组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 朋友
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:46 题号:21399340

The world’s oldest pen pals have both turned 100 after 84 years of transatlantic(大西洋彼岸的)letters and have now switched to Zoom.

Geoff Banks from Honiton, Devon, and Celesta Byme, from US, started writing to each other aged just 16 in 1938. They met as part of an educational project to put British and American students in contact-and 84 years later they are still corresponding.

Geoff, a retired engineer, said, “I honestly struggle to remember how we got in touch, but I was talking to Celesta recently and I think it was something to do with an American school’s scheme(计划), which matched us up with Americans for a pen pal relationship, and somehow I ended up with this letter from an American girl, and we just kept corresponding ever since. There were a couple of years when we struggled to keep in touch because of the war. Now of course she is partially sighted, so I correspond mainly by email to one of her daughters who lives nearby. Email is much easier for me these days too because I can’t write very well anymore. We just talk about daily lives and our families really. She’s always been there to write to, even if it was just birthday cards and Christmas cards.”

Despite having chatted for decades, the pair has only ever met twice—first in 2002 while Geoff visited New York aged 80, and then again two years later. Geoff is now a great grandfather, having sadly outlived(比……活得长)his daughter but still having three sons scattered across the world and many more grandchildren.

Geoff said, “We actually met up again in 2004 when she invited me to her house for lunch. I have this new thing called Zoom I think now to chat with her, but I leave all the technology to younger people. They’re much better at pressing all buttons.”

1. What brought Geoff Banks and Celesta Byrne together to be pen pals?
A.The war in the 1930s.B.An American school’s scheme.
C.Communication technology.D.Geoff’s visit to New York.
2. Why did Geoff Banks prefer using email to writing letters?
A.He suffered from eye disease.B.He had trouble pressing buttons.
C.He was unable to write well.D.He relied on Zoom to chat.
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A.True friendship outlives time and space.B.Letters were not permitted during the war.
C.Pen pals are true friends.D.Technology strengthens friendships.
4. What can be the best title for the passage?
A.Pen Pals Meet after 84 yearsB.Pen Pal Relationship Lasts a Century
C.90 Years of Chat: from Letter to ZoomD.Oldest Pen Pals in the world


阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】In choosing a friend, one should be very careful. A good friend can help you study. You can have a good time together and make each other happy. Sometimes you will meet fair weather friends. They will be with you as long as you have money or luck, but when you are down, they will run away. How do I know when I have found a good friend? I look for certain qualities of character, especially understanding, honesty and reliability.

Among these qualities, I think understanding is the most important. A good friend tries to understand how another person is feeling. He is not quick to judge. Instead, he tries to learn from others. He puts himself in the other person’s place, and he tries to think of ways to be helpful. He is also a good listener.

At the same time, however, a good friend is honest. He does not look for faults in others. He notices their good points. In short, a friend will try to understand me and accept me.

Another quality of a friend is reliability. I can always depend on a good friend. If he tells me he will meet me somewhere at a certain time, I can be sure that he will be there. If I need help, he will do his best to help me. If I am in trouble, he will not run away from me.

When I meet someone who is reliable, honest, and understanding, I know I’ve found a friend!

1. If you have fair weather friends, ________.
A.you will become rich
B.you can be sure that you get real friends
C.you will be refused when you get into trouble
D.they will give you all that they have when you need help
2. Which of the following qualities the writer thinks is the most important in choosing a friend?
A.Honesty.B.Understanding.C.Reliability.D.A sense of humor.
3. Good friends need to ________.
A.have money or luckB.be helped with money
C.always point out each other’s mistakesD.understand each other’s feelings
4. What does this passage mainly discuss?
A.The qualities of a friend.B.Where to choose friends.
C.How to get along with friends.D.The importance of having a friend.
2023-03-13更新 | 56次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do things with. Surely, sometimes we need to be alone. We don’t always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.

No two people are the same. Sometimes friends don’t get along well. That doesn’t mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will go on being friends. Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very sad. We miss them very much. But we can call them and write to them. Maybe we would never see them again. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them. Families sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men and women, if they are friendly to people in a town. Some libraries are named this way. So are some schools. We think of these people when we go to these places.

There’s more good news for people, if they have friends. These people live longer than those people who don’t have friends. Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares about you. If someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.

1. The first paragraph tells us ________.
A.none need friends
B.we always need friends around us
C.making friends is the need in people’s life
D.we need to be alone
2. Which of the following is not TRUE?
A.People are happy when their friends leave them.
B.People may never see their friends after their friends move away.
C.Peoples sometimes name their children after a close friend.
D.People like their friends very much if they get to know them.
3. This passage tells us ________.
A.that people are all friendsB.that people need friends
C.how to get to know friendsD.how to name a place
2021-12-07更新 | 57次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Friendship is a gift of God. But it may be taken for granted in some cases and not valued.     1    Say one has no child even after many years of marriage and the other has many children, more than they can manage. What do you think? Will the couple with many children value the children as much as the couple which has none? Everything is relative in life. We value what we don’t have and give less value to what is freely available to us.    2    

Why should we value friendships? What qualities does a good friend bring to our relationship that makes the friendship so valuable? Let us examine some of these.

Judgement——A good friend is rarely judgemental. We can be open in our behaviour with our good friends because we know that they will not judge us.     3     With other people our actions and behavior are always calculated and guarded and that takes away lots of pleasure from our life.

Share sorrow and losses ——A friend can be depended upon to share all our problems and sorrows.     4    Once I saw the image of a man left alone in a village after an earthquake. The whole village got killed except this man with whom, will this man share his sorrow? A friend gives us this gift.

Hope——During our times of trouble, only a friend comes forward and gives us encouragement and hope.     5    

A.This is no small gift of friendship.
B.Friendship is one such relationship
C.It is familiar to a case of two couples.
D.Some of us are blessed with good friends
E.We can enjoy this freedom only with friends
F.With that inspiration, we regain confidence in ourselves.
G.This sharing may not reduce the loss but helps us unburden ourselves.
2018-12-06更新 | 229次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般