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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:126 题号:22068901

When Mark Anthony Gonzales saw a police officer in need of assistance, every element of the moral code installed in him through his Brazilian jiu-jitsu (巴西柔术) training — morality, courage, benevolence (仁爱) — told him to stop his car and lend a hand, even though his wife, Rachel Ortiz, and his four kids were in the car.

The suspect, a balding man of medium build, was running from a police officer in San Antonio, Texas. Gonzales slowed down. So did the man being chased — to avoid running into Gonzales’s minivan. That hesitation allowed the officer to catch up and take the suspect to the ground. But Gonzales quickly realized that the officer did not have control of the situation with the suspect struggling fiercely.

Gonzales put his vehicle in park and jumped out, as did Ortiz. The first thing Gonzales did was identify himself and spell out his intention to make it two-on-one in the officer’s favor and not the other way around.

Then, with the man on his back and the officer struggling to control the man’s upper body, Gonzales put his weight on the man’s legs. Seconds later, when the suspect rolled onto his stomach, Gonzales used techniques he’d learned in the gym: digging his knee into the suspect’s el bow and pulling the suspect’s head toward him to maintain control from the side. He then applied an underhook — a jiu-jitsu move where the hands are placed under the opponent’s arm to control the shoulder and upper body — and tugged until, after a few seconds, the suspect’s shoulder gave out. The officer clicked on the handcuffs and the threat was over.

Gonzales had asked his wife to record everything to protect him just in case anything was called into question. But Ortiz posted the video on Facebook, where it attracted over 56 million views.

Among those awed by the video was Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor Rener Gracie, a fourth-degree black belt, who stated: “The combination of Gonzales’s technique and his calm communication with both the officer and suspect is the stuff of legends!”

1. Why did Gonzales stop his car?
A.To protect his family.B.To uphold justice.
C.To show his courage.D.To perform jiu-jitsu.
2. What did Gonzales do first when he came to the officer?
A.He joined in the two-on-one fight.B.He persuaded the suspect to give in.
C.He warned the policeman of danger.D.He declared his identity and intention.
3. Why did Gonzales ask Ortiz to shoot the video?
A.To record his heroic deeds.B.To avoid getting in trouble.
C.To attract views on Facebook.D.To expose the suspect’s behavior.
4. What’s the best title of the article?
A.Jiu-jitsu Makes A LegendB.A Victory Of Two-on-one
C.Lending A Well-Trained HandD.Justice Has Long Arms


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【推荐1】After the sudden loss of her 5-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, Natalia Spencer felt she needed to do something to honor the little girl. That strong wish inspired Spencer to start what she calls a “Walk of Love”, a 6,000-mile trek (长途徒步旅行)along the British coastline.

“Elizabeth particularly loved the beach and the sea and we visited the seaside a lot. After she passed away, I went to the seaside and it was the first time I had felt some comfort,” Spencer said. “I knew this was what I had to do. It was something I could do and it would somehow make life more bearable.”

On Valentine's Day, Spencer began walking Durdle Door in Dorset, England, the last beach she took Elizabeth to before she became ill. So far, Spencer has journeyed about 1,500 miles, walking through Dorset, Cornwall, Devon and the entire coast of Wales. Every day, except Saturday, Spencer walks 20 miles. Often locals join her; many times they share stories about losing their own children.

Everything changed for Spencer on Nov. 22, 2015. Spencer noticed Elizabeth was ill with what she thought—was a chest infection. But the girl’s health worsened rapidly. Doctors diagnosed her with a life-threatening immune condition where the immune cells damage tissue and organ. This caused Elizabeth's organs to shut down and stopped the blood supply to her arms and legs. She was moved to Bristol Children's Hospital where she spent 18 days on life support before passing away on Dec. 10.

After Elizabeth died, Spencer struggled. She stayed with friends because it felt too hard to live in a house with the memories of Elizabeth. In January, a friend encouraged Spencer to go for a walk and the two ended up at the Gower Peninsula in Wales. That's when she realized she wanted to walk along the coast for her daughter.

While walking provides Spencer with time to grieve (感到悲痛),she’s also using the trip to raise£100,000(about $144,000) for the Bristol .Children’s Hospital. She admired the doctors and nurses and wanted to raise money to allow another family access to treatment.

Spencer expects to complete her walk next spring. She’d love to finish on Valentine’s Day, but doesn’t know if that is realistic.

1. Why did Natalia Spencer decide to walk along the British coastline?
A.To realize her daughter's dream.
B.To remember her dead daughter.
C.To share stories with people around.
D.To raise money for a children’s hospital.
2. What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.Spencer’s story-sharing with the local people.
B.Spencer’s daily life after Elizabeth’s death.
C.Spencer’s memory of traveling with Elizabeth.
D.Spencer's walking along the coastline.
3. What do we know about Elizabeth?
A.She encouraged her mother to walk around Britain.
B.She once walked along the entire British coast.
C.She died of an immune-system disease.
D.She fell sick as a result of a chest infection.
4. What could be the best title for the text?
A.A Little Girl’s Struggle with a Strange Disease.
B.A Mother’s Effort to Save Her Daughter.
C.A Woman's Action to Raise Money for Children.
D.A Mother’s Walk to Honor Her Lost Child.
2017-11-19更新 | 102次组卷
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了美国运动员Jamie Whitmore在事业巅峰时期不幸罹患癌症,但是她没有被病魔击倒,经过积极的康复治疗重返赛场的故事。

【推荐2】In 2020, Jamie Whitmore was considered one of the most successful athletes in America.She was a six-time USA champion for XTERRA racing, a two-time European tour champion, and held a world title.

