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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:186 题号:21899228

Bad judgments are meant to feed our own personal ego (自我意识) and put others down, which is not the healthiest thing to do. Here are five reasons why you should stop it now.

You start finding faults in everyone. Judging quickly moves on to more private areas of your life.     1     You fail to appreciate them and start getting dissatisfied with them. You become critical of even those who matter to you.

Judging becomes a habit. If you judge people, sooner or later, it becomes a habit, and you start judging everyone around you for the tiniest of things.     2     And you might dismiss even the best of people through these microscopic judgments.

People begin to distrust you. If you pass judgments about other people in front of your audience, you will lose their trust. As they will begin to feel that if you can judge others in front of them, you can talk about them behind their back.     3    

Judgment is a sign of unhappiness. If you are 100% happy with who you are, you are a lot less likely to feel the need to judge others. If you are self-assured, you will not feel the need to cast a downward glance at others.     4     Either way, it is a negative attitude.

    5     If you’re judging others, you’re probably judging yourself pretty harshly as well. You often tend to think that if you are judging people by what they wear, someone might in turn judge you, which, as a consequence, makes you extremely concerned with your appearance.

A.You are viewed positively by people.
B.You start taking yourself too seriously.
C.Hence, seeing others positively shows we are positive people.
D.You judge their clothing, actions, success, values, and everything.
E.Likewise, you also judge because you feel you are better than others.
F.You start judging your close ones; friends, family members, partner, etc.
G.And no one wants to make friends with someone often talking unkindly about others.
【知识点】 社会关系


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Are you an agreeable person— you know, a nice guy? If so, a logical follow-up might be: How are your finances? And here’s why: Agreeable people have lower savings, they have higher debts, and they’re also more likely to go bankrupt or default (违约) on their loans.

Sandra Matz is a computational social scientist at the Columbia Business School. And using a combination of questionnaires and bank data, she and her colleague found that people who scored as more agreeable on personality tests had a better chance of ending up in terrible financial crisis—especially if they were low-income to begin with.

The researchers also combined personality data on millions of people in the US and the UK with regional data on how many people were unable to pay their debts. And they found again, that the nicer a county or local area’s people on average, the worse their finances. Sandra thinks a factor could be that agreeable people just don’t care much about money. Maybe they pick up the tab (账单) more often, or loan money when they can’t afford to. They’re generous to a fault.

So how do you get them to wise up? We can say, “Don’t care about money just for yourself, but care about it for the people you love. Because if you manage your money badly, it’s not just going to affect you, but it’s also going to affect all the people you care about, and that you love deeply. “ This might translate agreeable people’s superpower —caring about other people— into better financial sense.

So if Sandra does succeed in teaching nice people to be stingy, who then will pick up the tab? Then it’s a matter of negotiating, right? So if the agreeable person says, “I can’t pay all the time, I only want to do that once in a while, but I also want you to give something back. ” That might mean agreeable people need to get a little more comfortable having unpleasant conversations.

1. What did Sandra and her colleague find in their research?
A.Kind people had more friends.
B.Agreeable people were low-income.
C.Friendly people were rewarded by others.
D.Nice people had more financial problems.
2. What does Sandra think of the agreeable people?
A.They never attach importance to their money.
B.They tend to lend money to others very often.
C.They are too generous regardless of their money.
D.They earn less money than their friends and neighbors.
3. Which of the following can replace the word “stingy” in the last paragraph?
4. Where is the text probably taken?
A.A social report.
B.A travel advertisement.
C.A biology interview.
D.A personal biography.
2022-05-31更新 | 45次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Whether you're a child, teenager, young adult or are middle-aged, respecting your parents is an important value. Your parents are the people who raise you, devoting time, energy and money to your development.    1    Whatever your age, there are 4 ways to show respect.

● Respect their belongings.

One important way to show respect is to show regard for the things important to your parents. For younger children, this may mean not touching jewelry or other valuable things.    2    Don't take advantage of your parents' kindness and generosity. And never borrow things without asking first.

● Punctuality

    3    Therefore, always be on time. For teenagers, showing up on time means coming home by curfew (宵禁). Adult children should show up on time for family dinners or events, or to pick a parent up for a medical appointment. Call if you’re going to be late because parents worry about children, whatever their age.


Remembering birthdays, anniversaries and other special days is a sign that you honor your parents. Make plans to take them to lunch or dinner or bake a cake or cookies. Most parents don't expect expensive gifts, but a handmade gift is always appreciated. a phone call from a grown child who lives too far for a visit is a welcome sign of respect.

● Be kind.

Kind words and affection are simple ways to show respect. Tell your parents you love them. Listen and allow your parents to speak without interruption. Show a sincere interest in what your parents have to say. Be patient with your parents and don t rush them. Never talk back or be rude or disrespectful. Acknowledge your parents' achievements.         5    

A.Parents should help children build self-confidence.
B.Celebrate with them.
C.Lateness shows a lack of respect.
D.Treat your parents the way you would like to be treated.
E.And they love you unconditionally throughout your life.
F.Being respectful helps build positive relationships with others.
G.For grown children, respect may mean returning a borrowed tool in good condition and on time.
2018-07-20更新 | 106次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How to Handle an Argument with Your Family Members

We’ve all been there. A relaxed evening with our family members. A lot of laughing. And then, as if someone had sat on the TV remote and changed the channel, the mood shifts. No more warmth. Suddenly there’s shouting, a ping-pong of accusations(指责), deadly stares, and hostility(敌意) streaming from eyes like red laser pointers. Having a conflict with your family members is frustrating, and you may feel sad and depressed.     1    

Do remember that as much as it might feel this way, you’re not in a court of law with your family members.     2     .It is to restore kindness and connection. Think of it this way —if somebody wins, both parties lose.

Do try to be an advocate of others’ feelings.     3     try to stand in the shoes of your family members. Try to understand their immature ways.

    4     .This might frighten your family members, making them feel accused and in turn, act defensively. Example: “I was on the phone with my sister and then suddenly you started acting like crazy out of the blue.” Talk about the way you felt instead. Example: “I was on the phone with my sister and then I suddenly felt scared when I saw you looking at me like I was in trouble.”

Don’t try to explain yourself. You often want to explain yourself when having conflicts with your family members, but you don’t have time. You’re being cut off and attacked again.     5     .The more you talk, the less your family members seem to understand and the further away you get from an agreement.

A.If you are looking for a new relationship
B.Don’t attempt to prove yourself in the face of your loved ones
C.The point of an argument isn’t to prove the others guilty or to win
D.Rather than going in circles about what you think and how you feel
E.Each accusation strikes deeper and deeper into your sense of justice
F.Don’t talk about what happened as though you’re simply stating the facts
G.Here are the do’s and don’ts when you are arguing with your family members
2023-11-01更新 | 83次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般