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题型:其他 难度:0.65 引用次数:28 题号:21759849

These findings are good news for life in the universe as they dispel concerns that potentially habitable planets could not form too close to very massive stars. Previously, scientists thought the intensity of ultraviolet (紫外线的) radiation produced by massive stars would interfere (干扰) with the distribution of dust and gas in planet-forming stars, possibly preventing the formation of rocky planets like Earth, for instance. The NGC 6357 group contains more than ten super bright and massive stars, suggesting most of the group’s matter is exposed to high levels of ultraviolet radiation.

What does the underlined word “dispel” in paragraph mean?
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【推荐1】Fiery Visitors from Outer Space

1. On the next clear summer night, look up into the sky. If you are lucky, you may see a “shooting star”. They look just like stars falling down from the sky.

2. But shooting stars are not stars at all. The real name for a shooting star is “meteor”. There are millions of meteors out in space. They are pieces of rock and metal. When they are in space, meteors do not glow. In fact, we can’t see them at all. But when a meteor comes close to the earth, it starts to fall toward the earth. As it passes through the air, it gets very hot. It starts to glow, and finally it begins to burn. We see the burning meteor as a shooting star.

3. Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space. But many meteors travel in groups called swarms. The swarms have orbits like planets have. They pass close to the earth every year. A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm. It passes close to the earth in summer, usually in August. Each year a few meteors from the Perseid swarm fall to the earth, so August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.

4. Most meteors are small, so they burn up before they crash into the earth and are buried in the ground. Once a meteor reaches the earth, we call it a meteorite. The biggest meteorite, which weighs seventy tons, landed in Africa.

Question 19
1. Circle the main idea of paragraph 3.
A.Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space.
B.Sometimes meteors travel in swarms.
C.A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm.
D.August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.

Question 20-23
Match the word on the left with the phrase on the right that fits best by writing letters.
2. ______ meteor
3. ______ swarm
4. ______ Perseid
5. ______ meteorite
a. a famous swarm of meteors
b. a meteor that has reached the earth
c. the real name for a shooting star
d. a group of meteors
Question 24-25
Answer questions in complete sentences and in your own words.
6. Why is August a good month to watch shooting stars?
7. There is an old saying that if you make a wish when you see a shooting star, your wish will come true. So when you see a shooting star, what wish will you make? Why?
2021-09-08更新 | 38次组卷
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【推荐2】The US space agency NASA has revealed an astonishing picture revealing new secrets of the Earth’s home galaxy (星系), the Milky Way. The sun is just one of hundreds of billions of stars that form the huge shape of our galaxy. Our solar system sits in an outlying region but the new image focuses on the centre of the Milky Way, a “noisy” area because of all the crowded stars. Light from this region takes about 26,000 years to reach Earth. For comparison, light takes just eight minutes to reach us from the sun.

The researchers use the data collected by two telescopes that see the sky in ways that are very different from the visible light our eyes can see to form the new image. Most of the data comes from 370 different pictures taken over the past 20 years by NASA’s Chandra X Observatory. This satellite telescope detects X-rays out in space. X-rays are a from of radiation that is sent out when violent events heat matter to temperatures of millions of degrees. Other data comes from the MeerKAT telescope in South Africa, which can detect radio waves from space. These waves have much less energy than X-rays. They are usually produced by cooler material, such as huge clouds of gas between the stars.

The brightest sources include neutron stars which are the cores of huge stars that ran out of fuel and collapsed to city-sized balls of super hot matter. Many neutron stars and black holes jet out gases that appear in the picture as purple streaks (斑纹). Powerful magnetic fields in the area cause the jets to bend as they get further from their source. Astronomer Dr Daniel Wang, who has worked on the image over the past year, said the new picture described “a violent or energetic ecosystem”.

What may be the best title for the text?
A.Our galaxy’s violent heartB.An attempt to travel in outer space
C.Radio waves from outer spaceD.Stars’ purple streaks
2022-07-10更新 | 143次组卷
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【推荐3】Using first-of-their-kind observations from the James Webb Space Telescope. a University of Minnesota Twin Cities-led team looked more than 13 billion years into the past to discover a unique, minuscule galaxy cluster (星系团) that generated new stars at an extremely high rate for its size. The galaxy is one of the smallest ever discovered at this distance —around 500 million years after the Big Bang — and could help astronomers learn more about galaxies that were present shortly after the universe came into existence.


What does the underlined word “minuscule” in paragraph l mean?
A.Extremely small.B.Remarkably dark.
C.Especially remote.D.Quite complicated.
2024-04-19更新 | 11次组卷
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