组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事 > 生活故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:66 题号:22136380

In the quiet of the earthquake shelter, I found myself calling out to a nameless cat, hoping for the familiar sound of a meow or the sight of a black and white figure running toward me. My worry grew as time passed, realizing that the cat I had been feeding for months, the highlight of my day, was nowhere to be seen.

Our unlikely friendship began on a cold night as I sat on those same cement (水泥) steps, rain soaking through my pants. The only light came from my last cigarette, exposing the pieces of a broken picture frame and a handwritten letter illustrating the consequences of the earthquake on my computer screen. Having experienced the impact of an explosion in the earthquake, I returned home with a severe brain injury and PTSD, facing challenges in adapting at Fort Riley, Kansas. Anxiety seized me, and each day felt like a struggle. That night, as I wrestled with the pain of depression with the last drag of my cigarette, a faint “Meow?” echoed through the darkness.

A small black and white kitten with round green eyes emerged from the bushes, wet and seeking shelter. Fearlessly, he approached me, rubbing against my legs. As I reached down to pet him, he leaned into my touch, purring (猫的呼噜声). In that moment, tears blending with the rain on my face, I found an unexpected companion. The kitten stood there, as if understanding my desperate need for companionship.

Looking into his eyes, I realized he was a wanderer. The plan to end it all was briefly set aside; now, my mission was to find him food. The cigarette was forgotten as I stood up, determined to tackle his problems since I couldn’t face my own.

A routine developed—daily visits to the back steps with a packet of tuna (金枪鱼) and a paper plate. The kitten, a source of comfort and purpose, became more than just a reason to live. Over time, he inspired me to seek help for my depression and find the confidence to enter a serious relationship with Becky, a high school classmate from Pittsburgh.

Despite the fear of losing my new found companion, roll call and the early morning darkness forced me indoors. Worried that I had seen the last of him, I called Becky, expressing my concerns. The hope of his return remained, but he never did.

One day, Becky and I found an animal adoption event near the base, surrounded by various cats.
In July 2009, Scout moved with me to Pittsburgh.
【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

My brother, Brett, is seven years younger than I am. When I was six, my parents took me on a vacation to tell me Brett was coming. They made it an event. Mom was worried I was going to be upset. She wasn't sure how I would handle a new baby demanding her attention. But I was thrilled to tell her I would be the big protector.

As it turned out, Brett didn't need any protecting. He's a hearty boy. He's everything I had never been. I kept waiting for the day when Brett would come home from school crying and I would march over to some kid's house to teach him a lesson. It never happened. Brett didn't need me.

We're raised very differently. I was raised by my mother. Brett was more of a Dad's kid. He grew up wanting to hunt and play in the woods with guns. Everything Dad loved; Brett loved. Dogs. Sports cars. Brett wanted to be Dad.

When we became closer, Dad died. As soon as the nurse told me Dad had passed away, I bolted from my chair and ran to find Brett. He was in the waiting room of the hospital, pacing. I rushed up and hugged him. I was crying. He knew immediately what that meant. He sank to the floor.

I wanted to be the one who told Brett. I don't know exactly why. I just wanted it to be me; I wanted to be there for him. I had this feeling that for the first time in his life, he might really need his big brother.

Right before he died, Dad bought a brand-new pewter (青灰色的) Firebird. That car was how he showed Brett his deepest love. The problem was, after Dad died, we couldn't afford the car. The payment was too high, as was insuring (给…保险) it for a teenage boy. Mom told Brett we had to sell it, which was tough. Understanding, Brett gave the Firebird up. But it's another piece of Dad that had slipped away.

Paragraph 1:

Having made money a year later, I was going home for Christmas, an idea in mind.

Paragraph 2:

When people asked me which was the happiest of my life, I always thought back to that Christmas Eve.

2021-06-12更新 | 36次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

A Great Coach in My Life

I started to love running at a young age. I loved to race my dad and my sister around the backyard. I couldn’t wait until I got older so I could run in the Olympics and win lots of medals.

One day Dad showed me an advertisement for a yearly race in a newspaper. “Would you be interested in entering this race?” he asked me. pointing to the advertisement. “Yes. of course.” I answered.

I spent the next few days practicing for my big race with Dad coaching me. He set up a table in the backyard so he could supply me with water and time me.

On the day of the race I spent a lot of the morning practicing. My nervous excitement gave me much energy.

When Dad and I arrived at the race. I registered and got a number to pin on my back. Just before the race began. Dad whispered in my ear, “Don’t use up all your energy at the beginning of the race. You need to have energy so you can speed up at the end.”

The starting whistle sounded. Following Dad’s advice. I didn’t run as fast as I could. Then the other runners started passing me, which made me nervous. I began to feel tired, and I’d only just reached the first bend in the track. I started slowing down and breathing harder.

Then I heard, “Come on. Kelly! You can do it! Keep running!”

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dad running beside me around the outside of the track.

I took a deep breath and tried to speed forward. Dad continued running beside me. shouting encouraging words.

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It would be nice to end this story by saying that I won the race, but I came fifth.
Dad not only saw my success as a race winner, but is also my coach in other aspects of my life.
2022-01-27更新 | 138次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Mrs. Green in Room 301

The notice was posted next to the mailboxes in the apartment building I’d just moved into in Brooklyn, New York. “A Mitzvah for Mrs. Green,” it read. “Sign up to drive Mrs. Green in Room 301 from her chemotherapy(化疗) treatments twice a month.”

Since I wasn’t a driver, I couldn’t add my name, but the word “mitzvah” lingered in my thoughts. It means “to do a good deed”. According to my grandmother, it also had another meaning. This was the one she was always pointing out to me because she noticed how shy I was about letting people do things for me. “Linda, it’s a blessing to do a mitzvah for someone else, but sometimes it’s a blessing to let another person do something for you.”

Three weeks later, on the night of taking my final exam, the snow was falling steadily for hours. Pride would not let me knock on a door and say, “It’s a 10-minute ride by car but a long wait for the bus, and it’s a 30-minute bus ride, so could you possibly give me a lift to school?” So I trudged (艰难地走) to the bus stop. For an hour, I prayed desperately that a bus would come. Then I gave up. The wind at my back pushed me toward home and I seemed to hear Grandma’s whisper: Ask someone for a lift! It could be a mitzvah. That idea had never really made sense to me. And even if I wanted to ask someone for a good deed, there wasn’t a soul on the street.

But as I pushed the door of my apartment building open, I found myself face to face with a woman at the mailbox. In that split second, desperation overcame pride, “Could you possibly give me a lift?” I hurriedly said, feeling quite awkward and uncomfortable, “I never ask anybody for a lift, but...” An odd look crossed the woman’s face, and I added, “Oh! I live in Room 401. I moved in recently!”


Then, without hesitation, she said, “Of course.”


Back home, I happened to know Grandma Alice was Mrs. Green!

2024-05-27更新 | 66次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般