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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:42 题号:21776652

In the world of contemporary art, there are artists whose creativity and originality challenge the established boundaries, attracting the public with their wisdom. One of these innovators is the famous Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang, whose art installations (装置艺术) leave everyone speechless.

With an imaginative mind and an unconventional approach, Cai Guo-Qiang has become a master of fireworks display, employing the gunpowder of fireworks in his art in a truly extraordinary way. Through the mastery of said material and the explosions controlled, Cai creates installations that go beyond expectations and take the public on an unforgettable journey.

One of his most important creations is the installation titled “The rise of butterflies”. In this work, Cai uses a combination of gunpowder and paper to create a striking cloud of flying butterflies. The delicate winged creatures move back and forth in the air, creating a magical and ephemeral effect that goes against the laws of gravity.

But perhaps one of the most curious and daring installations of Cai Guo-Qiang is “The garden of ephemeral sculptures”. In this work, the artist uses controlled explosives to sculpt shapes in huge blocks of ice. As the explosions occur, the icy figures gradually transform, creating an ephemeral and ever-changing scene. It is as if the sculptures come alive for a brief moment before disappearing completely.

Cai Guo-Qiang is an artist who breaks the limits of imagination. His installations transport us to a world of magic, where fire and gunpowder become tools for creation. He combines aesthetic (审美的) beauty with unusual elements, making his works unique and fascinating. Without a doubt, Cai’s impact on contemporary art is undeniable. His installations have attracted audiences around the world and will inspire future generations to break free and find beauty in the unpredictable (不可预测的).

1. Which might be the best title for Cai Guo-Qiang?
A.An explosive genius.B.A creative sculptor.
C.A traditional painter.D.An artistic pioneer.
2. What does the word “ephemeral” mean in the passage?
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Cai’s impact on art is unpredictable.
B.Cai’s success results from global recognition.
C.Cai’s art changes traditional concept of beauty.
D.Cai’s art inspires artists to think outside the box.
4. What is the text most likely to be?
A.A diary entry of Cai Guo-Qiang.
B.A profile of celebrity in a magazine.
C.A scientific research paper on fireworks.
D.An advertisement for a fireworks company.
【知识点】 说明文 其他著名人物


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The idea behind the Internet of Things (IoT) is that the world would be a better place if all sorts of electronics would be computerized. Billions of tiny computers could monitor air quality and traffic patterns. It is estimated that there could be a trillion connected devices in the world by 2035 — more than 100 for every person..

With continued growth in the IoT, regularly replacing a trillion batteries would be inconvenient. Researchers have built chips that get energy from light or heat. But such sources producing only a small amount of power can’t be used to replace a battery, the maintenance of which can be difficult and costly, especially in places where a battery is hard to reach.

Aline Eid and her colleagues proposed a better idea. Using a piece of equipment called a Rotman lens, they have designed a small, flexible antenna (天线) to harvest electrical power from signals of 5G mobile phone towers. Rotman lenses, which were invented in 1963, focus and redirect electromagnetic (电磁的) radiation. “Most people use Rotman lenses in the transmission (发送) mode,” says Dr. Eid. “We decided to change that concept, and use them in the opposite mode.”

Her lens is able to collect electromagnetic radiation from all directions. Letting it work in urban environments in which waves spread unpredictably improves the amount of harvest able power greatly. And 5G also offers more power in the first place. The standard on which it is based covers communications on a wide range of frequencies. Furthermore, 5G’s frequencies ranging between 24GHz and 100 GHz are rarely used, so 5G networks are unlikely to suffer from the disturbance from a huge number of devices.

According to the team, their antenna can harvest useful quantities of power even at a long distance, Feeding their work into computer models suggests it should be able to harvest around six microwatts of power at a distance of 180 meters from a tower. That is enough to let the sort of simple, low-power chips that will make up the IoT do useful work. If more power is needed, a bigger antenna can be used.

