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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:29 题号:21773308

When Aiden and Lebron asked me to accompany them on a camping trip to the mountains, I pictured a cozy wooden house with a warm fire and hot cocoa. Imagine how my comfortable image became a nightmare of survival training when they showed up with a truck filled with camping supplies—tents, rolled-up sleeping bags, and canteens!

Lebron, super organized, rushed me to join him to escape the city rush. Good weather though —cotton-candy clouds dotted the deep blue sky.

The trail at first seemed more like a road through the trees than a hiking path. Then it got narrow and steep, making me focus and stay quiet. We went higher, above the tree line, seeing the trail winding up to the mountain top.

It looks closer than it is,” Lebron said, reading my facial cues. “This is the most difficult part of the trail. Loose rocks and tree roots make it dangerous, and we have no shade.”

Finally, we reached the summit. My legs aching, I dropped my pack and groaned (呻吟).“No time to rest,” Lebron said, looking up at the sky. “The weather here changes quickly, and that cool air means a storm is coming. We need to set up camp.”

He was serious about the storm. While Aiden and Lebron set up camp, I tried to help, but the storm arrived fierce and quick. We took cover inside the tent near a huge rock as thunder roared.

Lebron, sensing that I was scared, reached in his backpack for some peanut butter. Slowly, he spread the peanut butter and said, “This is just a typical summer storm—they’re short-lived, but intense,” Lebron continued, “The campsite might get a bit muddy, but what’s the fun in camping if you can’t get dirty! At least the rain will keep the bears away,” he said with a smile.

The storm passed swiftly, revealing a breathtaking view. I won’t lie — I longed for a hot shower and a soft bed, but as I gazed upward at the Milky Way, I knew this was an adventure I would never forget.

1. How did the writer feel when Aiden and Lebron showed up with a truck filled with camping supplies?
A.Anxious and excited.B.Relaxed and delighted.
C.Frustrated and angry.D.Disappointed and surprised.
2. What does “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to according to the passage?
A.The trail.B.The mountain.C.The summit.D.The tree line.
3. What was the trail like as they climbed higher?
A.Narrow but plain.B.Risky and challenging.
C.Pleasant with clear paths.D.Marked with shelters for breaks.
4. Why did Lebron mention the rain keeping bears away during the storm?
A.To show off his humor.
B.To highlight danger in the area.
C.To ensure everyone stayed indoors.
D.To lighten the mood and reduce fear.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When people ask me how I started writing, I find myself describing an urgent need that I felt to work with language. Having said that, I did not know for a long time what I was looking for. It was not until I followed this feeling to its source that I discovered I had a passion for writing. With some encouragement from my colleagues, I had one of my poems published. This bit of success, however, was the point where my problem began.

Back in 1978, I had to travel between three different campuses in the morning, teaching freshman composition. Afternoons I spent taking my daughter to her ballet and horse-riding lessons. T composed my lectures on the way, and that was all the thinking time I had. When I returned home, there was not enough of me left for writing after a full working day.

As a way out, decided to get up two hours before my usual time. My alarm was set for 5:00 A.M. The first day I shut it off because I had placed it within arm’s reach. The second day I set two clocks, one on my night table, and one out in the hallway. I had to jump out of bed and run to silence it before my family was awoken. This was when my morning writing began.

Since that first morning in 1978, I have been following the habit to this day, not making or accepting many excuses for not writing. I wrote my poems in this manner for nearly ten years before my first book was published. When I decided to write a novel, I divided my two hours: the first for poetry, the second for fiction. Well or badly, I wrote at least two pages a day. This is how my novel, The Line of the Sun, was finished. If I had waited to have the time, I would still be waiting to write my novel.

What I got out of getting up in the dark to work is the feeling that I am in control. For many people, the initial sense of urgency to create easily dies away because it requires making the tough decision: taking the time to create, stealing it from yourself if it's the only way.

1. What motivated the author to start her writing career?
A.Her strong wish to share.B.Her urgent need to make a living
C.Her keen interest in writing.D.Her passionate desire for fame.
2. What problem did the author face when she decided to begin her writing?
A.She had trouble in deciding on her writing style.
B.She was too exhausted to write after a busy day
C.She had to take time to discipline her daughter.
D.She was unsure about her writing skills.
3. Why did the author place an alarm clock in the hallway?
A.To force herself out of bed.B.To wake up her family.
C.In case the clock in her room broke down.D.In case she failed to hear the ringing.
4. What can we learn from the author's success in her writing career?
A.It is never too late to change your job.B.Imaginative ideas die away if not taken in time.
C.Daily life provides ideas for creative writingD.A tight schedule is no excuse for lack of action.
2022-01-24更新 | 45次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Pedro Jose博士为了让世界变得更好而做出的努力。他是一名医生、教授、也是圣约翰无证移民诊所的志愿医疗主任,他是对美国生活做出重要贡献的拉美裔人,获得了诸多荣誉。

【推荐2】As Dr. Pedro Jose grows older, he keeps setting his goals higher. He believes people in every walk of life need to constantly stretch for new challenges. His daily juggling act is extremely demanding. He’s a doctor, professor, and volunteer medical director of Saint John Clinic for undocumented immigrants. He still pushes on continuing to publicize his agenda in the media and serving on numerous boards and foundations.

