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People say that a dog is man’s best friend. Once dogs find their “people”,   they will stay by their side until the very end. Sadly, however, many families lost or even gave up their dogs.

Leo is a dog from Thailand. He became popular on the Internet because of his amazing story. About four years ago; the poor dog was left behind by his owners somewhere near a gas station. Hoping his owners would return for him, the dog never left his spot(地点).

Luckily. Leo was never truly alone. Seeing the poor thing, people there decided to help him out. Saowalak, a 45-year-old woman, took the poor dog back to her home after giving him food. However, Leo just kept on running away only to return to his old spot and wait for someone by the side of the road.

In the end, she let him but still brought over some food every day so that Leo wouldn’t be hungry.

Another person, Anuchit, also cared about Leo and decided to put some photos of the dog online to find his family. That’s when the Internet did its magic. After being put on the Internet, the photos finally reached Leo’s missing family. They called Anuchit, telling him how the dog in the pictures looked like their dog.

It turned out that Leo was their dog. They lost him back in 2015. They looked for him for a week but had little hope of finding him. They thought that they would never see him again.

The family and Leo got the chance to see each other again. But while both seemed happy to be reunited(重逢), it also seemed like something has changed with Leo. When the family asked Leo to get into the car and go home with them, Leo stopped. …

1. Did Leo become popular on the Internet because he was cute?
2. Why did Leo keep on running away after Saowalak took him back to her home?
3. According to the passage, what does “the Internet did its magic” mean?
4. What did Leo decide to do next? Please write an ending for the passage. (No more than 30 words)
【知识点】 人与动植物


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】“Most children,” Asher Svidensky says, “are a little afraid of golden eagles. However, Kazakh boys in western Mongolia start learning how to use the huge birds to hunt for foxes and hares at the age of 13.” Svidensky, a photographer and travel writer, shot five boys learning the skill as well as the girl, Ashol Pan. “To see her with the eagle was amazing,” he recalls. “She was a lot more comfortable with it, a lot more powerful with it and a lot more at ease with it.”

The Kazakhs in western Mongolia are the only people that hunt with golden eagles, and today there are around 400 practising eagle hunters. Ashol Pan, the daughter of a famous hunter, may well be the country’s only girl hunter.

They hunt in winter, when the temperatures can drop to -40℃. A hunt begins with days of traveling on horseback through a snow mountain or ridge (山脉) giving an excellent view of prey for miles around. Hunters generally work in teams. After a fox is discovered, riders rush to frighten it into the open, and an eagle is released (释放). If the eagle fails to make a kill, another is released.

“The skill of hunting with eagles,” Svidensky says, “lies in bringing an unexpected force of nature under control. You don’t really control the eagle. You can try and make her hunt an animal, and then it’s a matter of nature. What will the eagle do? Will she make it? How will you get her back afterwards?”

Svidensky describes Ashol Pan as a smiling, sweet and shy girl. “Ashol Pan stands for something about Mongolia in the 21st century,” says Svidensky. “Everything there is going to change and is going to be redefined (重新定义), and the possibility is amazing.”

1. What makes Asher Svidensky much surprised?
A.The colorful and powerful eagles.
B.The special way of hunting by the Kazakhs.
C.The wonderful performance of Ashol Pan.
D.The young age of Kazakh eagle hunters.
2. What does the underlined word “prey” in the third paragraph mean?
A.The scenery to be enjoyed.
B.The creature to be caught.
C.The option to be argued.
D.The future to be expected.
3. What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?
A.Man can overcome nature.
B.All efforts will pay off one day.
C.Making use of existing resources is important.
D.Never think about controlling others.
4. What’s the passage mainly about?
A.A photographer and travel writer’s traveling experience.
B.A girl eagle hunter in Mongolia.
C.The true life of the eagle hunters in Mongolia.
D.The future of the traditional way of eagle hunting.
2018-05-29更新 | 74次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Madagascar lies in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa. The island is perhaps best known as the unique home of the lemur (狐猴). But those lemurs live among some of the most rich and varied flora (植物群)in the world. And so threatened is that flora that British and Malagasy scientists were involved in a project to collect seeds from the island to be stored in a British seed bank. The project is being done by the Royal Botanic Garden in London. The botanist Steward Cable is head of the conservation center there and a frequent visitor of the island.

