组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:66 题号:21481521

My family had a hard time when I was in Grade 11. My parents lost their jobs during the Depression. Dad was too ill to work outside, while Mum had a tough time raising us kids on her own in our small community. We relied on our community assistance to keep us clothed, and although our clothes were secondhand, we thought they were beautiful.

Looking back, I realize what Mum went through for sending us kids to school. Every morning she would put a new piece of cardboard in our shoes, because our shoes were worn out. Moving house constantly was typical for my family during the period. Rent was twenty-five dollars a month, but Mum couldn’t pay it. These were hard and sad years, but we never complained.

The new year was approaching, and we were entitled (享有)to a twenty-five dollar fund for social services. Mum said that instead of buying food, she would use the money to pay back rent, making sure we all had a roof over our heads for a little while longer. She told us then there would be nothing for the new year.

Unknown to Mum, I had been removing snow and doing odd jobs to earn enough money to buy a new pair of shoes. I knew exactly which shoes I wanted. They were made of genuine leather and they had a price of twenty-three dollars. Well, the big day came on the last day of that year. I was very excited, as I was hurrying up to catch the bus. It was only a half-a-mile walk, but on the way I noticed a house with lights and decorations. It was then that I realized in our house, we had no lights, no decorations, nor any money for goodies (好吃的东西). I knew then that we would have no delicious food for the new year, and I felt sad.

As I continued walking, I began to feel confused. I was sixteen years old, and I was feeling a strange sense of guilt. Here I was going to buy a new pair of shoes while Mum was home in tears. She would be trying to explain to us why there were no presents.


I thought how I ought to use the money I had earned.


Soon I got to my house with the groceries (食品杂货).



书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Sarah had unspeakable pain because she had to raise her children alone. But over time, she changed too much, looking skinny in the mirror, with dark bags under her eyes. She knew she had to stop burning herself out before it was too late. So she emailed her manager that she was taking an urgent day off.

It had to be the best day ever. Sarah hated instant coffee but didn’t have time for anything else. But not now. Sarah placed her favorite coffee maker on the stove and walked to the kitchen windowsill, enjoying her company when her phone rang loudly from her bedroom. “Yes?” “Hello, Sarah! How are you doing?” “Natalie? Oh, my goodness! Is this really you?” …Natalie was Sarah’s friend, but they’d lost touch after Natalie and her husband moved to Europe. Unfortunately, Sarah got so carried away by the conversation that she completely forgot about her coffee on the stove. The weather turned harsh, and strong winds blew the window curtain toward the stove, causing it to catch fire. Sarah put the phone down immediately when she smelled something burning and the smoke caused her to cough.

Sarah’s house was reduced to a pile of charred wreckage (残骸). Her neighbors looked at her pityingly and offered to shelter her until she could find a place to live. But Sarah couldn’t take their favor. She knew no one wanted to see a swarm of children at home, especially in the current economy. Sarah and her children had been dragged to a shelter in the street.

A few months later, it was Sarah’s birthday. She decided to take her children out for a good lunch and then get back to her work. But they didn’t want to and had a strange request. They blindfolded (蒙住眼睛) her, guiding her out of the house. Sarah had no clue what her children had planned for her. She knew they were heading somewhere far from the homeless shelter since they were on a bus at some point.

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As Sarah did remove the blindfold, her hands went to her mouth in shock.


Her neighbors had actually built her a new home.

2024-05-31更新 | 61次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I had a younger sister, Michelle. But as a big brother, I rarely cared for her.

On a Sunday in March when I was 8, Easter (复活节) came. As usual, my sister and I would search for the hidden baskets full of candy and other things prepared for us. On that Easter morning, I got up early.

“Michelle!” I whispered to my sister, who was still sleeping in her bedroom. “Wake up. It’s Easter. We have to go and find our baskets.” She rolled over in bed and finally got up. “Mom and Dad are still sleeping,” I warned her as we walked out into the kitchen. “If we’re quiet, we can find our baskets without waking them up.”

It didn’t take long for me to find my basket, which had candy, toys, etc. This basket was obviously mine because it contained the latest issue of my favorite magazine. My sister continued searching in every room while I dropped my basket off at the kitchen table and started separating candy into different categories. 20 minutes later, my sister told me, “I can’t find it. I looked all over. Can you help me?” I decided to help her not because I felt sorry for her, but because I thought it was fun to find the missing basket.

We started searching through the cabinets (贮藏柜). Later, our parents were awake. Dad headed straight for the bathroom, while Mom walked out to make coffee. “Mom, I’ve found my basket,” I told her. She smiled and asked, “Where’s yours, Michelle?”

That’s when my six-year-old sister started to cry. “Let’s keep looking,” Mom said, taking hold of my sister’s hand. After searching the living room they went to the closet (贮藏室). There Michelle finally found her basket. But when she picked up her basket, we found everything in it had all been bitten and damaged by mice.


Michelle dropped her basket on the floor, looking upset.


Then I walked slowly into my sister’s room with my basket.

2023-12-18更新 | 102次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

One day my grandfather gave me a gift—a piggy bank. It had an opening through which one could put money in. But the opening was not big enough to reach in and get the money out.

"That's the whole idea," my grandfather explained. "The piggy bank will help you save your money so that, at the end of the year, you might have enough for that bike you dream about." He added, "Will you put some of the money given by me in the following days into the piggy bank?" I said “yes" and promised.

Whenever he gave me a little bit of money, he would say, "This is for spending. But you can save some and put it in the piggy bank if you want to save it up." When he gave me larger amounts, it was clearly for saving in the piggy bank. For some time, this worked fine. I loved shaking the piggy bank and hearing the sound of the coins. As it became heavier, I grew excited, dreaming about what I could do with my savings.

One day my friend and I visited the new ice-cream shop in town. but we didn't have enough money to buy just one ice cream. So my friend asked me to take some money out of my piggy bank. "No, I can't." I replied. "There is an opening for putting the money in, but no way for taking any out. Besides, my grandfather told me that I need to save money until the end of the year."

"Come on…" said my friend. Finally, I gave in. We took the piggy bank to the park and tried our best to shake out the money. We succeeded. From then on, I became good at taking money out of my piggy bank. Soon, it became a habit. And I started taking out money whenever I wanted it.

One day I was doing that again when my grandfather walked in. I was frightened.

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The piggy bank fell out of my hands and broke.


The next day, Grandpa gave me another piggy bank.

2022-06-30更新 | 96次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般