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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:109 题号:22112983
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The library was typically so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. But on this Wednesday afternoon, there was a roar of laughter that spread through the halls. It was coming from a table in the back. Books were piled so high that one could barely see the source of all the noise. Brian and Josie were hiding behind the mountain of history texts, their faces bright red from laughing.

Mrs Cane, the librarian, followed the laughter and then approached the table. As she cleared her throat and looked over the piles of books, Brian and Josie looked up to meet her gaze. Mrs Cane looked at the books, then at the kids. “And what is it you two are supposed to be working on?”

Brian hesitated a moment, and then answered, “We’re working on a paper for our history class.”

“I see,” Mrs Cane said harshly. “Perhaps one of the private reading rooms would be a better place for you to concentrate and study. Quietly.”

The kids collected their books and their backpacks and followed Mrs Cane down a long hallway until they got to a dark row of doors. Mrs Cane pulled out a ring of keys from her pocket and unlocked a door. She turned on the light, which shone brightly overhead. The kids placed their books on the dusty table and reluctantly (不情愿地) climbed into the chairs. Brian and Josie shrugged (耸肩) and opened their books, finally focusing on the project at hand.

Time was ticking away. After what seemed like hours, Brian and Josie decided to take a break and when Josie opened the door of the room, Brian’s eyes opened wide. The library was completely dark. Looking at his watch, he let out a gasp. “It’s 9:30! The library closed an hour ago!”

Paragraph 1:

Brian looked through his backpack for his cellphone.

Paragraph 2:

They heard a noise that sounded like a telephone ringing.

23-24高一下·湖北·阶段练习 查看更多[4]
【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Madison stared through the window and watched a bird fly across the sky. She thought, “How I wish I were a bird, with total freedom and no math class to sit in.” She sighed and wondered how warm it was outside. She thought of her horse, Star. She planned to brush him before riding him after school. Somewhere, someone was saying her name, but it seemed so faraway. The bird continued to float through the air.

“Madison, Madison! Hand in the math homework! “

Madison jumped. She turned back toward the class to find everyone laughing. It turned out that she was daydreaming again.

Madison searched her schoolbag, but found no homework. Mr. Smith was about to criticize her when Doctor Landon came in. He was a veterinarian (兽医) and would deliver a speech as part of the Career Exploration program.

Madison looked at the clock. One more hour and it would be time to go home.

She tried to focus as Doctor Landon talked about how important math and science were and how he struggled with them when he was a kid. She glanced out the window and tried to remember where she left her riding boots. Doctor Landon was still talking but she lost track of what he was saying. Then a word caught her attention. Horse. Was he talking about horses? She paid attention as he spoke.

“I love being a veterinarian because I love animals, especially horses and I enjoy freedom. Specializing on horses gave me the chance to be outside all day, moving from place to place in our community. Do any of you have horses?”

Madison raised her hand, “I do! I have a big Quarter Horse.”

“Where do you live?” the doctor asked.

“On Anderson road.”

“Is your horse Star?”


“Yes,” Madison answered, surprised he knew that.


Having a dream planted in her heart, she changed her original plan after school.

2023-01-13更新 | 193次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

After his wife passed away, Stewart had to take on all the parental responsibilities, and it also meant paying for all the expenses alone. When his twin sons’ 7th birthday came, he couldn’t buy them the gifts they wanted. When his daughter was laughed at because of her worn-out shoes, he couldn’t buy her a pair of new shoes immediately. Stewart felt sorry that he could not give his children a good life, so he tried his best to look after them well and worked more than one shift (换班) a day to give them as happy a life as possible.

When Christmas came that year, Stewart tried to prepare the children’s favorite food because he had no extra money for individuals gifts. Gregory, Sean and Lucy were disappointed but they didn’t want to ruin the day. After having dinner together, the kids went outside to build a huge snowman and had a snowball fight with their dad. That was their family tradition on Christmas Eve Many years passed, and Stewart’s children had their own families. Although they all lived in the same city, they seldom came back and celebrated Christmas with Stewart because they were always busy working.

Stewart would sit in a chair alone, recalling their happy time in the past. One year, Stewart once more sent his children an invitation to spend Christmas together. “Maybe they’ll accept my invitation this year,” he thought.

Stewart waited nervously on Christmas Eve, but no one appeared. Stewart became sad. Just then he heard a short knock on the door. He answered the door excitedly, only to find his grandson Tim—Sean’s son—alone at the door.

“What a surprise!” Stewart smiled. “How did you get here alone?”

Tim said sadly, “Even on Christmas Eve, my parents ignore me. They’re too busy with work. I know how much you love Christmas, so I decided to walk here.”

To cheer Tim up, Stewart decided to get dressed and build a snowman with him. The two walked outside even though Stewart’s doctor warned he would suffer a heart attack if he stayed outdoors for long in cold weather.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1: Anyway, Stewart was determined to make his grandson glad.
Paragraph 2: Hours later; Stewart woke up in hospital, seeing all his children standing around his bed.
2023-12-28更新 | 102次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Hannah was my best friend, and our bond went beyond mere friendship; we were inseparable. Whether we were exploring new places, laughing until our stomachs hurt, or comforting each other during tough times, our connection grew stronger than anything else in the world. We shared secrets, countless adventures, and, most importantly, our dreams. Both of us aspired to be actresses, and our personalities were equally strong. We were determined and ambitious, always striving to be the best in everything we did.

One day, our school announced an important drama festival, and the highlight of the event was the selection of the leading lady. Hannah and I both set our sights on this prestigious role. As the audition(试镜) approached, our friendship faced a significant test.

The day of the audition arrived, and the tension between us was obvious. We both delivered outstanding performances that left the judges impressed. However, when the final decision was announced, I was devastated to hear that Hannah had been chosen as the leading lady.

The aftermath of the announcement was challenging for me. My ego got the better of me, and I couldn’t handle the overwhelming feeling of being left out. As I saw everyone around us celebrating Hannah’s success, I felt a wave of shame washing over me. Unable to hold back my tears, I impulsively ran out of the audition hall.

Moments later, my phone rang, and I saw that it was Hannah calling. She must have known that I had left. I hesitated, unsure of what to say to her.


In confusion, I ended up hanging up the phone without a word.


On the day of the performance, I took up the courage to attend Hannah’s play.

2023-12-05更新 | 111次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般