In 2002, Jose was named chairman of the board of the Hispanic Heritage Awards Foundation. The awards recognize Hispanics who make important contributions to life in America.

Jose believes the stories of Hispanic accomplishments can inspire all Americans. He adds, most important, the scholarships are offered by the foundation. Only two-thirds of Hispanics graduate from high school. To help others, you must be able to help yourself, and that begins with education.

Jose has received no shortage of honors of his own, including the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship and the Presidential Service Award. In 1994, Time magazine named him one of the nation’s 50 top leaders under the age of 40. And Hispanic magazine named him Hispanic of the Year in 2002. Jose’s autobiography, Waking Up in America, is now being made into a TV movie, starring Andy Garcia.

Jose’s fervent hope is that the movie will help change people’s attitudes about the homeless. He hopes it will show that beyond the hard label are human beings — people who did not choose to be poor. Homeless people have needs and feelings that are no different from anyone else’s. They need help, not judgment.

Most of all, though, Jose hopes that people will begin to realize the power they have to change things. There should never be another man in Bed 9, who died without anyone even knowing his name. There should never be another Giles Woodson, the man who was burned to death on the streets of Miami.

“As a nation, what makes us great is our individuality. But what makes us truly powerful is when we work together,” says Jose. “If people put their minds to it, this kind of suffering can be solved.”

1. How did Jose help the homeless?
A.Appeal to the public to pay attention to this issue.B.Provided good education for them.
C.Set higher goals to face the coming challenges.D.Conducted medical research on them.
2. Why was Jose named the head of the Hispanic Heritage Awards Foundation?
A.His success in the medical field inspired Americans.
B.He contributed a lot to helping people in need.
C.He developed good relationships with Hispanics.
D.He found few Hispanics graduated from high school.
3. That fact that Jose’s autobiography was made into a TV movie indicates that _______________.
A.his foundation provided scholarships for Hispanics
B.he changed his attitude towards the homeless
C.his accomplishments were widely acknowledged
D.he had a significant influence on the homeless
4. What do Jose’s words in the last paragraph imply?
A.Be united and we will make the world a better place to live.
B.Governments are responsible for the problem of the homeless.
C.Do bear in mind that the homeless have suffered quite a lot.
D.With rights and power, the homeless can solve their problems.
2024-02-28更新 | 158次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】One day, a sage (圣人) visited a nearby town to learn about the conditions of the people living there. The presence of the sage made everybody happy. They led him to the temple located in the heart of their community.

The financial condition of the people was not good due to a reduction in production. The sage realized that everyone had a broken heart. The sage took his seat on the small stage in the courtyard of the temple. People were eager to hear what he was going to say. The sage took out a piece of white paper from his bag. There was a small black dot in the center of the paper. The sage held the piece of paper high so that everyone could have a good look at it. All of them who were present looked at it anxiously.

The sage asked, “What are you seeing?”

A young man answered immediately, “Sir, it is only a black dot!” The sage pointed his finger toward another person and asked, “And what are you seeing?” The middle-aged man gave the same answer. Asking an elderly man, the sage got the same answer.

Hearing the answer, the sage smiled and said. “That means none of you are able to see anything other than the black dot.” Not surprisingly, all there answered loudly, “Yes.” Then, the sage said, “You are not able to see the paper in my hand. But the small dot on that paper is able to attract the attention of all of you.”

The sage continued, “You all missed seeing the paper, even though it was before your eyes. Life is also like that. Ignoring many big things around us, we concentrate on small things like the black dot. If we always pay attention to small and insignificant things, will our life not be restricted? Free your mind. The solutions to all of your problems are hidden inside you. You will get everything you desire if you only think deeply.”

1. Why were people willing to listen to the sage?
A.They hoped to get suggestions on improving their living conditions.
B.The sage was expected to give them comfort for their losses.
C.They wished the sage to give them some food supplies.
D.The sage was head of the town.
2. How was the sage in people’s eyes?
3. Why did the sage smile after hearing answers from the people?
A.The people could see nothing but the paper.
B.He was satisfied with the people’s answers.
C.He always wanted the people to see the black dot.
D.The people’s answers were the same as what he had expected.
4. Which of the following would be the theme of the text?
A.Face troubles with a smile.
B.The importance of discussion.
C.Ways of taking a good attitude toward life.
D.Take things into consideration fully and wholly.
2022-11-13更新 | 143次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般