组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 著名人物 > 科学家
题型:书面表达-开放性作文 难度:0.65 引用次数:66 题号:21412772
1. 介绍生平;
2. 人物主要经历;
3. 人物评价及影响;
注意:1. 写作词数应为 80-100 左右;
2. 用高级词汇和句型。
【知识点】 科学家


书面表达-图表作文 | 适中 (0.65)
参考词汇:《泰山和杜拉德博士》Tarzan and Dr Doolittle; “根与芽”“Shoot and Root”
2020-09-07更新 | 67次组卷
书面表达-概要写作 | 适中 (0.65)

Tu Youyou was born in Zhejiang Province, China, on 30 December, 1930.She studied medicine at Peking University Health Science Centre. Later, she studied Chinese medicine for two and a half years with experts in the field from whom she gained a deep knowledge about traditional practices.

In 1969, Tu Youyou was chosen to establish a team to find a cure for malaria-i disease that killed millions of people every year. Across the world, scientists had been trying to find a cure. They tested more than 240,000 chemicals with no success. However, Tu Youyou had an idea that Chinese herbs might hold the secret. She and her team began using modern research methods to study these Chinese herbs one by one.

This was not an easy task. The reason why this was difficult was that the team had limited resources. They did not have enough staff, and the laboratory in which they worked had poor air quality. However, after hundreds of failed experiments, they eventually came across a promising chemical. It worked well in experiments on animals, but they had to know if it was safe for humans. Tu Youyou bravely volunteered to be the first human subject when they were ready to start testing and the rest of her team followed her. The test was a success. The medicine they discovered, artemisinin, has now become the world's most effective drug for fighting malaria.

Even though Tu Youyou is not interested in fame, she has become a scientist whose work is internationally known. In 2019, she was selected by the BBC as one of the most influential figures of science in the 20th Century along with Albert Einstein. Tu Youyou was known for her bravery in being a scientist during a difficult time for science in China, her ability to use old wisdom and new methods to achieve her goals and the fact that her work bridged the Eastern and Western worlds,saving millions of lives. Today Tu Youyou continues to conduct research despite her age. According to Tu Youyou, “From our research experience in discovering artemisinin, we learnt the wisdom' behind both Chinese and. Western medicine. There is great potential for future advances if these two kinds of wisdom can be fully integrated(结合),” she said.

2021-01-31更新 | 108次组卷
书面表达-图表作文 | 适中 (0.65)

参考词汇:航空学 the science of astronomy
航天科技事业 astronomy and aircraft industry
“神童” a super-talented boy

A Brief Introduction of Qian Xuesen

2021-03-23更新 | 162次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般