I mean Madagascar is well known as one of the top biodiversity hot spots in the world. It has perhaps 13,000 plant species. 90% of those are unique to the country, i.e. found nowhere else in the world. But also many species, many of those species are only found in small areas.        And I would say that probably about 80% of the population are dependent on farming.

And a lot of their farming is slash and burn,shifting cultivation (耕作)where farmers have to move to a new patch of forest every year. They cut it and they burn it and they can grow dry rice or cassava for a year or so or two years at most.And the nutrients are gone and they have   to move to a new patch of forest .And for centuries that would not have been a problem with the low population and with long periods of no farming but people returning after three or five years something like that ,then the forest became grassland. So we are losing many of those species in Madagascar, those unique species.

1. which of the following is the habitat of the lemur?
C.An Indian island.D.The coast
2. Why do scientists collect seeds from Madagascar?
A.The lemur will die out without them.
B.The flora on Madagascar is in great danger.
C.The island will sink to the bottom of the ocean.
D.The British seed bank wants to make money from them.
3. What is the result of the way people farm?
A.Many farmers have lost their homes.B.The population is becoming smaller.
C.Some rare species are gone.D.The crops are poor in nutrition.
4. How does the author sound?
2020-06-21更新 | 203次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。本文通过描述Lizzi Larbalestier在Cornwall为海洋野生动物保护所做的努力,强调了个人和团队在环境保护中的重要作用。

【推荐3】In the scenic coastal city of Cornwall, Lizzi Larbalestier has become a beacon of hope for marine (海洋的) wildlife. As a committed volunteer for British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR), her journey began with transforming her Airbnb, an online platform that allows people to rent out their homes or accommodations to travelers, into a temporary shelter for injured seals. This effort came as the result of the increasing incidents of marine animals suffering from human-related injuries and the lack of specialized care facilities in the region.

Recognizing the urgent need for a more permanent solution, Lizzi, alongside her husband and a team of committed volunteers, established a fully equipped seal hospital. This facility, now in its third year of operation, has expanded its capacity to ten pens and is prepared to recover around 100 seals annually. The hospital caters to a variety of cases: seals injured by boats or caught in fishing gear (用具), young pups separated from their mothers, and young seals weakened by poor nutrition. Each animal receives personalized care, ranging from basic first aid to extensive recovery programs. After initial treatment, seals are often moved to larger recovery centers for further care before their release back into the wild.

Lizzi’s commitment to marine conservation extends beyond seal rescue. She is an active participant in environmental campaigns like Surfers Against Sewage and Ghostnetbuster. Her tireless efforts were recognized when she received the Animal Action Award from the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Lizzi owes the success of BDMLR’s operations to the collective effort of all volunteers, emphasizing the importance of teamwork in achieving their conservation goals.

The BDMLR team also reacts to emergencies involving other marine wildlife, like whales and dolphins. Lizzi recalls several successful operations, including the rescue of stranded (搁浅的) dolphins and a turtle that required specialized care.

Lizzi’s story is not just about rescuing marine animals; it’s a proof of the power of community involvement and the impact of individuals on environmental conservation.

1. What inspired Lizzi to protect the marine wildlife?
A.One of her trips to the seaside.B.More and more injured marine animals.
C.Her love for the marine creatures.D.Increasing profits from her Airbnb.
2. What do we know about the seal hospital from Paragraph 2?
A.It has been in operation for five years.
B.It provides a separate space for each seal.
C.It offers temporary help to injured animals.
D.It is the largest recovery center in the area.
3. What message does BDMLR’s success convey according to Lizzi?
A.All roads lead to Rome.B.Actions speak louder than words.
C.Time and tide wait for no man.D.Many hands make light work.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A practical solution to seal rescue.
B.Challenges of marine wildlife recovery.
C.The impact of human activities on marine ecosystems.
D.The journey of a marine life rescuer in Cornwall.
2024-07-28更新 | 62次组卷
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