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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:83 题号:21843291

Tea Art

It’s common to see people in coffee bars create coffee art, but it’s a whole different ball game doing the same thing with tea. Han Zheming has managed     1     (perfect) the skill, creating tea art in cups, or dian cha in Chinese, which used to be a ritual during the Song Dynasty.

Over the past six years, the 40-year-old Shanghai resident has used tea and spoons to create nearly 200 patterns based on ancient paintings. “It’s like     2     (add) bells and whistles lo tea, giving people a stronger sense of occasion, so drinking tea is     3     (fun) ,”Han says. “Dian cha enhances the taste of tea. It is similar to the foam (泡沫) on top of a cup of coffee,     4     that it is made of tea rather than milk.”

Chinese tea culture started to enjoy     5     (popular) during the Tang Dynasty and boomed throughout the Song Dynasty, when tea became     6     necessity for almost everyone, from nobles and scholars to common people, just like other essential items, such as rice, oil and salt, as suggested by Song politician and thinker Wang Anshi.

Different from the method of making tea during the Tang period, in the Song Dynasty, the popular way of having tea was through dian cha. The process begins with hot water being poured over fine     7     (powder) tea creating a mixture. Then more hot water is added slowly     8     the tea is constantly beaten by hand with a bamboo stick. It is believed that this method later spread to other parts of East Asia, including Japan,     9     similarities can be seen in the way matcha (抹茶) is prepared today.

This action of pouring hot water is called dian; hence the name dian cha     10     (list) as an intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) of Runzhou district, Zhenjiang city, Jiangsu province, in 2019.

【知识点】 中国文化与节日


语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

Mining has seen ups and downs but traditional condiment (调味品) continues to appeal. Any mention of Zigong, Sichuan province, reminds people    1     its salt production and, until recently, this was    2     important source of revenue (财政收入).

The city, about 200 kilometers from Chengdu has a history of mining salt    3     (stretch) back 2,000 years. The salt was sold all over Sichuan and other provinces, and was consumed by one-tenth of China’s population. The salt is from wells. One of them, the Shenhai well, was opened in 1835, and is still in    4     (operate). With a depth of 1,001.42 meters, it is among the world’s deepest of its kind and    5     (current) produces around 2,000 kilograms of salt per day. Visitors to the well can buy packs of iodine-free salt    6     (mine) just three days earlier.

But, during Spring Festival,     7     ends with the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month — falling on Sunday this year — more people from around the country flock to Zigong    8     (view) its world-famous lanterns. Viewing lanterns became a Spring Festival custom in Zigong during the Tang Dynasty. Since then, the    9     (city) lantern show has been held in more than 70 countries and regions around the world, becoming a calling card of both Zigong and China. The popular show    10     (start) from the economic dilemma in the 1980s, when Zigong’s economy over-relying on a single product became a problem.

2023-04-19更新 | 164次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

The year 2009 is the Year of the Ox, which is a representative of the farming culture of China. In the farming economy, oxen are the major animals    1     (pull) plows (犁). Of course, the good of oxen is not limited to plowing. In fact, they are seen as “boats on land” for their ability to carry loads. Besides, the whole body of an ox is full of treasures, with their meat and milk as food full of nutrition,     2     their skin used to make clothes and shoes.

In the past, oxen played an important role in the     3     (spirit) life of the Chinese. Even today, oxen still play a special part in some folk activities. For example, some people who 1ive in southwest China will cook cattle bone soup and share    4    among family members when holding a ceremony for children     5    reach 13. They believe that the cattle bone soup represents the blood relationship among family members.    6     (express) their love for oxen, people in some     7    areas will run to shake off diseases on the 16th day of the first month by the lunar calendar, and during their run they will take their oxen along, which    8     (indicate) they regard the creature as human.

Because of the contribution of oxen in their lives, the Chinese people are very grateful to     9    animal. In addition, the use of oxen in ceremonies and the thanks people owe    10     oxen help to develop various traditional customs, which becomes an important part of the folk culture of the Chinese nation.

2020-10-10更新 | 63次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约80词) | 适中 (0.65)

The Chinese writing system is one of the main factors that make     1     possible for China to have a glorious civilisation. At the beginning, symbols     2    (carve) on animal bones and shells. By the Shang Dynasty, the symbols had become a well-developed writing system. It was after Emperor Qinshihuang united the whole country     3     it began to develop in one direction. Written Chinese is not only important in uniting Chinese people and culture, but has also become a means by     4    China’s present is connected with its past.

2024-01-11更新 | 26次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般