组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:169 题号:21919216

We find the owl at the very edge of our woods the morning after the storm. Wings flight-frozen and round eyes glassy. I touch its feathers lightly with my fingertip and I’m surprised because they still feel real even though the owl has slipped away somewhere else and Dad is already digging a hole for it in the rain-soaked earth.

I lift its body and it’s huge in my hands but the hollow bones do most of the work for me and I almost think the owl might shake the stiffness from its feathers and fly away. I really don’t think this one should go into a hole in the ground. I say that to Dad and he says that it’s the circle of life and that now the owl will become part of nature again. Feeding the soil with its flesh and growing the roots of plants from its feathers.

Dad shifts the last of the dirt with his spade and sits down at the base of a tree with a huff of air that smokes around him. I put the bird in the hole and mark it with a smooth pebble so I’ll always know.

After we’ve buried the owl, we walk all around the woods and clear the worst of the damage from the winds and the rain. The damage isn’t as bad as it’s been before and it feels like the storm has cleaned everything back to being new and fresh. I use my hawk eyes and search the ground in flicks and sweeps and I find treasures in the rain-raked earth just like always. Pieces of pottery and something that could be a Roman coin. I slip them into my pocket and they bump against each other to tell their stories to me, but I’ll listen later.

I help Dad load the best of the fallen branches on to the trailer so we can cut them for fire wood or maybe a bonfire, and then we drive over the muddy paths and back to our house.

1. What do we know about the owl when the author finds it?
A.It is already dead.B.It is hidden in a hole.
C.It is too stiff to fly away.D.It is trying to flee the woods.
2. Why does the author mark the hole with a pebble?
A.To facilitate future visits.B.To show sympathy for the owl.
C.To keep the site clear of plants.D.To draw the attention of passers-by.
3. What message does the author want to convey by mentioning the owl?
A.Storms make trees take deeper roots.B.In nature’s embrace, time stands still.
C.The darkest hour has only sixty minutes.D.With every leaf’s fall, a new life emerges.
4. What does “I’ll listen later” in paragraph 4 reveal about the author?
A.Money-driven.B.Wonder-seeking.C.Artistically talented.D.Emotionally mature.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It may be the holiday season, but the spirit of peace and good will has not infected the streets of Los Angeles. More drivers seem to be rolling through stop signs and running red lights than ever before. Everyone seems to be in a terrible hurry.

Why is everyone in such a hurry? Where are they rushing to?

I think perhaps the answer lies in answering this question: What does that round of parties and meeting and mad rushing from place to place allow all of us to avoid confronting? T think the answer is clear- ourselves.

There is an experiment where subjects had to choose between being alone with themselves and their thoughts for approximately 15 minutes and receiving electric shocks. The majority chose the shocks-a reflection of how painful, frightening,threatening,confusing,boring(!),you name it... we find being alone with just ourselves and our thoughts.

Our desire not to be with our innermost thoughts is so great that we create and find distractions. In the car, we can make phone calls or listen to music. We live in a world of endless opportunities for distraction.

I understand the desire. Life is hard. Growing is a painfully slow process. To keep moving requires determination and strength - and giving up seems so much easier (as do those electric shocks!) We may win some battles, but the war is never over. Sometimes we are just too tired to fight and just need that music or that book to relax. I just instinctively(本能地)tun on the radio when I get in the car; I don't even give the quiet a moment to sink in.

But it's time for a reality check; otherwise we slip into an avoidance mode. It's challenging. But let's make a change. Instead of rushing from house to car to meeting to groceries to... let's take a moment to stop and think before each activity. What do I want to achieve now? And what is the best way to do that? Maybe I could think of ways to grow.

1. Why does the author mention drivers on the streets of Los Angeles?
A.To describe a strong holiday atmosphere.
B.To present a unique social situation in America.
C.To raise his question on why people are in a rush.
D.To show that it's time to improve road safety in America.
2. Why did the majority of subjects choose electric shocks?
A.They found the innermost thoughts great.
B.They enjoyed being alone with themselves.
C.They refused painful and threatening distractions.
D.They wanted to find opportunities for distraction.
3. What does the author think of the people who chose the shocks in.the experiment?
A.They should be more courageous.
B.Their attitude to life was unexpected.
C.Their behavior was understandable.
D.They should refuse to take part in the experiment
4. What's the best title of the text?
A.Fighting distractions.
B.Being with ourselves.
C.Reviewing our mistakes.
D.Rushing from place to place
2021-11-13更新 | 158次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】If you were to ask people what they needed to be happy, two of the most common answers would be health and wealth. Both are definitely necessary for happiness. However, if you could only have one, which is more important? It is my opinion, health wins hands down.

Firstly, health is more important than wealth because if you are physically fit, you will have a sense of well-being. That means that you will feel happy.     1     Many people mistakenly think that they would be happy if they had a million pounds. They think that having more money will solve all their problems. On the contrary, it has been found that being wealthy can actually rob you of your peace of mind.

    2     To understand this, we must look at why we gather wealth. The purpose of doing so is to be able to supply our daily needs and make ourselves happy by spending on luxuries. Without good health, no matter how much one spends on material things, that person will not be able to enjoy them to the fullest. For example, a person who is bedridden will not be able to enjoy vacations in exotic places even if he owned a private plane.     3    

Another point in favor of health is that if you were healthy, you would be able to gain wealth.     4     If a person is healthy, he would be able to find work or carry out investments that could eventually make him wealthy. However, for a person who is wealthy but ill, even the best medical care that money can buy may not guarantee the return of that person’s health.

In a nutshell, health is indeed more important than wealth for the reasons explained above.     5     But if you had to choose, pick the one that gives you the greatest amount of happiness.

A.The reverse is not possible.
B.Therefore, health is above wealth.
C.Wealth does not necessarily do the same.
D.Wealth, however, if you use it, comes to an end.
E.Besides that, wealth is of no use without health.
F.However, wealth is usually the first choice of many people.
G.Of course, the ideal situation would be to have both health and wealth.
2022-05-27更新 | 145次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】You know that overnight success usually takes at least 10 years? One man said, “My overnight success was the longest night of my life, I spent many days and nights just getting there.”    1       Many people are waiting for their ship to come in---when they’ve not even sent it out of the harbor(海港). You see, winners simply do what losers don’t want to do.     2     Success is mostly just hanging on after others have let go! So the most important trip you’ll make is when you go the extra mile.

Many people who have failed do not know how close they are to success when they give up.         3    One guy said, “The secret to success is to start from doing and to keep on doing.” So don’t give up because your trying times are hard.

    4     If we keep doing, we can gain almost anything we want. The American President Calvin Coolidge said, “Nothing can bring success like persistence(坚持). Talent can’t, for there are many talented people who are not successful.     5       Only persistence and determination can give you the power to succeed.” You see, you can succeed just like anyone else, just keep wanting it enough and to keep working for it enough. So why not decide it today to start going the extra mile on the road to your success?

A.They don’t actually fail; they just give up too easily.
B.They made all the efforts without any results.
C.Remember, “Rome was not built in a day.”
D.Education can’t, for the world is full of educated losers.
E.And they keep doing it till they get the success they want.
F.Never forget, it is persistence that matters.
G.Give it all you’ve got and you can never fail.
2019-08-09更新 | 565次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般