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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:110 题号:22095771

Actress Jia Ling topped the social media topics on the second consecutive day of the Chinese Lunar New Year as her great weight     1     (lose) of 50 kilograms during the shooting of her movie Yolo triggered heated discussions over healthy lifestyle and allowed some viewers     2     (draw) aspirations from her arduous weight-loss journey.

The     3     (high) anticipated comedy Yolo hit theaters across China on Feb 10, the first day of the Lunar New Year. It is now leading the domestic movie box office. According to Douban, “YOLO”     4     (adapt) from the 2014 Japanese movie “100 Yen Love”. This movie is comedian-actress-director Jia Ling’s sophomore feature, three years after her 2021 directorial debut box-office blockbuster “Hi, Mom” for which she holds the record as the world’s highest grossing female movie director.

Topics related     5     Jia’s stunning weight loss were dominating Weibo such as “full record of Jia’s losing weight journey” and “Jia Ling totally shocked me,” as netizens discuss     6     it is time to develop a more balanced habit starting from the Spring Festival.

“Her achievement is quite     7     (inspire) and     8     deserves a movie ticket,” moviegoer Li Qiaoya,     9       regularly visits the gym to lose weight, told the Global Times on Sunday. “I feel     10     (guilt) for eating too much during the Spring Festival already.”

【知识点】 其他著名人物


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇新闻报道。文章报道了Julia Hawkins在周六的短跑比赛中成为第一位在她105岁以上年龄组中创造世界纪录的美国人。

Julia Hawkins is showing everyone that age is just a number. Now 105, Hawkins is taking the track and field world by storm. On Saturday, she     1     (become) the first female track and field athlete and first American     2     (set) a world record in the 100-meter dash for her age group of 105+. She ran it in 1:02. 95.

Hawkins said, “The older you get, the more passions you ought to have.     3     (keep) active is one of my most important passions. I am     4     (frequent) thinking, ‘Why am I left here?’ ‘Why haven’t I been called by now’. People say that they want to be just like me     5     they grow up. And I think if I can please people and give them hope, then it’s worth living     6     (long). ”

“I believe in magic moments, thinking of     7     (thing) that you see and do and feel that more than just usual. They’re absolutely out of this world, they’re so unusual and     8     (wonder), ” she said. “Every time I race it’s     9     magic moment. ”

Hawkins began competing     10     sprints (短跑)five years ago at the ripe age of 100. She set a world record for the 100-meter dash for the 100—104 age group with a time of just over 39 seconds.

2022-05-13更新 | 97次组卷
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Researcher Yuan Xin learned from a young age that to make a difference, he would need his brain to do     1    heavy lifting. A childhood accident cost Yuan Xin his right arm. Yet, the 27-year-old from a small village in Xianning city, Hubei province,     2     (take) it in his life and never looked back since then. With his     3     (remain) hand, Yuan has come up with unique designs and patents (专利)     4     have earned him more than 60 prizes and awards. “One of the most     5     (impress) experiences is winning second prize at the Challenge Cup in 2019,” says Yuan, who is now pursuing his doctoral degree in computer science at the Wuhan University of Science and Technology. By the way, the Challenge Cup contest     6     (found) in 1989 and is regarded among Chinese college students     7     the Olympics of science and technology. In fact, it is the influence of his family’s spirit of     8     (persevere) and an attitude of never giving up in the face of a challenge, that pulls     9     (he) through difficulties. “Although there might be many difficult situations and     10     (competition) to face, you will make progress as long as you work for it,” he says.

2022-11-12更新 | 57次组卷
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Edgar Snow was an American journalist     1     wrote influential books and articles about China in the 1930s. At a time when     2    (relative) little was known about our country in the Western world, his 1937 book Red Star over China broke ideological boundaries by     3    (tell) the story of the Chinese communist movement from the inside.

Although Snow was not the only international journalist     4    (set) foot in China during the early decades of the 20th century, what set him apart     5     the others was that he actually spent time with the Chinese Red Army. He listened to     6    (they) stories and observed their day-to-day lives, as well as conducting interviews with Mao Zedong and other     7    (leader). His accounts and depictions of historical events     8    (capture) the spirit of the period and the people living through it. He is considered “our American friend”.

I admire Snow’s special insight and     9    (brave), risking his life during the war to get to the heart of the story and correct prejudice. I think his Red Star over China is     10     must-read for anyone with an interest in that period.

2023-05-21更新 | 69次组卷
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