Everything changed during a triathlon that seemed like so many others she had conquered. As a professional athlete, Jamie Whitmore was used to suffering, but she never imagined the pain in her leg could be a deadly cancer.

After a friend recommended she go to the University of California, San Francisco, Whitmore took his advice and was quickly admitted. What doctors found during surgery shocked them all: Whitmore had spindle cell sarcoma, a soft tissue tumor that can start in the bone, and the tumor was wrapped around her sciatic nerve and touching several vital organs. They couldn’t cut it out for fear of bursting the tumor.

When she heard the diagnosis for the first time, Whitmore said time stood still. “I couldn’t breathe. They were talking about treatment and I just started crying and saying ‘I don’t want to die.’” Finally, the doctors enlisted the help of several specialists to remove the tumor. Whitmore developed sepsis(败血症) from the surgery and endured a grueling two-month recovery. When she began to feel sick again, Whitmore was certain her cancer was back. Instead, doctors gave her unexpected news: She was pregnant—with twins. “That was a whole other freak-out,” Whitmore recalls.

Jamie Whitmore isn’t used to slowing down. She has never met a challenge she couldn’t overcome, whether it was an XTERRA mountain bike race—or cancer. Today, Whitmore is a mother of two sons and cancer-free. She’s competing again, and has won a gold medal in the Paralympics, nine world titles, and has set two world records. She travels as a motivational speaker when she’s not spending time with her sons. Whitmore has some words of advice for others with limitations: “Never let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. Some doctors told me I would never ride anything more than a stationary bike. And yet I rode my mountain bike 104 miles climbing from 9,000 feet to 14,000 feet. People with two good legs have fallen short of that task! You just can’t give up.”

1. Why couldn’t the doctors cut out the tumor at first?
A.Because Jamie was against the plan.
B.Because Jamie was pregnant with twins.
C.Because it was developing too quickly.
D.Because it was near several important organs.
2. When learning about her cancer, what did Jamie feel?
A.Sad and scared.
B.Ashamed and regretful.
C.Annoyed and frightened.
D.Astonished and inspired.
3. The underlined word “freak-out” refers to    .
A.something demanding
B.something rewarding
C.something unusual
D.something meaningful
4. What is the purpose of Jamie’s traveling as a motivational speaker?
A.To build up her character.
B.To inspire those with limitations.
C.To spend more time with her children.
D.To earn more money in her spare time.
2023-10-13更新 | 66次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When the day is dawning, the Center of Naxi Dongba Pictographs and Paintings of the old town Liliang welcomes his owner, He Runyuan, who is dressed in a traditional Naxi clothing. Every day, He explains Dongba culture to tourists and teaches them to write Dongba characters. “Dongba characters are not only the soul of Dongba culture, but also a treasure for the whole world,” said He. Enjoying a history of over 1,000 years, Dongba characters are an ancient system of pictographic glyphs (象形字形). They are praised to be the “living fossil (活化石)” in writing.

As a member of the Naxi group, He first learned Dongba characters at the age of 13. He loved them immediately when he first looked at the symbols. “These characters have pictographic drawings that look like humans, animals, plants etc.” He said. “They are usually colorful and recognizable.”

Though the characters are interesting, learning them is never easy. Dongba culture is always mastered by Dongbas, the Naxi priests (祭司). Without Dongbas in his village, He has to travel far to the Old Town, where many Dongbas are gathered. “In most cases, I need to walk for more than one day to the destination. To get more learning time, I always set off very early when the city is still in darkness,” said He.

But the love for Dongba culture keeps him going. For the past 30 years, He has been studying these characters every day. In 2016, He set up the Center of Naxi Dongba Pictographs and Paintings Where He beautified fans, glasses and even T-shirts with Dongba characters, hoping to pass down Dongba culture and let more people know about it.

“Our life is limited, but so long as everyone makes an effort, the life of a culture can exist forever,” He said.

1. What does He Runyuan do in his center every day?
A.He spreads Dongba culture.B.He writes Dongba characters.
C.He sells his painting.D.He learns from priests.
2. Which of the following best describes He Runyuan?
A.Honest and creative.B.Outgoing and confident.
C.Hard-working and responsible.D.Humorous and determined.
3. What keeps He studying when facing difficulties?
A.The love for his hometown.B.The preference for Dongba culture.
C.The respect for priests.D.The encouragement from his fans.
4. What can we learn about Dongba characters?
A.They are popular with the young.B.They are interesting and easy to learn.
C.They are lively and easily recognized.D.They are passed down by oral explanation.
2024-02-18更新 | 85次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般