1. What has been a barrier in the development of IoT technology?
A.How to efficiently power IoT devices.B.How to monitor a mass of tiny computers.
C.How to reduce the cost of maintaining IoT chips.D.How to computerize different sorts of electronics.
2. What is the concept behind Aline’s using Rotman lenses?
A.They can send radio signals to 5G towers.B.They can communicate with 5G frequencies.
C.They can receive electromagnetic radiation.D.They can broadcast radiation waves in all directions.
3. According to the text, which of the following belongs to a characteristic of 5G networks?
A.Having stricter standards.B.Consuming less power to operate.
C.Supporting a wide range of devices.D.Having little risk of being disturbed.
4. What does Aline’s team indicate by explaining their antenna?
A.Transmission distance is a potential challenge.
B.The goal of constructing the IoT can be achieved.
C.There is a long way to go in terms of 5G technology…
D.New generations of mobile phones are power-consuming.
2024-04-29更新 | 80次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】If work is leaving you exhausted, try turning off your phone at lunchtime. A study found that people who played on their phones during their lunch breaks were more tired in the afternoon than those who went for a walk or read a book. This may be because they used up more mental energy. Whatever the reason, researchers said employees should be aware of the effect and that employers should consider introducing the “digital detox”.

For the study, some 425 men and women were asked how they spent their lunch breaks and how they felt at the time and afterwards. Roughly half said they spent their breaks on digital devices such as smartphones, while the others enjoyed activities such as chatting to a friend or going for a walk. Both groups said they felt they had got away from work during lunch. However, those who had played on their phones didn’t feel rejuvenated afterwards. They were more likely to say they felt “used up” and “burned out” as the day went on.

The researchers said that multitasking on a smartphone by, for example, listening to music while writing an email, can be mentally exhausting. Even something as seemingly simple as reading the news on a phone takes up more brainpower than reading the same information in a newspaper because of the energy needed to ignore the various links embedded (嵌入) in the article and the advertisements that constantly appear.

The researchers wrote in the journal Computers in Human Behavior, “If employees don’t handle tiredness properly at break time, they will be exhausted by their job demands. Organizational interventions (干预) such as ‘digital detox’ and awareness in employees about the negative effects of smartphone breaks are necessary for employees to find effective relaxation.”

1. What can the underlined word “rejuvenated” in Paragraph 2 be replaced by?
2. The study was conducted mainly to find out ______.
A.whether smartphone breaks were necessary
B.whether people felt exhausted at work
C.how smartphone breaks affected people
D.how people spent their lunch breaks
3. What does the author try to express in the third paragraph?
A.News on smartphones is less accurate.
B.Multitasking has become a way of life.
C.Too many links and advertisements are in the news.
D.Smartphone multitaskers can become mentally exhausted.
4. According to the text, “digital detox” refers to a time when people ______.
A.are devoted to their workB.turn off electronic devices
C.get rid of tiredness completelyD.realize the role of digital devices
2022-05-12更新 | 31次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Children's Books That Teach Empathy and Kindness

Little Blue Truck

By Alice Schertle

Little ones are introduced to Blue, a little pickup truck that gets stuck pushing a dump truck out of the mud in this board book. Thankfully, Blue made a group of animal friends along the way that are happy to do whatever they can to help him get back on the road. The main themes are kindness and the benefits of helping others.

Most People

By Michael Leannah

The book is an amazing lesson for kids that want to do good in the world and that there are plenty of good people out there. Told in the third person, the book tells the story of two pairs of siblings (兄弟姐妹) and the people they meet.

If You Plant a Seed

By Kadir Nelson

A mouse and a rabbit teach children how to plant and grow food, while also passing along some valuable lessons. After learning that a carrot seed will grow a carrot, and a cabbage seed will result in a cabbage, children also learn the value of thoughtfulness and how a seed of kindness can bear sweet fruit.

Save Me a Seat

By Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan

Joe lived in the same town all his life and felt perfectly pleased until his best friend moved away. Ravi's family recently moved from India to the US and he's struggling to find where he belongs. Even though Joe and Ravi at first believe that they don't have much in common, they both realize they have a common enemy-the biggest bully (仗势欺人者) in their class. Save Me a Seat is a story about the true meaning of friendship and understanding.

1. What can children get from reading Little Blue Truck?
A.Happiness of helping others.B.Importance of protecting animals.
C.Ways of dealing with trouble in mud.D.Being friendly to strangers around you.
2. Which book is mainly about food?
A.Little Blue Truck.B.Most People.
C.If You Plant a Seed.D.Save Me a Seat.
3. What do we infer from Save Me a Seat?
A.Joe was regarded as a bully by Ravi.B.Ravi was used to living in India soon.
C.Ravi and Joe had nothing in common.D.Ravi and Joe became friends at last.
2021-04-13更新 | 469次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般