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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:59 题号:22093510

The city of Zibo had never seen so many visitors. As the sun began to set, the smell of sizzling (发出咝咝声的) meat     1     (draw) in even more hungry customers. The     2     (enjoy) sound of sizzling meat and joyful chatter echoed (回荡) through the streets as families and friends gathered around tables at barbecue restaurants, eagerly     3     (wait) for their meals. The small city in East China’s Shandong Province was packed with people moving to its numerous barbecue restaurants for     4     taste of the mouth-watering dishes.

The city was little known by outsiders before it went viral (走红) on Chinese social media platforms recently. Most visitors are young people,     5     travel to Zibo to experience the city’s barbecue culture and share it on social platforms. Barbecue restaurants in Zibo are     6     (usual) small and crowded, with customers sitting at outdoor tables or     7     (stand) around the grilling area. The fame of Zibo barbecue used to be limited     8     just Shandong Province. Behind Zibo’s sudden fame are the efforts and services of the local government. To promote Zibo-style barbecue, Zibo has launched two dozen “special barbecue trains”,     9     local tourism officials would serve visitors themselves. Netizens joke that the high-speed trains are packed with     10     (tour) and the air on the board is filled with cumin (孜然).


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

If you’ve ever wondered what dreams taste like, you’re in for a treat, because Coca-Cola is releasing another new limited-edition flavor to its Creations lineup.     1     (call) Dreamworld, the latest Coke is supposed to taste like dreams.

“This limited-edition flavor is your gateway into a lively,     2     (energy) world where anything is possible; where imaginations are free to discover the magic in ordinary moments,” Coca-Cola said in     3     press release.

The release of the new flavor is a part of the company’s effort     4     (attract) new Gen Z consumers through Coca-Cola Creations,     5     will introduce a series of unexpected beverages and experiences across physical and digital worlds.

“Coca-Cola Dreamworld taps into Gen Z’s passion     6     the great potential of the mind by exploring     7     a dream tastes like,” Alessandra Cascino, Coca-Cola North America Operating Unit’s creative shopper program director, said in a statement. “Like the Coca-Cola Creations that came before it, Dreamworld plays with the unexpected     8     it will no doubt provoke discovery and debate among consumers...and that we welcome.”

Starting Monday, Aug 15, Dreamworld will be available in grocery and gas     9     (station) across the US. There will be both regular and zero-sugar options available, and it     10     (sell) by the bottle and in cans.

2022-11-11更新 | 341次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

In January, US News & World Report rated the Mediterranean diet as the best overall diet of 2021. This is the     1    (four) year in a row the diet has been ranked top.

According to USA Today, the Mediterranean diet     2    (base) on the eating habits in areas of southern Italy and parts of Greece, Spain and Morocco. It features plant-based foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains and seeds, and     3    (have) a heavy emphasis on extra natural olive oil. That means the diet is rich in flavor     4     low in fat. In addition to helping people keep weight off, experts believe that the diet can reduce the risks     5     heart disease and high blood pressure.

But it’s more than     6     diet; it’s a lifestryle. “The Mediterranean diet emphasizes     7    (value) of hospitality and neighborliness,” said the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). “Eating together” is part of the     8    (culture) identity of communities throughout the Mediterranean.

In Mediterranean areas, it is customary to eat at big tables,     9    (surround) by family and friends socializing together. It’s time     10    (enjoy) each other’s company as well as the food.

2021-11-07更新 | 27次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Kung Pao Chicken is a traditional Chinese dish and famous for its richness and variety and regarded by many as the most popular Chinese dish internationally. You can find it in almost any Chinese restaurant overseas. Its     1     (popular) has made it a name card for Chinese cuisine (菜肴).     2     (It) flavor combines sour, sweetness and spiciness (辣), with the first two as the major ones. It’s a good choice for the feast on Spring Festival Eve,     3     most Chinese families enjoy time together.

Kung Pao Chicken is a dish from Sichuan cuisine,     4     it originated from La cuisine in Shandong Province. The dish is believed to be the creation of Ding Baozhen,     5     official during the Qing Dynasty. Ding     6     (serve)as a leader in Shandong Province and later in Sichuan Province. He favored peanuts and spicy food, so he improved the Shandong dish “Jiang Bao Chicken” by     7     (add) pepper to it. After he came to Sichuan, the dish was popularized.

The dish spreads so     8     (wide) that it’s been localized in various places. Some even use meat instead of chicken     9     (cook) this dish. When it went West, the people there also improved it according     10     their own preferences.

2019-04-07更新 | 341次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般