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Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry

•One of the most important

    1    performers.

•Born on,     2    , 1926 in Missouri.

His music career

•He was introduced to music at school     3    .

•In 1955, the song Maybellene had become popular across the country.

•In 1958, he opened his own     4    .

Throughout the 1960s, he wrote a lot of popular songs.

•On his 90th birthday, he had plans to     5     a new album for his wife.

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【知识点】 艺术家


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The Man’s Biography



    1    Left school.
In 1960Wrote his first novel Rag Doll.
In 1961Went to Indonesia and stayed there for     2    .
In 1965Met his wife.
In 1970    3     in the west of England.
In 1973Started making     4    .
    5    His second novel came out.
2024-03-13更新 | 4次组卷
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