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题型:其他 难度:0.65 引用次数:30 题号:21759837

The letter explains some of the immediate actions the site team has taken to mitigate the flood damage, like bringing in water pumps and repairing brickwork. But it’s clear that these measures will not be enough.

What does the underlined word “mitigate” in Paragraph probably mean?
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其他 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Many people believe that working to the maximum is the secret to success, but research has found that moderation(适度) also gets results on the job.

In a study led by Ellen Langer of Harvard University, researchers asked people to translate sentences into a new a made-up language. Subjects who practiced the language moderately beforehand made fewer errors than those who practiced extensively or not at all. High levels of knowledge can make people too attached to traditional ways of viewing problems across fields the arts, sciences, and politics. High conscientiousness is related to lower job performance, especially in simple jobs where it doesn’t pay to be a perfectionist.

How long we stay on the clock and how we spend that time are under careful examination in many workplaces. The young banker who eats lunch at his desk is probably seen as a go-getter, while his colleagues who chat over a relaxed conference-room meal get dirty looks from the corner office. “People from cultures that value relationships more than ours does are shocked by the thought of eating alone in front of a computer”, says Art Markman, a professor of psychology at the University of Texas, Austin. Social interaction has been shown to lift mood(情绪) and get people thinking in new directions and in ways that could help improve any post-lunch effort.

Markman also promotes off-task time. “Part of being a good thinker is experiencing things that are seemingly unrelated to what you are working on at the moment but give you fresh ideas about your work,” he says. “Also, there is a lot of research showing that a positive mood leads to higher levels of productivity and creativity. So, when people do things to increase their life satisfaction, they also make themselves more effective at work.”

The underlined word “go-getter” in paragraph 3 refers to someone Who________.
A.is good at handling pressureB.works hard to become successful
C.a has a natural talent for his job.D.gets on well with his co-workers
2023-02-17更新 | 34次组卷
其他 | 适中 (0.65)
A.Although everyone needs to get away from the current reality for a bit, relax and self-reflect, we all might as well self-reflect on the good of our experiences. Self--reflecting can bring peace of mind and make us proud. It did for me.
B.Even though it can help me better prepare for the future, self-reflecting itself can be both good and bad for me. I tend to overthink a lot, which is a habit I’m still trying to break. When I reflect on things that I haven’t been proud of from the past, I always get frustrated.
C.The only times that I self-reflect in my life are when big life events happen to me. For example, after I graduated from college, I took some time to self-reflect on the past four years of my college career. However, I can’t change the past. Self-reflecting on the past is a lesson for me to better prepare for the future.
D.Recently I read an article “We All Need Self-Reflection”, and it made me think that I need to self-reflect more and take a break from life.
E.However, as I mentioned above, I can’t change the past. So I persuade myself to reflect on the good things in life, like getting my first internship or choreographing (编舞) my first dance by myself. I figure that I need to do that more.
2023-10-24更新 | 31次组卷
其他 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Even though we may believe that it’s important to say thank you, sometimes expressing gratitude is easier said than done. We might find ourselves getting hung up on the best way to deliver the message.

However, it’s possible that we might be making our thanks more complex. In a paper, researchers compared the effects of expressing thanks in person, over a video call, and over text. And, while people generally expect an in-person thank you to be the most effective, what happened in reality was quite different: Sending a thank-you over text was almost as effective as that. Additionally, texting may be especially well-suited for situations where we feel awkward or embarrassed about expressing our appreciation.

What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Making a video call.B.Sending a text message.
C.Expressing thanks in person.D.Writing a thank-you letter.
2022-04-30更新 | 40次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般