China, calligraphy occupies a distinguished position in the field of traditional art. It has always been more than simply a tool for communication, but also a means of expressing a person's inner world in an aesthetic sense.

Chinese calligraphy has endured for more than 2,000 years. Inscribed on animal bones, the oracle bone script is the earliest known writing form of Chinese characters. Following the changes of dynasties, it evolved into five main ways of writing, each with different techniques. With the unification of China by the Qin Dynasty, the Prime Minister Li Si(?—208 BC)actively promoted a uniform pattern of writing—the seal script. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, people simplified the seal characters, which had many strokes, and created the official script. The new calligraphy appears to be much neater, turning the round style into a flat one.

Today’s most popular and influential writing style, the regular script, first came into being between the Han and Wei dynasties. Just as the name implies, it features regularity and varies from the flat font to a square one. The period when the regular script flourished most was during the Tang Dynasty, when Yan Zhenqing(708—784) and Liu Gongquan(778—865) successively established schools of their own styles. In striking contrast, the cursive script puts emphasis on flexibility, for it only maintains the essence of each character and expresses more personal exertion. Therefore, its value lies more in appreciation than in practicality.

The Sage of Calligraphy Wang Xizhi(303—361,307—365, or 321—379), together with his son Wang Xianzhi (344 -386), led the art of calligraphy to its summit. Wang Xizhi was a master of all forms of Chinese calligraphy, especially the running script, and is generally recognized as the greatest Chinese calligrapher in history. People placed great value on his calligraphic works, comparing his handwriting to a “flying dragon”, vigorous yet elegant. His preface to the poems collected from The Orchid Parilion, known as a gem of Chinese calligraphy, was the most representative of his style. However, the original work is no longer available for public admiration. It is said to be buried in the tomb of Emperor Taizong of Tang(599-649) since he admired it so much.

Chinese calligraphy has also been introduced to many neighboring countries and has built up a worldwide reputation. Picasso(1881—1973),the world-renowned master of art, reportedly once said, “If I had lived in China, I must have become a calligrapher rather than a painter.” In 2009,Chinese calligraphy was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the U NESCO.

1. How many writing forms of Chinese characters are mentioned in the passage?
2. The underlined word “inscribed” in Paragraph 2 means “________”.
3. Which of the following is NOT right about these different writing styles?
A.The cursive script highlights flexibility and more personal exertion.
B.Compared with the seal script, the official script is flatter and neater.
C.Yan Zhenqing and Liu Gongquan built up schools to teach the regular script.
D.Wang Xizhi's most representative calligraphic work was written in the running script.
4. What can we infer from what Picasso said?
A.Chinese calligraphy attracted him a lot.B.He wanted to move to China.
C.He regretted becoming a painter.D.The UNESCO gave him a report.
2021-07-27更新 | 86次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Before war and time destroy more of our important cultural sites, we need to save them in 3-D digital libraries. Across 163 different countries, more than 1,000 natural and cultural historic places make up our most precious human heritage, which UNESCO calls World Heritage Sites.

We lose a little of that heritage every day. War, climate change and pollution have bad effects, as do wind and rain. The $4 million a year that UNESCO spends on preservation is not nearly enough to take care of even the four dozen sites considered to be at approaching risk of being lost forever. Now there’s a better choice. New digital conservation technologies let us hold on to them, at least virtually, through 3-D scanning, modelling and digital storage. Such projects can be accomplished through cooperation between governments, universities, industries and non-profit organizations.

To make a 3-D model, a laser (激光) scanner bounces light off an object and records the results. To reproduce every corner and opening, the scanner collects overlapping (重登的) images from all possible angles. A computer then sews them together into one large surface image and draws lines from one point to another to create a wireframe model. High-resolution digital cameras add colour and texture. When fully put together, the models can be viewed, printed or operated.

These scans do more than preserving a memory in a database. With highly accurate measurements, archaeologists (考古学家) can find hidden passages or reveal ancient engineering tricks. School kids can explore places they might otherwise never see. And when a site is destroyed, the scans can even be used to reconstruct what was there. That has already happened to one World Heritage Site, the Kasubi Tombs in Uganda. Built of wood in 1882, they were destroyed by fire in 2010 and rebuilt in 2014, based in large part on 3-D models made in 2009. More than 100 World Heritage Sites have already been preserved through 3-D models, and conservationists are racing to record as more as possible.

1. How does the author show the necessity for 3-D digital libraries in the first two paragraphs?
A.By listing the threats to our human heritage.
B.By introducing some damaged historical sites.
C.By quoting some experts’ views on heritage protection.
D.By explaining UNESCO’s research on World Heritage Sites.
2. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The function of a laser scanner.
B.The process of making a 3-D model.
C.The reflection of light off an object.
D.The development of 3-D digital technology.
3. What do we know about the Kasubi Tombs in Uganda?
A.They are metal-framed.
B.They were once destroyed in an earthquake.
C.They were reconstructed thanks to 3-D models.
D.They are still in its original condition.
4. What does the author intend to say through this text?
A.Never ignore the destructive power of war.
B.Take action to reduce pollution in historic places.
C.Invest more money to preserve World Heritage Sites.
D.Take advantage of 3-D technology to keep history.
2023-06-04更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Sites of cultural heritage(遗产) often carry a large degree of value. Famous World Heritage Sites like the Pyramids of Giza or the Forbidden City in Beijing are truly impressive.     1     And they also show what the human mind and human culture are capable(有能力的) of.

However, cultural relics(遗迹) are more than just valuable in art—they tell a story of human history. Everything that makes up our society (our values, our language, our traditions, our way of life, etc.) comes from our ancestors.     2     This is extremely valuable because it provides us with a way to understand different cultures round the world and how they join each other. It offers chances for us to learn from the past and develop a better future.

    3     Some relics were stolen from museums in Bagdad and the Iraq War caused great damage (破坏)to parts of the ancient city of Babylon. These acts are hugely harmful to the international society.     4    

So it is important to set an international rule to be followed during a war in order to greatly reduce the harms to cultural relics.     5     In order to better protect cultural relics, the law must be used in all situations even though in certain cases, a war can be won more easily by attacking common people.

A.They are worth protecting.
B.They are beautiful pieces of art.
C.Recently there have been many terrible acts.
D.Cultural heritage is important for many reasons.
E.Cultural relics are the only means we have of connecting with our past.
F.The harms do not only influence our present - day society, but all of our future.
G.This is the case, for example, with the laws about attacking common people in a war.
2021-05-27更新 | 174次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般