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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:30 题号:21772591

I have worked as a keeper at the National Zoo for 11 years. Spot and Stripe are the first tiger cubs (幼兽) that have ever been born here. Globally, a third of Sumatran cubs in zoos don’t make it to adulthood, so I decided to give them round-the-clock care at home.

I’ve got two children—the younger one, Kynan, was extremely happy about the tigers arrivingg—but all of us really looked forward to being part of their lives and watching them grow. I wasn’t worried about bringing them into my home with my wife and kids. These were cubs. They weighed about 2.5kg and were so small that there was absolutely no risk (风险).

As they grew more mobile, we let them move freely around the house during the day, but when we were asleep we had to contain them in a large room, otherwise they’d get up to mischief (捣蛋). We’d come down in the morning to find they’d turned the room upside down, and left it looking like a zoo.

Things quickly got very challenging due to the huge amount of energy required to look after them. There were some tough times and I just felt extremely tired. I was grateful that my family was there to help. We had to have a bit of a production line going, making up “tiger milk”, washing baby bottles, and cleaning the floors.

When Spot and Stripe were four months old, they were learning how to open doors and jump fences, and we knew it really was time for them to go. It was hard for us to finally part with them. For the first few days, Kynan was always a bit disappointed that the cubs weren’t there.

I’m not sad about it. I’m hands-on with them every day at the zoo, and I do look back very happily on the time that we had them.

1. Why did the author decide to take good care of the tiger cubs at home?
A.To let them play with his kids.B.To observe their differences.
C.To teach them life skills.D.To allow them to live long.
2. What did the author want to show in paragraph 2?
A.his two children are both extremely happy about the tigers arriving.
B.he was worried about taking care of the cubs.
C.there was no risk of living with so small tiger cubs.
D.not all of his family looked forward to watching cubs grow.
3. What did the author think of looking after the tiger cubs at home?
4. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?
A.All things must come to an end.B.We should love our small friends- cubs.
C.Animals should live in their own way.D.Animal protection is beyond control.
【知识点】 人与动植物 记叙文


阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Nowadays, many of us are working long hours at home, so more than ever, we are in need of a pet to help relieve anxiety and provide company for the lonely days.     1     There are simply too many benefits to list, so we've gathered only our top reasons.

    2     Working long hours from home can never be a nice thing. Without all the human contact we would normally get in the office, we can often find ourselves feeling lonely and isolated. However, with a pet at home we're likely to feel much better.

A call to head outdoors. For those who have an animal that enjoys going outdoors, pets can serve as a great reminder of heading outdoors to get some fresh air.     3     However, often owners will return from their walks feeling calmer, more relaxed and more energized. Whatever the weather, getting outside is beneficial to us.

Caring for something else. Often, when we feel loneliness or anxiety, we tend to be focusing inwards, to our own worries and self-doubts.     4     Therefore, it's advisable to invest time in our pet's well-being by giving them the best care we can.

Motivation (动力) and routine. Pets are a source of motivation for their owners simply because they rely on us so heavily. Without a pet, we'll find it hard to keep our daily routine while working at home.     5    . But when we have a pet to look after, we have to get up early and be ready for the day ahead. This is going to benefit both the pet and ourselves.

A.An end to loneliness.
B.A time killer in daily life.
C.We tend to skip meals or sleep late.
D.Pets often walk here and there and make our house dirty.
E.The positive effects a pet can have on our mental health are amazing.
F.The task of heading out for a walk on a rainy day may not seem attractive.
G.Directing our attention to the outside world helps relieve those negative feelings.
2021-06-30更新 | 275次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A few years ago, I was leaving the kennel (养狗场) where I worked, only to find a baby goat at the end of the driveway. The kennel’s owners are well-known animal rescuers and I figured someone outside left him over the fence.

I’m an animal lover and I’ve brought home dogs, cats, horses, chickens and fish, but never goats. The tiny kid was too cute to resist. I named him Quincy, and with the help of some experienced friends, bottle-fed him in my bathroom. Quincy proved to be quite special. When he was about a week old, l tapped my fingers on the bathroom floor and said, “Lie down.” I was amazed when he dropped down. I was even more amazed when he did it three times in a row.

A quick study, Quincy learned to lie down, bow and turn in a circle in no time. He is house-trained, jumps in the back of my SUV when I say “load up”, and spends the day wandering with my dogs whom he considered as his brothers and sisters. He knows he name of everything I feed him apples, water, carrots and strawberries.

I love lo train animals and often take my dogs lo shows where they can perform their tricks. Quincy did bis first show when he was just six weeks old. He knew only a few tricks then, but he did them perfectly and never misbehaved or got nervous in front of the crowd.

Now he has a whole inventory. He’ll shake hooves (蹄), come when called, walk on a rope, wave, smile for the camera, and more. Quincy and my dogs perform regularly at schools, nursing homes and charity events, Quincy can even “read” his tricks off hint cards, which always earns the most applause.

It’s hard to believe that the goat kid nobody wanted turned out to be one of the smartest animals I’ve ever had.

1. What made the author decide to bring the baby goat home?
A.The advice of his friends.
B.His strong desire to keep a pet.
C.His love for the little goat.
D.The request of the kennel’s owner.
2. Which word can best describe Quiney?
3. What can we know about the author?
A.He is an animal lover.
B.He has kept a pet goat before.
C.He makes a living by training animals.
D.He always takes care of Quincy on his own.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Quincy: The Show Goat
B.Quincy: A Poor Creature
C.Quincy: A Special Trainer
D.Quincy: My Best Friend
2023-03-04更新 | 182次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Over the past 25 years, dozens of cats have appeared in my yard, silently begging for food. Most cats come and go, but Minnie stayed for 11 years.

When I first spotted her, Minnie was young and weak. She would creep up to eat the leftovers after I fed my cats. Pretty soon, she was regularly appearing at dinnertime. I would provide cat’s food just for her, but she would hide behind until I went back inside. Then, with no human near, she would wolf down her meals.

Minnie stuck around our house, and she was scrawny no more. Actually, she kept gaining weight —especially around her middle. Yes, she was pregnant. We prepared a small shelter in the garage, where Minnie would give birth and care for her kittens.

Once the kittens had been adopted, I began to spend hours in the yard, sitting as still as possible with a bowl of cat food next to me. She would sit a few feet from me, examining my every move. I, in turn, ignored her, reading my book, silently begging for her to come closer. She never did. I finally accepted that she was never going to let me pet her, but she still became my constant companion. Whenever I’d go outside, she’d meow hello then follow me around the house. This went on for three years.

Then one morning, Minnie just wasn’t there. I searched and searched around the neighborhood, but no Minnie. It always hurts to lose an animal you love. But I wouldn’t give anything in the world for the time we had with our Minnie. Untouchable as she was, she taught me friendship and love can be shared just by being present and accepting. No physical or verbal interaction needed. Just be there.

1. What can we learn about Minnie from paragraph 2?
A.She was eager for human affection.B.She was afraid of human presence.
C.She was attracted by the author’s cat.D.She preferred leftovers to cat’s food.
2. What does the underlined word “scrawny” mean in paragraph 3?
3. Why did the author sit in the yard for hours in paragraph 4?
A.To befriend Minnie.B.To enjoy reading.
C.To chock on Minnie’s safety.D.To look after Minnie’s kittens.
4. What does the author think of Minnie’s company?
A.Mentally irreplaceable.B.Emotionally distant.
C.Physically beneficial.D.Behaviorally unpredictable.
2023-05-30更新 | 142次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般