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The shelves in most supermarkets are full of family-size this and multi-buy that. However, if you’re shopping for one, buying extra     1     (benefit) from price reductions doesn’t make sense. Either your shopping is then too heavy to carry home     2     you can’t use what you’ve bought while it’s still fresh.

Of course, shops are not charities — they price goods in the way     3     will make them the most money. If most of their customers are happy to buy larger quantities, that’s     4     they’ll promote. But that leaves the solo (单独) customers out of pocket and disappointed.

Many supermarkets are no longer doing “buy one get one free” promotions because of the     5     (criticize) that they lead to waste. Consumers prefer money off individual items. However, though it’s nice to get a few cents off a pack of sausages, it would help even more if they could sometimes     6     (offer) in smaller packs. Even the biggest sausage fan doesn’t want to eat them every day.

If your supermarket sells loose produce, then buying smaller quantities is easier. Over the last two years, some supermarkets     7     (start) selling chicken or salad in packs     8     (design) with two halves containing separate portions (份). Then, when you use one section,     9     other stays fresh.

Who knows, perhaps some of the more forward-looking     10     (one) may yet come out with a whole range of “just for you” pack sizes with special offers as well.

【知识点】 市场与经济


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

All 31 provincial-level regions on the Chinese mainland announced    1    (they) economic growth targets for 2022 as of Monday, with most of them    2    (aim) for expansion of 5-7 percent, the latest signal that the Chinese economy as a whole could expand by above 5 per-cent this year despite pressure from COVID- 19 and other    3    (factor).

The epidemic has had a significant impact on consumption but a    4    (relative) limited impact on investment    5    industrial production, analysts said.

“Industrial growth is likely    6    (be) the key to sustaining economic growth. The new-energy sector will lead manufacturing investment to become a major driver. Policies may focus    7     strengthening industry chains to encourage manufacturing investment, ”    8    senior investor and analyst surnamed Cheng based in Shanghai told the Global Times.

Cheng added that “It is expected    9    the annual growth rate of manufacturing investment will reach 11.1 percent. ”

According to local government work reports, provinces    10    (accelerate) the development of transport facilities such as railways and express-ways. Governments will also increase support for upgrading traditional industries to make them high-end, intelligent and green.

2022-03-24更新 | 200次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

This year, China’s express delivery     1     (firm) handled 552 million parcels on Nov 11,1.8 times the usual daily average, the State Post Bureau said Saturday. The country’s courier sector handled 4.27 billion parcels from Nov 1 to 11, as online sales rose in the run-up to the annual online shopping bonanza, according to the bureau. The courier sector makes good preparations for the peak season that may continue until Nov 20, and the delivery network is running     2     (smooth).

    3     (initiate) in 2009, Singles’ Day (Nov 11) is that time of the year when people, especially singles, loosen their purse strings for online shopping.     4     started as an experiment thirteen years ago has turned into the world’s     5     (big) single-day shopping gala. The date was chosen for the shopping gala     6     Nov 11, written as 11.11, looks like unitary figures representing singles. And the success of the shopping gala, also called “double 11”, owes almost everything     7     the internet, in other words digital technology.

After years of exponential development, the digital economy     8     (become) one of the dominant economic forces in China. Accordingly, the country has decided to make the digital economy     9     driver of development, and promote digital industrialization and digital     10     (transform) of the industry.

2022-12-10更新 | 105次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

In recent years, China    1    (see) a boom in “new tea beverages (饮料)” that combine brewed tea, fresh fruits and vegetables, sometimes laced with (加入) dairy products or juice, which are    2    (particular) popular among young people.

As new tea beverages, a    3    (vary) of tea drinks help meet young people’s desire for relaxation and social sharing, and have even become a part for social life. Now, when a new flavor of drink    4    (appear), plenty of young people would line up in front of beverage shops    5    crowd in online takeaway platforms    6    (look) forward to a freshly made cup and then cannot wait to post it on social media.

According to data from iMedia Research,     7     market scale of China’s tea-based drinks increased to 279 billion yuan ($39 billion in 2021) and is expected    8    (reach) about 375 billion yuan by 2025. “Previous popular beverages like milk tea used to be brewed with tea powder and creamer. With living standards improved, customers are now demanding    9    (high) quality food and drinks than before,” said Wang Jingyuan, founder of LINLEE, a brand    10    focuses on novel tea-based lemon drink.

2024-01-10更新 | 127次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般