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A skywell, or “tian jing” in Chinese, is a typical feature of a traditional home in Southern and Eastern China. They are commonly seen in homes     1     (date) to the Ming and Qing dynasties, which     2     (design) to house different generations of relatives. Despite their varied sizes and designs, these skywells are typically square and located in     3     heart of the house. They serve to allow in light, enhance airflow, and harvest rainwater.

Since decades ago, the government     4     (advocate) green buildings, promoting environmentally-friendly practice. The increased interest towards traditional Chinese architecture is leading to the restoration of historic buildings with skywells     5     modern use. Architects are also looking towards the principles behind skywells while designing new buildings     6     (save) energy. The Dongguan TBA Tower in Guangdong Province, for example, brings natural airflows into every floor with internal “windpipes”    7     function in a similar way to skywells. The aim is to keep the building's temperature     8     (comfort) in all seasons, using only natural airflow.

The fact that skywells still exist today shows     9     clever ancient builders were in using nature's elements to create energy-sufficient and sustainable living spaces. These timeless architectural     10     (wonder) continue to inspire architects in their efforts to find green solutions for cooling homes and buildings.

【知识点】 中国文化与节日 建筑


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Dressed in long robes, a crowd of young people wanders around royal gardens, with their flowing sleeves (衣袖)     1     (gentle) swaying in the breeze. They are not actors nor actresses in a movie set, but Hanfu fans in a themed event     2     (hold) in Beijing.

“Over a decade ago, Hanfu fashion was a subculture, but relevant     3     (activity) often draw thousands of participants these days,” said Liu Xiang, an organizer of the event.

Hanfu,     4     was a traditional style of clothing worn by the Han people, nowadays enjoys a growing     5     (popular) among young Chinese people, including Liu. Liu is a co-founder of a Hanfu community in Beijing. This community, called Hua Yan Hui,     6     (found) in 2011 following a Hanfu revival (复兴) movement that emerged from growing cultural confidence and the desire     7     (express) national identity. Since then, he has been volunteering to support the group.

“My passion     8     Hanfu came from two of my friends who love traditional Chinese clothing,” Liu said. Her interest grew as she learned more about     9     culture behind it and acquired her first Hanfu costume. Currently, more and more young people wear the adjusted Hanfu with the belief     10     the best way to preserve tradition is to adapt it to modern life.

2023-06-05更新 | 79次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Kite flying dated from China and became popular around the country. With a long history, it is considered as the    1     (early) aircraft we have ever known. Kites were used for military purposes in the very beginning, such as measurement and signaling. Later kite flying gradually became     2     outdoor activity for recreation as well as art and     3     (be) warmly welcome for centuries.

In the past, people fastened bamboo-made whistles onto a kite. While     4     (fly) through the wind, it produced sound like the music produced by gu-zheng,     5     is a traditional Chinese instrument. Therefore, kite has     6     (it) modern name as feng zheng

In the 7th century, kite     7     (introduce) to neighboring countries including Korea and Japan. Around the 13th century, Marco Polo introduced it to Europe and Arab countries.

Around the Qingming Festival, usually on early April, many people fly kites in public squares. The sky is dotted with kites of different     8     (design), such as dancing butterflies, bounding dragons, and swimming fish. When people look at those kites, they feel as if they were flying away with the kites to escape the noisy world and step into the nature with their body and soul. Besides, it is a way for people to pray     9     blessings and fortune.

The traditional Chinese kite expresses harmony between human and nature, a long-held belief     10     (treasure) by the Chinese people.

2024-01-17更新 | 36次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

What is culture? Culture is the shared characteristics and knowledge of a group of people,     1     (include) their language, religion, food, social habits. music and arts. The word “culture” has     2     (it) root from the Latin “culture”, which is related to the meaning of “growth”.

A number of historical events     3     (help) shape Western culture in the past 2, 500 years. The fall of Rome cleared the way for the establishment of a series of states in Europe. The Black Death of the 1300 cut the population of Europe by one-third,     4     remade the society. Gradually, Christianity became the strength of all religions in Europe. Then the trade between East and West allowed Europeans     5     (explore) North and South America.

Eastern culture generally refers to the traditions in Asian     6     (country). Like the West, Eastern culture was heavily influenced by religion during its early development, but later it     7     (influence) by the agricultural development significantly.

    8     culture differs from area to area, one thing is for certain: Cultures change. “Culture plays     9     important role in our interconnected world,” De Rossi said. “But it is no longer fixed. Culture is     10     (constant) moving and essentially fluid.”

2022-05-08更新 | 117次组卷
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