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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:1302 题号:21393539
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Eva spent the first week of high school trying to keep her head above water. One of the major headaches for her was finding her way in the huge school building. It was a six-story building. On each floor, hallways stretched in four directions, leading to classrooms, laboratories, and teachers’ offices. Somewhere in the building, there was also a library, a cafeteria, and a gym.

Having a poor sense of direction, Eva found it impossible to get around in such a huge building. All the different hallways and rooms were too much to think about, let alone commit to memory. She decided that she would memorize where her classes were and then pretend that the rest of the place didn’t exist.

In her first PE class, Eva was shocked when Coach Pitt announced that everyone had to run one mile around the track outside. She searched the faces of her classmates for signs of panic. There was nothing she feared more than having to run a whole mile. To Eva, “a mile” was used to describe long distances. It was ten miles from her home to her grandfather’s, and that always seemed like a long way, even in a car!

When Coach Pitt blew his whistle (哨子), Eva figured she would be left in the dust. However, while some of her classmates edged ahead, others actually fell behind. ” It’s just the beginning, “she thought.” I’ll come in last for sure. “

Soon Eva began to breathe hard, with her heart pounding and legs shaking. Feeling desperate, Eva started using a mind trick on herself. She stopped thinking about the word” mile. “Instead, she focused on reaching the shadow cast on the track by an oak tree up ahead. Then she concentrated on jogging to the spot where the track curved (拐弯). After that, she tried to see if she could complete her first lap. One lap turned into two, then three, then four.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2, 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

When Coach Pitt said “Nice work!” to her at the finish line, Eva was surprised.

Paragraph 2:

Eva decided to use the same trick to deal with the school building.



书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Oh, this was terrible. “Thank you for volunteering to coach soccer…” the letter began. Coach? Soccer? Me? That was ridiculous. My knowledge of the sport began and ended with you-can’t-use-your-hands. Later that afternoon, my six-year-old son informed me that goalkeepers are allowed to use their hands. Who knew?

When Community Sports asked for volunteers, I signed up for data entry. Keyboards, I knew. Coaching? Impossible! I quickly called the head coach about the misunderstanding. It did not go well. He had been transferred out of state and would not be coaching at all. Then I called an assistant coach. In broken English, he explained, “We just arrived from India. I know nothing.”

I phoned the Community Sports Commissioner about the matter. “I am sorry,” he said. “Not enough parents are willing to volunteer. If you cannot coach, we will call your team and let them know they will not be playing this season.” Seriously, that was his solution?

“Okay,” I gave in. “I will figure out something. Sure, put me down for coach.”

“Good,” he said. “We have a coaching clinic on Saturday. You might want to attend. It would help.”

With determined resolve, I picked up my son at school. He looked through the coaching book, interested in the pictures of drills. Then he laughed. “Hey, Mom! The word ‘coach’ is by your name. That is so funny.” Funny. I had to agree with him. “Yes, son, I get to be your soccer coach. Since I don’t know much about soccer, I need to learn. Let’s start at the library.”

At home, my husband puzzledly looked at the pile of books and videos under one of my arms and the soccer ball in the other. I told him my trouble. I thought it best if I learned about the game, rules, and some practice drills. So, I bought a soccer ball.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Our Saturday morning practices and games were quite interesting.
My neighbor used to be a high-school soccer player.
2024-01-21更新 | 44次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

In late February, my dad asked me if I wanted to go fishing with him. I said yes. My whole family, minus one of my sisters, would be going.

On the day we left I was excited to go on the trip. As soon as we got there, I unpacked all the things I had in the bedroom. My bedroom was small and had two bunk beds on either side of the room. The room made me feel like I was in someone’s grandma’s house. It was late by the time we got to the house, so I went to bed quickly.

The next morning I got up and my dad said that we would board the boat for just something to do. As we were in the car, I noticed that it was raining pretty hard outside.

Just then another boat approached us. A man with heavy beard shouted at us, claiming that it was not a good day for boating. He warned us to go back, but we thought nothing of it. The boat was pretty nice. It had a covering over the front side of the boat and seats in the back.

We got out to the water, and the waves started to pick up a little. As we got out to the water a little farther I thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it be funny if the boat starts sinking?”

Apparently, my thought was starting to come into reality, as the waves started picking up even more. I looked at my sister with a worried look on my face. She also looked worried.

The boat started tipping more as the waves spilled into the boat. My sister and I started screaming. I looked at my dad and he had a worried look on his face too. That was how I knew that things were getting worse.

My dad usually never gets worried about these sorts of things. The water was about knee high on my sister and me. The boat kept rocking from side to side.


My sister was now crying and my mom was yelling at us to put our life jackets on.


I thought I was going to die.

2023-03-17更新 | 201次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Sam’s birthday was approaching, and the excitement that usually filled his heart was now replaced with disappointment and stress. Turning eleven was a big deal, and he had always celebrated it with a grand party surrounded by his friends. However, this year was different. The burden of excessive homework and his parents’ struggling business weighed heavily on him, forcing Sam to make the difficult decision of not having a birthday party, even though it was an event he enjoyed dearly every year.

One day, during break, his best friend, Jim, with a curious look in his eyes, approached. “Are you going to have a birthday party this year?” Jim asked, sensing Sam’s sadness.

“No,” Sam sighed and replied sadly, “There’s just too much going on and my parents are going through financial difficulties.”

He smiled weakly, trying to conceal his immense disappointment and stress, but Jim saw through his pretence (假装) easily. Jim nodded thoughtfully and did not say anything. After the break, Sam saw his talking to one of their classmates, Sarah, secretively. Curious, Sam went over to them, but as soon as Jim saw him, he quickly walked away. Sam was startled by Jim’s strange actions and turned towards Sarah.

“What did he say?” Sam asked.

However, Sarah simply shrugged and walked away with Jim, leaving Sam standing there. feeling left out and anxious.

What is happening? San wondered anxiously. Are they keeping something from me?

As Sam’s birthday drew nearer, Jim was often found chatting softly with his other classmates. Whenever Sam went over to them, they would just walk away or tell him that they were talking about a secret which Sam was not allowed to know. Jim has never kept secrets from me before, Sam thought. His heart fell. Even his friends were distancing themselves from him! He swung between confusion and sadness with each passing moment, desperately trying to figure out what was happening. Why were his friends distancing themselves from him? And what were they hiding?

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

On the day of Sam’s birthday, he went to school and found his classroom in total darkness.


Tears sprang from Sam’s eyes and his face broke into a radiant smile.

2023-12-17更新 | 65次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般